Organic Farming Practice For The Elimination Of Persistent Organic Pollutants PoPs and biodiversity conservation For selected Rural and Rural Communities in Zimbabwe- Phase 1
in Zimbabwe soil erosion is high and the use of agro chemicals particularly for tobacco the largest crop in Zimbabwe is rampant. this has left many areas infertile and with high POPs. the project is aimed at promoting proprietary technology that provide exception opportunities to mitigate against persistent organic pollutants and climate change by offering carbon sink while promoting extensive cropping using little external inputs.
with organic farming it is possible to eliminate inorganic fertilizers and chemical pesticides and insecticides that contribute to POPs
project goal
to bring the practice f organic agriculture as a reality on the ground in selected urban and rural communities by adopting self sustaining organic agricultural practice that works in partnership and harmony with nature based on minimum external inputs in accordance with the code of practice for accreditation to IFOAM and ISO 65 codes.
1. strengthened capacity for selected rural and urban communities to practice organic farming practice for the elimination of POPs and biodiversity conservation.
2. enhanced capacity for local rural communities to manage and sustain a wider gene bank and have organic crops and certified seed production and management systems for sustainability to benefit 500 farmers
3. developed farmer resource center for testing residual chemicals, persistent organic pollutants, wider gene bank and information resource center.
project activities
1. raise local appreciation and awareness of organic farming through a workshop and demonstration
2. build capacity of local community to make liquid manure for soil fertility and natural remedies for pest and diseases control
3. build capacity of local community to use local resources with minimum external inputs for organic farming including conservation farming and agroforestry
4. eradication program for evasive species and establish a code of field judging program in IFOAM and ISO65 codes of practice
5. build capacity for leadership and management training institutional capacity for farmers to operate as an organic farmers association.
7.conduct seed fairs
8. organic seed certification program for selected farmers by seed services authority
9. awareness raising and program publicity for stakeholders.
project results
1. increased biodiversity and reduced level of agrochemicals in farmers produce and processes of production.
2. improved health for chronic diseases associated with the use of agro chemicals
3. improved socio economic and living standards of men and women practicing organic farming
4.enhanced genebak and variety for food security for men and women
5.adoption of approved code of practice in organic farming.
1. improvement of livelihoods for men and women in chirimutsitu, marimba and tandi through commercializations of organic products.
2. increased adoption of organic farming and other sustainable technologies for productivity, sustainability and conservation of natural resources to internationally expected coeds of practice.
in Zimbabwe soil erosion is high and the use of agro chemicals particularly for tobacco the largest crop in Zimbabwe is rampant. this has left many areas infertile and with high POPs. the project is aimed at promoting proprietary technology that provide exception opportunities to mitigate against persistent organic pollutants and climate change by offering carbon sink while promoting extensive cropping using little external inputs.
with organic farming it is possible to eliminate inorganic fertilizers and chemical pesticides and insecticides that contribute to POPs
project goal
to bring the practice f organic agriculture as a reality on the ground in selected urban and rural communities by adopting self sustaining organic agricultural practice that works in partnership and harmony with nature based on minimum external inputs in accordance with the code of practice for accreditation to IFOAM and ISO 65 codes.
1. strengthened capacity for selected rural and urban communities to practice organic farming practice for the elimination of POPs and biodiversity conservation.
2. enhanced capacity for local rural communities to manage and sustain a wider gene bank and have organic crops and certified seed production and management systems for sustainability to benefit 500 farmers
3. developed farmer resource center for testing residual chemicals, persistent organic pollutants, wider gene bank and information resource center.
project activities
1. raise local appreciation and awareness of organic farming through a workshop and demonstration
2. build capacity of local community to make liquid manure for soil fertility and natural remedies for pest and diseases control
3. build capacity of local community to use local resources with minimum external inputs for organic farming including conservation farming and agroforestry
4. eradication program for evasive species and establish a code of field judging program in IFOAM and ISO65 codes of practice
5. build capacity for leadership and management training institutional capacity for farmers to operate as an organic farmers association.
7.conduct seed fairs
8. organic seed certification program for selected farmers by seed services authority
9. awareness raising and program publicity for stakeholders.
project results
1. increased biodiversity and reduced level of agrochemicals in farmers produce and processes of production.
2. improved health for chronic diseases associated with the use of agro chemicals
3. improved socio economic and living standards of men and women practicing organic farming
4.enhanced genebak and variety for food security for men and women
5.adoption of approved code of practice in organic farming.
1. improvement of livelihoods for men and women in chirimutsitu, marimba and tandi through commercializations of organic products.
2. increased adoption of organic farming and other sustainable technologies for productivity, sustainability and conservation of natural resources to internationally expected coeds of practice.
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Project Snapshot
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 27,179.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 27,180.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Planning gef grant
Currently operating in Zimbabwe in Manicaland and Marimba of Harare our organisation is actually planning to scale the operation to medium scale. preparations are already underway for the scaling up of the project to medium scale.
Replication of project activities
It is the intention of Organic Farming Network to replicate the project to other areas due to overwhelming successes and also due to economic hardships since our project offers a solution.
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SGP Country office contact
Ms. Tsitsi Wutawunashe
(263) 700946
Luckson Chapungu
P.O. Box 4775
Harare, AFRICAN REGION, 264-4-
Harare, AFRICAN REGION, 264-4-
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