Protection of European Pond Tortoise and Rare Amphibians in South Lithuania
Protection of European Pond Tortoise and Rare Amphibians in South Lithuania
An ongoing decline of European Pond Turtle Emys Orbicularis and Fire-belied toad Bombina Bombina is now documented throughout the South Lithuania. Decline of the Great crested newt Triturus Cristatus is suspected to happen in Lithuania ASWELL. Based on population genetic theories each of mentioned species population must reach a size of at least 500 individuals. However, today the populations of pond turtle are between 10 and 30 individuals. Restoring existing and creating new suitable habitats will significantly influence increase of the population. Improvement of habitats for Pond turtles also brings benefit for other threatened and rear amphibian species that share the same habitats.

The aim of the project is to conserve the populations of Pond turtles and threatened amphibian species of Fire-belied toad and the Great crested newt.

After small-scale genetic investigation and checking of new population sites the current population of pond tortoise will be evaluated. Based on these and previous observation nature management plan will be prepared. The plan will include recommendations for the restoration and improvement of the habitats. Ecological corridors between isolated populations will be set up as well. A network of small ponds will be created. This measure will allow an exchange of turtle individuals in the localities of Petroskos and Slavantai.

Involvement of rural communities is paid a big attention, as a some of the ponds will be dug out and other habitats? restoration measures will be installed in private land. This way sustainability of the activities will be ensured, as ponds? owners will be motivated to take care about their ponds. Local farmers will also get training on implementationon of agro-environmental measures, and procedures for the applying for the state subsidies. Moreover, local community will be employed for temporary works on project sites.

A big attention will be devoted for the education of local communities and the public about protection of reptiles and amphibians: informational materials will be published, the special recommendations on site management and guidelines for specialists will be prepared, a film about project area will be created and children painting competition, special competition of children?s environmental projects and annual Turtle day will be organized. Te results of the projects will be presented at the final seminar, which will be given a vide publicity: local and national stakeholders, including authorities, specialists of protected areas, and media will be invited.

The results achieved will contribute significantly for the restoration and creation of habitats for Pond turtles and threatened amphibians as well as extension of Natura 2000 sites. It will increase the size of these species? populations and secure their long-term viability.
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Project Snapshot

Lithuanian Fund for Nature
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 44,850.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 873,974.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 50,185.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Capacity - Building Component
During the project a significant investments will be done into restoration of the natural habitats in 7 localities in the area of 3000ha, and migration corridors will be established in the area of 100ha. This will allow further management of the habitats.
Planning non gef grant
The project is co-financed by EU Life Nature Programme. Co-funded activities will continue for 4 years.
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SGP Country office contact

Mrs. Inga Ringailaite
+370 5 2107415
+370 5 2124471


Lukiskiu st. 5-318
Vilnius, LT-011008

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