Restoration of the Woburn Historical Conch Site located in Lower Woburn, St. George's (MPA)
The project seeks to address issues such as a. Heavy pollution of the coastal area b. Poor water quality within the Woburn Clark?s Court Bay Marine Protected Area c. Coastal Development i.e. Marina and Hotel within the MPA, d. Deterioration of the mangroves and loss of fish species within the MPA and e. Reduction in tourism in the village at the conch shell cultural site.
These issues / challenges arise as a result of
1. Pollution being released from the Yachts and other sources.
2. Contamination of the water quality from the nearby factory (Grenada Distillers Ltd.)
3. Sediment from heavy downpour within the water shed and
4. Loss of habitats within the MPA.
The strategies to be employed in addressing these issues include:
(i) Build/constructing four corrals from old conch shells that is ready for holding conch and fish by October 2015.
(ii) Construct a 400 feet footpath and 400 feet boardwalk to carry out ?Seaquarium? tours by April 2016.
(iii) Training at least 5 persons from the community as tour guides for the ?Seaquarium? tours by April 2016.
(iv) Developing and implementing a business plan for the ?Seaquarium? including pricing, management, and marketing program and begin advertising and marketing for the tours by April 2016.
(v) By June 2016 at least 8 tours a month will be hosted with at least 80 person visiting and paying for tours.
These issues / challenges arise as a result of
1. Pollution being released from the Yachts and other sources.
2. Contamination of the water quality from the nearby factory (Grenada Distillers Ltd.)
3. Sediment from heavy downpour within the water shed and
4. Loss of habitats within the MPA.
The strategies to be employed in addressing these issues include:
(i) Build/constructing four corrals from old conch shells that is ready for holding conch and fish by October 2015.
(ii) Construct a 400 feet footpath and 400 feet boardwalk to carry out ?Seaquarium? tours by April 2016.
(iii) Training at least 5 persons from the community as tour guides for the ?Seaquarium? tours by April 2016.
(iv) Developing and implementing a business plan for the ?Seaquarium? including pricing, management, and marketing program and begin advertising and marketing for the tours by April 2016.
(v) By June 2016 at least 8 tours a month will be hosted with at least 80 person visiting and paying for tours.
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Project Snapshot
W&W Development Organisation Inc.
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 19,260.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 3,333.33
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 11,666.66
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
SGP Country office contact
Ms Akarda Ventour
P.O. Box 3486
St. George's
St. George's
Visit the Grenada Country Page