Madyamuru project lies in Madyamhuru village which is 3,5 km from Muhume Business Center. The village has a total of 46 households and a total population of approximately 300 people.
Like the other areas in Zimbabwe, wetlands constitute an important resource that mitigates against acute food shortages and they provide a source of water for livestock watering. However, due to poor and improper management of wetlands in Murewa, there has been a subsequent drying up of the wetlands. In addition, this has been due to the fact tat communities lack the technical skills and knowledge on how to rehabilitate and sustainably utilise these wetlands.
The goal of the project is improved biodiversity in terms of flora and fauna of the wetlands ecosystem through protection and sustainable use for livelihood improvement.
The objectives of the project include the following:
1) To rehabilitate, revitalize and protect Madyamhuru wetland measuring 30 hectares in extent through introduction of sustainable farming practices, water management techniques and integrated catchment protection
2) To improve livelihoods and generate income through production of horticultural crops, adoption of agro-forestry approaches and beekeeping
3) To raise awareness on wetlands protection and use and to empower communities with skills and knowledge on wetlands management
1) Mobilization of Madyamhuru community for planning and action through the implementation of their activities
2) Training of village members in wetland protection and management
3) Installation of mechanical water harvesting systems to improve and control the flow of water in the wetland
4) Conduct leadership training to strengthen the communities in managing their projects
5) Conduct an exchange visit to Maplan and Dufuya who have successfully managed and utilized their wetlands
6) Engage in beekeeping to improve livelihoods and income generation
7) Engage in herb production and indigenous crops to help some of the members of the group who are affected with HIV/AIDS
A comprehensive monitoring and evaluation matrix will be developed that will provide the framework for monitoring and evaluation work. Some of the essential tools that will be used include the following:
1) Baseline data collection
The collection of baseline data will be done in the initial stages of project implementation in a participatory way.This will enable the project participants to have an inventory and take stock of their project and the current status of both their environment and the socio-economic issues. Hence all relevant information about Madyamhuru prior programme intervention will be collected.
2) Training using participatory methodologies
Some of the techniques to be used include Focus Group Discussions during planning, monitoring and evaluation exercises. In addition, progress review and lesson learning and sharing meetings will be an important tool in show-casing and encouraging best practice cases.
3) Project Site Visits
Besides self monitoring by the groups themselves, there will also be regular project site visits by GEFSGP and the other implementing partners like CIDA and Zimbabwe Freedom From Hunger Campaign.
4) Documentation of Lessons Learnt
The project will capture and document any relevant issues and lessons learnt that will be useful for replication or scaling up of programme. The documented information will be shared with other organizations and communities through networks such as SADNET that is co-ordinated by SAFIRE of which ZFFHC i.e the facilitating insttution is a member.
1) 30 hectares of the wetland rehabilitated, revitalized and protected for horticultural crop production benefiting 150 households in Madyamhuru by end of June 2007.
2) Mechanical water harvesting systems installed in the wetland and irrigating 100 gardens by May 2006.
3) At least 20 network members trained and engaged in beekeeping and fish farming within the wetland by June 2006.
4) Madyamhuru and Chimusoro community well capacitated and able to manage their wetland ecosystem in a sustainable way.
5) At least 100 community members with the majority being women trained on wetland management and protection skills including water harvesting, production and marketing aspects.
1) Increased environmental awareness and knowledge among community members on the importance of wetlands, water harvesting, use of organic manure and agro-forestry approaches
2) Improved biodiversity demonstrated by increased plant varieties through community conservation and rehabilitation work
3) Improvement in food security through all year round production of horticultural crops for enhancing food security.
Improved biodiversity in terms of flora and fauna in the wetlands ecosystem together with improved access to fresh water for both domestic and livestock purposes. Quality of life enhanced due to improved productivity resulting in food security and incomes increased through income generation activities that include beekeeping and horticultural production.
In addition, Madyamhuru project, a best practice case useful for scaling up and replication in the whole district where there are wetlands that need rehabilitation.
Madyamuru project lies in Madyamhuru village which is 3,5 km from Muhume Business Center. The village has a total of 46 households and a total population of approximately 300 people.
Like the other areas in Zimbabwe, wetlands constitute an important resource that mitigates against acute food shortages and they provide a source of water for livestock watering. However, due to poor and improper management of wetlands in Murewa, there has been a subsequent drying up of the wetlands. In addition, this has been due to the fact tat communities lack the technical skills and knowledge on how to rehabilitate and sustainably utilise these wetlands.
The goal of the project is improved biodiversity in terms of flora and fauna of the wetlands ecosystem through protection and sustainable use for livelihood improvement.
The objectives of the project include the following:
1) To rehabilitate, revitalize and protect Madyamhuru wetland measuring 30 hectares in extent through introduction of sustainable farming practices, water management techniques and integrated catchment protection
2) To improve livelihoods and generate income through production of horticultural crops, adoption of agro-forestry approaches and beekeeping
3) To raise awareness on wetlands protection and use and to empower communities with skills and knowledge on wetlands management
1) Mobilization of Madyamhuru community for planning and action through the implementation of their activities
2) Training of village members in wetland protection and management
3) Installation of mechanical water harvesting systems to improve and control the flow of water in the wetland
4) Conduct leadership training to strengthen the communities in managing their projects
5) Conduct an exchange visit to Maplan and Dufuya who have successfully managed and utilized their wetlands
6) Engage in beekeeping to improve livelihoods and income generation
7) Engage in herb production and indigenous crops to help some of the members of the group who are affected with HIV/AIDS
A comprehensive monitoring and evaluation matrix will be developed that will provide the framework for monitoring and evaluation work. Some of the essential tools that will be used include the following:
1) Baseline data collection
The collection of baseline data will be done in the initial stages of project implementation in a participatory way.This will enable the project participants to have an inventory and take stock of their project and the current status of both their environment and the socio-economic issues. Hence all relevant information about Madyamhuru prior programme intervention will be collected.
2) Training using participatory methodologies
Some of the techniques to be used include Focus Group Discussions during planning, monitoring and evaluation exercises. In addition, progress review and lesson learning and sharing meetings will be an important tool in show-casing and encouraging best practice cases.
3) Project Site Visits
Besides self monitoring by the groups themselves, there will also be regular project site visits by GEFSGP and the other implementing partners like CIDA and Zimbabwe Freedom From Hunger Campaign.
4) Documentation of Lessons Learnt
The project will capture and document any relevant issues and lessons learnt that will be useful for replication or scaling up of programme. The documented information will be shared with other organizations and communities through networks such as SADNET that is co-ordinated by SAFIRE of which ZFFHC i.e the facilitating insttution is a member.
1) 30 hectares of the wetland rehabilitated, revitalized and protected for horticultural crop production benefiting 150 households in Madyamhuru by end of June 2007.
2) Mechanical water harvesting systems installed in the wetland and irrigating 100 gardens by May 2006.
3) At least 20 network members trained and engaged in beekeeping and fish farming within the wetland by June 2006.
4) Madyamhuru and Chimusoro community well capacitated and able to manage their wetland ecosystem in a sustainable way.
5) At least 100 community members with the majority being women trained on wetland management and protection skills including water harvesting, production and marketing aspects.
1) Increased environmental awareness and knowledge among community members on the importance of wetlands, water harvesting, use of organic manure and agro-forestry approaches
2) Improved biodiversity demonstrated by increased plant varieties through community conservation and rehabilitation work
3) Improvement in food security through all year round production of horticultural crops for enhancing food security.
Improved biodiversity in terms of flora and fauna in the wetlands ecosystem together with improved access to fresh water for both domestic and livestock purposes. Quality of life enhanced due to improved productivity resulting in food security and incomes increased through income generation activities that include beekeeping and horticultural production.
In addition, Madyamhuru project, a best practice case useful for scaling up and replication in the whole district where there are wetlands that need rehabilitation.
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Project Snapshot
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 36,651.93
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 5,000.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 29,922.19
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
After improving and controlling the water flow in the wetland through installation of mechanical water harvesting systems, the major objective is to increase agricultural production in an effort to improve livelihoods. The different crops to be grown include indigenous vegetables, herbs, bananas, sugar cane and barna grass for their livestock. They are also going to engage in bee-keeping.
Notable Community Participation
Madyamhuru has a total of 46 households and approximately a total population of 340 people. All the participating households have been actively invlolved in proposal development and coming up with the activities and priorities for implementation especially with regards to rehabilitation and revitalisation of Madyamhuru wetland.
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Hectares of globally significant biodiversity area protected or sustainably managed by project
Number of local policies informed in biodiversity focal area
Number of CBOs / NGOs participated / involved in SGP project
Number of women participated / involved in SGP project
Number of indigenous people participated/involved in SGP project
Innovative financial mechanisms put in place through SGP project
Total monetary value (US dollars) of ecosystem goods sustainably produced and providing benefit to project participants and/or community as a whole (in the biodiversity, international waters, and land degradation focal areas as appropriate)
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SGP Country office contact
Ms. Tsitsi Wutawunashe
(263) 700946
Luckson Chapungu
P.O. Box 4775
Harare, AFRICAN REGION, 264-4-
Harare, AFRICAN REGION, 264-4-
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