Echuya Forest Conservation Project
Echuya Forest Conservation Project
Echuya Forest Reserve covers an area of about 35 sq-km, lies within the Albertine Rift Afromantane area. This makes the forest the center of endemism that contains a variety of species only confined to this unique ecosystem. The forest contains about 127 tree species dominated by Hagemia rapanea, moist montane forest and Arundinaria alpina (bamboo). Herbaceous plants cover the areas where bamboo and woody vegetation is less dense. The Muchuya Swamp, which runs north-south, is dominated by sedges, tussock vegetation and giant lobelia. The forest reserve and Muchuya swamp in particular support about 100 species of birds of which twelve are Albertine Rift endemics including the globally threatened Graver's Rush Warbler (Bradypterus graveri). The forest also supports about twenty species of mammals, 43 of moths, 53 of butterflies; endemic to the Albertine Rift Ecosystem and high altitude forest dependants with marked conservation importance.
This reserve is undermarked by threats from human activities. More significantly in terms of threats to the long term survival of Echuya forest Reserve is the land pressure in Kigezi region, and the possibility of agricultural enchroachment on the reserve. With the extended forest part in Rwanda cleared and cultivated right up to the border with Uganda, a precedent to teh Ugandan side may be eminent unless measures to control encroachment are put in place, and immedidately so. Other threats include the large-scale extraction of bamboo for construction purposes, tree cutting for timber, poles, firewood and other various non-timber products. Bush fires are also serious problems possibly from honey harvesting by both Batwa (pygmies)and other local people. The reserve is extensively grazed by domestic animals especially during the dry season.
The project aims at instituting a framework for improving community participation in the conservation of Echuya Forest Reserve and other natural resources management.
Activities include Community eco-tourism, conservation education and agroforestry.
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Project Snapshot

Kisoro Development Foundation
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 2,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 2,000.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Significant Participation of Indigenous Peoples
100% of the participation in the project is indigenous.
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
During the planning phase sustainable livelihoods was emphasized so as to be embarked on during the full project.
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SGP Country office contact

Mr. Abu-baker S. Wandera
(256-41) 250851/344801
Mr. John Stephen Okuta


UNDP, PLOT 11 Yusuf Lule Road, P.O. Box 7184

Country Website