Innovation Library
Friday, 03 December 2021 02:45

Youth in Action: Experiences from the Small Grants Programme

Written by anacanestrelli
  • Type: Brochure, Global Publication
  • Source: SGP
  • Languages:
  • Focal Areas: Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation, Land Degradation, Sustainable Forest Management, International Waters, Chemicals and Waste, Community-Based Adaption
  • Priority Groups: Indigenous Peoples, Women, Youth
  • Countries: Barbados, Guatemala, Seychelles
  • Cross Cutting: Entrepreneurship
  • Partnerships: ICCA-GSI
  • Region: Africa, Arab States, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and the CIS, Latin America and the Caribbean
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As we collectively address the global climate and nature crises, it is absolutely critical to engage youth as agents of change, creative entrepreneurs and innovators. Through education, science and technology, young people are scaling up their efforts and skills to accelerate concrete actions. Through the support and partnership provided by the GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP), youth are acquiring knowledge and skills to build a more sustainable future, while actively engaging in developing a green and blue economy. This publication brings together great examples of youth innovations and intergenerational efforts on inclusive nature-based solutions to demonstrate SGP's approach to empowering young people through its grant-making process and encouraging their engagement in global issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.
Read 7151 times Last modified on Friday, 28 October 2022 05:30