Preserving indigenous pear type Kadi (Uchkurganskiy) by creating nursery and plantings in Naukat region.
Preserving indigenous pear type Kadi (Uchkurganskiy) by creating nursery and plantings in Naukat region.
One of the unique types of pear Uchkurganskaya (Kadi) is under danger of dissappearance due to its unusual features and due to the economic profit. Local population is rather sell other types of fruits and berries due to that it brings more money. People are taking up the places where the pear used to grow and growing cherries and other fruits. The pear might dissappear which is a great ecological loss for environment. That is why the NGO "Kaymeroleco" has outlined its goal as a preservation of this type of pear. They have outlined several activities, which are organization of a pear "Kadi" nurseries and plantation of saplings on 17 hectares. The territory of the nursery is going to be fenced and information campaign is going to help to inform people about the ecological damage that the dissapearance may bring. The relevant information is going to be gathered and put together in the broshures and posters about the Kadi pear. Also the awareness is going to be increased with the round tables and seminars. The project is also going to have an economic benefits for the families that are involved in it.
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Project Snapshot

Public Foundation ?KayMerOl-Eco?
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 15,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 2,400.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 7,774.50
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
During training actions and information campaign it will be emphasized, that rehabilitation of former wood and bush vegetation, containing Red Book species is the direct contribution to preservation of global biodiversity.
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
Harvest of fruit-trees and bushes and also preparing jams, drying fruits and berries and as well as making souvenirs and musical instruments will give additional income to population. Collection of brushwoods in plantations, scraps of twigs will allow to reduce expenses for coal purchase.
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Hectares of globally significant biodiversity area protected or sustainably managed by project 17
Number of indigenous people participated/involved in SGP project 100
Number of households who have benefited* from SGP project 10

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Irina Talkambaeva


195 Kalyk Akiev str.