Nhamatanda fuel fences and biodiesel project by planting Jatropha trees for biodiesel production in Gorongosa, Nhamatanda and Chimoio Districts
Nhamatanda fuel fences and biodiesel project by planting Jatropha trees for biodiesel production in Gorongosa, Nhamatanda and Chimoio Districts
Destruction of forest cover along the Beira ? Chimoio corridor road is notorious and increasing. The project will aim to establish a biodiesel production skim through Jatropha oil. A Jatropha tree nursery will be established, and tree fences will be used to protect community farming areas of ten communities. In future Jatropha trees will provide firewood, and its seeds oil. Community members will receive rope pumps to secure a continuous multiplication. The project will also disseminate the use of improved stoves that will save firewood.

Sofala province faces high levels of HIV-AIDS contamination, is one of the poorest provinces, and faces food security problems. The project will adopt solutions to improve livelihoods, promote sustainable use of natural resources in benefit of nature and communities.

the project will rise awareness on the need to reduce consumption levels of fossil fuels, that impact on greenhouse effect, to be replaced by renewable energy sources.

Project Snapshot

Ajuda de Desenvolvimento do Povo para Povo
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 28,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 10,360.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 5,250.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed

SGP Country office contact

Ms Luisa Victoria Hele
+258 21481439
+258 21491691


UNDP CO Mozambique (GEF UNDP / SGP), Av. Kenneth Kaunda 931
Maputo, RBA, 4595

Country Website
