Conservation and sustainable use of indigenous fruit tree varietires of the low-lying delta agricultural ecosystem in Ly Nhan district, Ha Nam province
Ly Nhan is located in Ha Nam, a province in the Red River Delta of Viet Nam. The district has a rich plant genetic resources of the low-lying agro-ecosystem. Many species and varieties of fruit trees, such as bananas, citrus (orange, lemon, mandarin and grapefruit), and persimmon, are indigenous and of highly social and cultural values, and potential for commercial production. However, the genetic resources of indigenous fruit tree species and varieties of Ly Nhan District have significantly declined in terms of both quantity and quality.
The GEF/SGP project VN/02/002 was implemented in Hoa Hau and Van Ly Communes, in Ly Nhan District, Ha Nam Province. The project objective was to contribute to conserving indigenous fruit tree species and varieties of Ly Nhan District through developing an on-farm conservation model, which encourages farmers to participate in the agrobiodiversity conservation.
Despite good results of the project VN/02/002, due to constraints in time and funding, there remain some problems to be solved. The project has contributed to the conservation of the local varieties, but the sustainability and replicability of the project models is rather limited because of the following reasons.
1. The model of conservation and development of the local variety of mandarin in Van Ly Commune has not been completed.
2. Limited technical capacity of the community. The local capacity in production of local fruit trees has not met the needs for project expansion. Due to budget constraints, the project gave priority to capacity building only for the project participating households.
3. Technical guidelines on conservation and cultivation of these local varieties of the project have not been compiled and disseminated as planned.
4. The building of a plan on the conservation and development of local fruit trees varieties in Ly Nhan district is not yet complete.
In order to promote the sustainability and expansion of the project, the phase 2 project aims to address the limitations mentioned above by giving priority to the following issues.
1. On technical issues, attention is paid to the issues of seedlings and plant protection. In agricultural extension, the focus is on technical training for the community on the plant protection, the production of high quality of seedlings, and application of advanced cultivation techniques.
2. In order to expand the production of the local varieties of banana and mandarin, the project gives priority to build community capacity in production and marketing. It is necessary to form specialized teams managed by the communities with the technical support from relevant professional organizations to meet the needs of expanding production, support the local communities in producing seedlings, crop protection, apply advanced cultivation techniques and marketing. Attention is given to the building of capacity and management mechanism for the specialized teams to work efficiently.
3. The project develops the demonstration farming models of cultivation and production of banana and mandarin in the direction of commodity development.
4. The project develops a plan for conservation and development of local banana and mandarin in the direction of commodity development and sustainable use of natural resources of the agricultural ecosystem of the low-lying delta, linking production with processing and marketing, and integrating with the local programmes on change the crop plants structures, land redistribution. The project develops the brand for Dai Hoang banana, contributing to the marketing of the product.
5. Compile and disseminate project technical guidelines on conservation and development of local varieties of banana and mandarin.
The GEF/SGP project VN/02/002 was implemented in Hoa Hau and Van Ly Communes, in Ly Nhan District, Ha Nam Province. The project objective was to contribute to conserving indigenous fruit tree species and varieties of Ly Nhan District through developing an on-farm conservation model, which encourages farmers to participate in the agrobiodiversity conservation.
Despite good results of the project VN/02/002, due to constraints in time and funding, there remain some problems to be solved. The project has contributed to the conservation of the local varieties, but the sustainability and replicability of the project models is rather limited because of the following reasons.
1. The model of conservation and development of the local variety of mandarin in Van Ly Commune has not been completed.
2. Limited technical capacity of the community. The local capacity in production of local fruit trees has not met the needs for project expansion. Due to budget constraints, the project gave priority to capacity building only for the project participating households.
3. Technical guidelines on conservation and cultivation of these local varieties of the project have not been compiled and disseminated as planned.
4. The building of a plan on the conservation and development of local fruit trees varieties in Ly Nhan district is not yet complete.
In order to promote the sustainability and expansion of the project, the phase 2 project aims to address the limitations mentioned above by giving priority to the following issues.
1. On technical issues, attention is paid to the issues of seedlings and plant protection. In agricultural extension, the focus is on technical training for the community on the plant protection, the production of high quality of seedlings, and application of advanced cultivation techniques.
2. In order to expand the production of the local varieties of banana and mandarin, the project gives priority to build community capacity in production and marketing. It is necessary to form specialized teams managed by the communities with the technical support from relevant professional organizations to meet the needs of expanding production, support the local communities in producing seedlings, crop protection, apply advanced cultivation techniques and marketing. Attention is given to the building of capacity and management mechanism for the specialized teams to work efficiently.
3. The project develops the demonstration farming models of cultivation and production of banana and mandarin in the direction of commodity development.
4. The project develops a plan for conservation and development of local banana and mandarin in the direction of commodity development and sustainable use of natural resources of the agricultural ecosystem of the low-lying delta, linking production with processing and marketing, and integrating with the local programmes on change the crop plants structures, land redistribution. The project develops the brand for Dai Hoang banana, contributing to the marketing of the product.
5. Compile and disseminate project technical guidelines on conservation and development of local varieties of banana and mandarin.
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Project Snapshot
Women Union of Ly Nhan District
Viet nam
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 49,732.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 18,000.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 69,018.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
- Ly Nhan is the district in the low lying area of the north of Vietnam. In the 14 591 ha of agricultural land, riverside land accounted for 20%. Structure of plant and animal was diversified (plant varieties for lowland, crops, fruit trees, trees for the yard, healthy buffaloes, fish in Red River when flooding, fish, duck ...) . There were 13,848.2 hectares of rice land, soil for other crops accounted for 2944.2 ha, 1200ha area fruit, vegetable area of 1331.2 hectares and 1067.78 ha of ponds, lakes and rivers.
- Ly Nhan district had the local rare fruit such as Ngu bananas, persimon in Nhan Hau and mandarin in Van Ly. Banana models with 80 households in Hoa Hau had the area increased 88% compared to before participating in phase 1 of the project. Mandarin model in Van Ly was formed. Project was implemented in 3 communes.
- Van Ly Commune had an area of 525.37 ha in which was 363.3 ha agricultural land. Agricultural land was used to grow mulberry and other fruit trees, and the rest of lowland for rice and fish ponds. The area of fruit trees was 99.13 ha, including 12 species including mandarin. 70 households after participating in phase 1 of the project area had 1.2 ha for mandarin.
- - Hoa Hau commune had an area of 829.07 hectares of natural land in which agricultural land was 549.63 ha and population was 13,505 people. Agricultural land was planted with fruit trees, jute, rice and used for fish pond. There were also cattle, pigs, poultry and bees. Banana-growing area was 20.7 ha and persimon in Nhan Hau with 13.5 ha.
- Tien Thang commune had still 21.4% of poor households. Land for cultivation area was 300ha, of which about 200ha rice cultivation, yields of around 6 tons / year, 100 hectares of land growing bananas of all kinds, vegetables, beans and income of 60 million / ha / year. Land area was suitable for planting Ngu banana.
Notable Community Participation
- The project focused on community involvement. During proposal development, projects got knowledge, experience and practices of local people to make and consult on the most pressing needs and solutions to build the model.
- During the implementation, monitoring and evaluation, project had carried out the following activities:
+ to disseminate information on community projects, with community representatives who participated in the meeting of implementation, review and project completion
+ to facilitate community participation in the activities of the project. Project had loan mechanism to support community to buy seeds and supplies. Community voted households participating in the project on the basis of established criteria.
+ to facilitate community participation in monitoring, evaluating the performance and learn to apply to his family.
+ to raise the contribution of community effort in building models
+ to focuse on customary practices of communities to develop appropriate training content.
SGP Country office contact
Ms. Huyen Thu Thi NGUYEN
(84 24) 38500150
(84-24) 37265520
Ms. Ngoc Bich Kieu
One Green UN house, 304 Kim Ma district
Hanoi, 100000
Hanoi, 100000
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