St. John's College Energy Academy: Building capacity to support the development of sustainable communities through renewable energy technology
This project entitled "St. John's College Energy Academy: Building capacity to support the development of sustainable communities through renewable energy technology', is in keeping with our school's philosophy and with national and international priorities. Our project seeks to train and impact mindsets of teachers and students at our school, and to engage the community in the conversation.
Scientists are largely in agreement that climate change is human-induced, driven by using fossil fuels to supply our energy needs and by changes that we have made to the Earth's landscape. As technology advances, consumer-driven demand for energy seems to be ever-increasing, impacting economies and livelihoods on a global scale.
While The Bahamas contributes relatively little to global greenhouse gas emissions, it stands to be significantly impacted by the potential impacts of climate change. The international community, governments, institutions like St. John's College and individuals each have an important role to play in addressing this issue. It is our hope that this project will help to increase awareness of this important issue and act as a catalyst for reform in our country. With project funding we will develop the curriculum for the St. John's College Energy Academy that will be offered to students and science/social science teachers in 10-week sessions as Saturday courses. The courses will be offered annually, beyond the life of the initial project. We envision that the development of the Energy Academy's website will serve as a knowledge platform and will provide an opportunity for us to engage the public and share our knowledge, resources and experiences.
Scientists are largely in agreement that climate change is human-induced, driven by using fossil fuels to supply our energy needs and by changes that we have made to the Earth's landscape. As technology advances, consumer-driven demand for energy seems to be ever-increasing, impacting economies and livelihoods on a global scale.
While The Bahamas contributes relatively little to global greenhouse gas emissions, it stands to be significantly impacted by the potential impacts of climate change. The international community, governments, institutions like St. John's College and individuals each have an important role to play in addressing this issue. It is our hope that this project will help to increase awareness of this important issue and act as a catalyst for reform in our country. With project funding we will develop the curriculum for the St. John's College Energy Academy that will be offered to students and science/social science teachers in 10-week sessions as Saturday courses. The courses will be offered annually, beyond the life of the initial project. We envision that the development of the Energy Academy's website will serve as a knowledge platform and will provide an opportunity for us to engage the public and share our knowledge, resources and experiences.
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Project Snapshot
St. John's College
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 44,800.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 6,000.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 24,000.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
SGP Country office contact
Mr. Deon Stewart
East Bay Street
Nassau, New Providence
Nassau, New Providence
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