Friday, 14 December 2018 21:21
Women as Environmental Stewards: The Experience of the Small Grants Programme
Written by huushansening- Type: Report/Publication, Global Publication
- Source: Small Grants Programme
- Languages:
- Focal Areas: Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation, Land Degradation, Sustainable Forest Management, International Waters, Chemicals and Waste, Community-Based Adaption
- Priority Groups: Indigenous Peoples, Women
- Countries: Uganda, India, Armenia, Belize, China, Gambia, Mauritius, Morocco, Paraguay, Peru, Turkey, Viet Nam, Colombia
- Cross Cutting: Entrepreneurship, Financial Mechanisms, Award winning -
- Partnerships: Community-Based REDD+ (CBR+)
- Region: Africa, Arab States, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and the CIS, Latin America and the Caribbean
In this publication, the GEF Small Grants Programme, implemented by UNDP,
features women as environmental stewards in case studies about biodiversity
conservation, climate change, land degradation, international waters and
chemicals and waste management. These examples show action from the ground
up and demonstrate the importance of investing in women’s leadership and
technical skills for improved environmental benefits and sustainable development,
while challenging traditional gender norms that often prevent women from taking
leadership roles or from having access and control over the natural resources they
help preserve.
The thirteen examples of women led projects included in this publication provide evidence that investing in women pays off not just in producing global environmental benefits and sustainable development, but also by improving the wellbeing and sustainable practices of the communities they live in.