Communty Partnership in order to Promote the Sustainable Tourism in Csomad-Balvanyos Micro-region
Communty Partnership in order to Promote the Sustainable Tourism in Csomad-Balvanyos Micro-region
The project?s purpose is the ecotourism promotion in order to bring incomes and resources without to damage the natural landscape, to grow (increase) the respect for its values and to incorporate the cultural and traditional values of the Csomad-Balvanyos micro-region.
Project?s objectives: Identification and development of a program and an ecotourism local product based on natural belongings and tradition in order to respect the nature in Csomad-Balvanyos micro-region. This will come true through involving of all interested actors ? economic agents, pension owners, local authorities, NGO-s and protected areas custodians. Result: a program and a ecotourism local product.
Protected areas promotions will be achieved through a printed material, and sites and tourism agents. Result: two tourist routes with theme in Csomat-Balvayos micro region (two birdwatchings, two eco-tourist halts, panels, and marks). Growth and diversify of number of tourists from country and foreign countries, through natural, cultural and historical belongings promotion of Csomad? Balvanyos micro-region. This will be possible through Eco-tourist Information Centre ? Tusnad Baths, through dissemination of printed materials (map ? eco-tourist booklet, informative leaflets), through tourism agencies, pensions, promotional package; promotion of a program and an ecoturistic product typical for the micro-region and through website. Saint Ana Lake ecological rehabilitation. First level - lake bottom mapping: will be done by teams of two divers each helped by key (guide) thread, mapping plate and azimuth reading and achievement of the map and the report regarding sub aquatic map, target areas, sub aquatic flora and fauna, comparison between existing and picked up database (information). Second level - lake bottom cleaning (waste - which cannot be degraded from natural point of view ? and its transport in special areas).
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Project Snapshot

Asociatia Csomad Balvanyos
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 28,098.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 7,520.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 11,600.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed

Photo Gallery

Project Characteristics and Results
Project sustainability
- The trained people on eco and agro tourism services are under certification procedure as tourism providers. - The locals will continue to provide eco/agro tourism services as an alternative income generation actitivy - The Organisation ACCENT assumed the maintanance and up-date of the website, and together with the other project's partners will prepare the necessary documents for the establishment of a Natural Park within Ciomad Balvanyos Microregion. - The local authorities will provide support for the maintenance of the tourism infrastructure created within the project.
Significant Participation of Indigenous Peoples
Achievement of two tourist routes with theme in Csomad-Balvayos micro-region, by Csomad-Balvanyos Association, in partnership with commercial societies involved in tourism activities, pensions owners, protected areas custodians, local authorities and volunteers.
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Hectares of globally significant biodiversity area protected or sustainably managed by project 29300
Number of CBOs / NGOs participated / involved in SGP project 4
Number of women participated / involved in SGP project 4500
Number of individuals (gender diaggregated) who have benefited* from SGP project 10500

SGP Country office contact

Mrs. Tania Mihu
+4 021 201 7827
+4 021 201 7828
Ms. Andreea Ihos
+4 021 201 7827
+4 021 201 7828


UN House, 48A Primaverii Blvd., sector 1