Enabling 100 farmers in the northern area of the West Bank to produce chemicals free agricultural products
The project will work in three parallel steps with 100 farmers in Tulkarm (Jabrah & Dair Sl Ghssoun villages) and Qalqilya (Bait Amin & Azzoun villages) in the north of the West Bank; to enhance farmers capacities to use alternative agricultural pest controlling techniques to conserve soil fertility and eliminate land degradation through;
Conducting 6 training workshops and disseminating information on safe agricultural products.
Providing incentives for 100 farmers through distributing biological pesticides e.g. Nimex, Trichoderama, Garlic BT, bumble bees for pollination and Nylon for soil solarization.
And, promoting safe products in the local market by raising customers? awareness on the negative impact of excessive use of the chemicals through producing one TV spot, a documentary film and distributing 17000 identification labels for the product.
Conducting 6 training workshops and disseminating information on safe agricultural products.
Providing incentives for 100 farmers through distributing biological pesticides e.g. Nimex, Trichoderama, Garlic BT, bumble bees for pollination and Nylon for soil solarization.
And, promoting safe products in the local market by raising customers? awareness on the negative impact of excessive use of the chemicals through producing one TV spot, a documentary film and distributing 17000 identification labels for the product.
Project Snapshot
Arab Center for Agricultural Development
Palestine, State of
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 41,527.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 23,950.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 500.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Project sustainability
Long term Benefits
1. -Improving the reputation of Palestinian products in the market nationally and internationally and give the opportunity for International marketing
2. - Maintenance of ag. Biodiversity
3. Elimination of Ground and surface water contamination
4. -Technical capacity building (IPM module) of producing healthy products.
5. Protecting ozone and participating in the International effort and excluding this dangerous substance and others from the Palestinian market
6. Elimination of health risk
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Number of CBOs / NGOs participated / involved in SGP project
Total monetary value (US dollars) of ecosystem goods sustainably produced and providing benefit to project participants and/or community as a whole (in the biodiversity, international waters, and land degradation focal areas as appropriate)
SGP Country office contact
Ms. Nadia Zuhair Elkhodary
UNDP, 4A Ya'quibi Street, P.O. Box 51359
Jerusalem, via Israel
Jerusalem, via Israel
Visit the Palestine, State of Country Page