DAL orchid project to establish an orchid farm for conservation and eco-tourism purposes to promote native orchid conservation and eco-enterprises
The NGO & CBO will design and develop the DAL orchid farming project proposal. The NGO will collate baseline data on the CITIES and NON- CITIES orchid species, regulatory processes by the government and conduct training sessions as the capacity building components the project. The proponents and the government department responsible for the conservation, preservation and sustainable developmen of the natural environmental resources will work in collaboration to design and develop the proposal.
The current threat is the depletion of the native orchids from the clearing of forested areas for gardening and the pressure of the growing population for more cleared land areas to build houses and other buildings that are necessary for their livelihood.
The planning grant will be utilized for baseline data, technical advise correspondences and administration tasks to design and develop the complete proposal. The completed proposal is expected to be resubmitted to the NSC for full grant funding after June 2006.
The current threat is the depletion of the native orchids from the clearing of forested areas for gardening and the pressure of the growing population for more cleared land areas to build houses and other buildings that are necessary for their livelihood.
The planning grant will be utilized for baseline data, technical advise correspondences and administration tasks to design and develop the complete proposal. The completed proposal is expected to be resubmitted to the NSC for full grant funding after June 2006.
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Project Snapshot
Waghi Environmental Management & Development Awareness Inc.
Papua new guinea
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 1,986.01
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
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Ms. Tamalis Akus
+675 321 2877 Ext. 204
+675 321 1224
UNDP, P.O. Box 1041
Port Moresby, Pacific, 121
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