Alternative Production of Grains and Home Garden Crops in the Belize River Valley
Alternative Production of Grains and Home Garden Crops in the Belize River Valley
The objective of this project is to provide irrigation capability for farming in both the dry and rainy seasons and reduce the risk of crop loss due to increased erratic rainfall patterns and flooding resulting from climate change by providing ten (10) diesel pumps, with intake hoses and output pipes, for rotational use among 40-plus grain-producers in the Belize River Valley communities who plant approximately two (2) acres per crop cycle, and plastic/rubber liner material for construction of 5 artificial ponds/water reservoirs.

Project Snapshot

Belize Rural Farmers Company Limited
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 32,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 835.25
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 2,100.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed

Photo Gallery

Project Characteristics and Results
Project sustainability
It is expected that once the production/marketing cycle is started the BRFCL can continue production and marketing. Production techniques and processes and established buyers and markets will need to be in place at the individual level as well as at the organizational level. It is difficult at this time to demonstrate that this will occur since it is too early in the production and marketing cycle for most farmers. It is necessary to ensure that markets are identified and production schedules are developed if the results of the project are to be sustainable. Organizational changes to strengthen member commitment have been carried out at the organizational structure level, through the upgrading of the group to a company limited by shares, and the members into shareholders. This accompanied by capacity-building training for these members/shareholders should result in some sustainability of the project?s results.
Capacity - Building Component
Many of the individual members have relevant project expertise and experience, and are now pooling this expertise and experience for the benefit of all the members of the group. All executive members of the organization have financial management, accounting and financial reporting expertise and experience and capacity for generating accounts. As can be seen from the background summary of the officers, they have all managed businesses or projects that require these skills. Capacity building in managing improved technology, technical assistance from Gov?t Depts. and projects, in-house sharing of expertise among the members. The parcels of land belonging to the members have been GPS mapped, and assessed as to their present and potential productive capacity and their owners? crop production preference. Business plans will be developed at individual farmer levels for the production aspects, and at the organizational level for the processing and marketing aspects. However, one of the contingency (?fail-safe?) aspects of this project is that individual farmers can also carry out their own marketing of the commodities they produce, as long as they keep in communication with the rest of the group and are informed about the production schedules of all the other members of the group so as to know when their ?sales windows? are open, and by maintaining information-sharing about their buyers/customers.
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SGP Country office contact

Mr. Leonel Requena
(501) 822-2462
Esther Calles


2nd Floor, David L. McKoy Business Center, Bliss Parade, P.O. Box 53
Belmopan, Central America