Innovation Library
Monday, 12 December 2022 18:46

The Global Support Initiative to territories and areas conserved by Indigenous Peoples and local communities

Written by rissa
  • Type: Report/Publication, Global Publication
  • Source: SGP
  • Languages:
  • Focal Areas: Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation, Land Degradation, Sustainable Forest Management, International Waters, Community-Based Adaption
  • Priority Groups: Indigenous Peoples, Women, Youth, Persons with Disabilities
  • Countries: Belize, China, Congo Dem. Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Namibia, Peru, Senegal
  • Partnerships: ICCA-GSI
  • Region: Africa, Arab States, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and the CIS, Latin America and the Caribbean
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As a pilot initiative, this publication presents the work of the Global Support Initiative to ICCAs (ICCA-GSI) from 2014 (pilot phase) to 2022 (with Phase 2, rapid response to the COVID-19 pandemic). The ICCA-GSI is a multi-partnership initiative that is implemented by UNDP, through the Small Grants Progamme and funded by the Government of Germany, through its Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz, or BMUV). Key partners include the Secretariat of the CBD, the Global ICCA Consortium, the IUCN GPAP, and the UNEP WCMC. Additionally, Natural Justice and the IIED have played supporting roles with respect to the legal recognition of ICCAs, and to site-level governance assessments of protected and conserved areas (PCAs). Key areas include: (i) definition and threats to ICCAs; (ii) objective of the ICCA-GSI; (iii) coalition of global partners; (iv) methodologies and tools; (v) governance assessments; (vi) support in ICCAs to build resilience to pandemics and climate change; and (vii) country case studies from the ICCA-GSI.
Read 78484 times Last modified on Wednesday, 14 December 2022 12:22