Torricelli Mountain Range Biodiversity Conservation & Research Study to carry out feasibility studies into the existence of the Tenkile native tree kangaroo & develop its conservation strategies.
The proponent will conduct research to gather data on the tree kangaroo, catagorized by the national government Department for Environment and Conservation as an endangered species, to collate these data and develop management strategies as well as establish conservation areas to protect these endangere tree species.
The project includes trainings, identification of rangers, publication of materials for awareness and strategic mechanisms to facilitate the conservation and developent of these endangered tree species. The project will conduct research of the tree kangaroo for scientific as well as information for the national government Department for Environment and Conservation, NGOs, general public, students and the local community etc.
The project includes trainings, identification of rangers, publication of materials for awareness and strategic mechanisms to facilitate the conservation and developent of these endangered tree species. The project will conduct research of the tree kangaroo for scientific as well as information for the national government Department for Environment and Conservation, NGOs, general public, students and the local community etc.
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Project Snapshot
Tenkile Conservation Alliance
Papua new guinea
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 11,042.84
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
Project Number:
Project Terminated Before Completion
Project Characteristics and Results
Significant Participation of Indigenous Peoples
* Tenkile Conservation Alliance (TCA) started its work in 2003-2004 and has trained Distance Sampling Officers and needs to train more.
* 18 villages are already under the TCA and agreed to establish the Torricelli Mountain Range as a Conservation Area.
* TCA staff and village members are expected to build capcacity and gain confidence to collect data, analysis data and understand or gain a better and greater perspective of what is happening to their unique and endemic mammal species.
Capacity - Building Component
* Trainings in research techniques and data analysis.
* Conduct distance sampling under NGO project coordinator, Jim Thomas, instructions.
* The training programs are designed to build the capacity of the local community to confidently conduct distance sampling so that the NGO will oversee the management and operations program of the project.
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Ms. Tamalis Akus
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+675 321 1224
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