There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: SGP/IP-FELLOWSHIP GRANT/05 |
Fortalecimiento de los conocimientos teóricos, técnicos y prácticos sobre la gestión de proyectos comunitarios que contribuya a la restauración de la organización social para mejorar la gobernanza en sus territorios y bienes naturales mediante ( ... )
icipación de hombres, mujeres, jóvenes y autoridades ancestrales y el fortalecimiento técnico y
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: VEN/SGP/OP6/Y3/CORE/BD/18/13 |
La cuenca del río Canoabo se ubica en el sector centro occidental de la cordillera de la costa, en el estado Carabobo. Se encuentra definida por un área de valle donde se ubica el Embalse Canoabo que proporciona agua a la zona norte costera de ( ... )
bo y una zona de laderas. La intervención humana en la cuenca ha ocasionado la disminución del caudal de los afluentes del embalse, erosión y sedimentación. En las cuencas medias-altas se ubican poblaciones que basan sus medios de vida, en la siembra de cítricos y conucos de subsistencia, así como, la ganadería de pastoreo. En este contexto y a través de un Comité Técnico que
Congo, dem. republic
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: DRC/SGP/OP6/Y3/STAR/BD/2018/63 |
Le projet concerne la restauration d?un chapelet des écosystèmes forestiers entre deux ruisseaux qui alimentent la rivière Lui au niveau de groupement de Kanda-Kanda. Ces écosystèmes sont sollicités par les charbonniers qui coupent le bois de ( ... )
e et fabriquent les braisent.
Le financement des activités de productions alternatives à la carbonisation réduira cette sollicitation sur la forêt naturelle et créera d?autres sources de revenus. Parmi ces activités il y aura le transport non polluant des produits agricoles à Mwene Ditu, la valorisation de l?artisanat de fabrication des pots d?argile, la vulgarisation des foyers
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: PAN/SGP/OP6/Y3/STAR/BD/18/02 |
Impulsar la inserción de técnicas agrícolas inteligentes en las comunidades indígenas de Mach Pobor, Sinaí, Canaan, Aruza, Vista Alegre, y Capetí, demostrando la viabilidad y beneficio de las técnicas de injertos frutales para ayuda a las ( ... )
dades y el medio
Biodiversity Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: ECU/SGP/FSP/OP6/BD/18/29 |
Incentivar la recaudación de fondos económicos de las iniciativas que están dentro de la plataforma
GreenCrowds, a través de herramientas comunicacionales y de estrategias publicitarias. A través de este trabajo conjunto entre Runa Sapiens y ( ... )
rowds, se potenciarán mediante estrategias de comunicación las iniciativas sostenibles que tienen sus campañas en GreenCrowds pero desconocen cómo potenciar sus emprendimientos a través del marketing y el crowdfunding. Este apoyo se realizará junto con los estudiantes de la facultad de comunicación y artes visuales de la Universidad de Las Américas -
Antigua and Barbuda
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: ATG/SGP/OP6/IWECO/02 |
The project seeks to involve the youth to carry out research into native algae which has adapted to local conditions and will be tested to see how best they can thrive to produce oils that can make biofuels |
Biodiversity Chemicals
Phase 5
Project Number: LAO/SGP/OP5/Y7/STAR/BD/2017/33 |
Like many other cities of the world, the Laotian capital, with its improving economy and standard of living, is not spared from the scourge of urban living: the proliferation of plastics and products bottled or wrapped in plastics. The biggest ( ... )
m is that wrappers or bottles made of plastic materials are carelessly thrown just about anywhere. Most of them end up clogging canals and waterways or polluting the waters of the mighty Mekong River. With the negative impacts of inappropriate disposal on public health and the air and water closer to home, it is certainly an issue increasingly on the radar. The aims of project is to contribute
Biodiversity CapDev Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: BHU/SGP/OP6/Y4/STAR/MF/2018/22 |
Zhemgang Dzongkhag lies in south central part of Bhutan covering a total land area of 242,174 ha. It is situated within an average elevation range from 200 m to 3,600 m. The Dzongkhag total area is comprised of about 85% forest that ( ... )
ents by diverse species of board level trees, bamboos and canes. It has 24 government approved Community forest which stands total area of 2,595.23 ha.
The people depend on agriculture and livestock farming. However, in the recent years, some of the gewogs already started development of bamboo handicraft items. The total of 21 bamboos encountered in the Dzongkhag represented 19 species from 11
Congo, dem. republic
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: DRC/SGP/OP6/Y3/STAR/CC/2018/67 |
Afin de répondre à une demande énorme des plantules par les communautés, le projet veut établir une pépinière de secours pour appuyer les communautés pour un rechargement et pour approvisionner les membres de la communauté désirant ( ... )
er dans leurs champs soit pour l?agroforesterie ou la reforestation.
L?implantation de la pépinière se justifie par les besoins des plantules au niveau communautaire pour la pratique de l?agroforesterie afin de maintenir la fertilité des sols cultivés et préserver leur espace forestier déboisé aux fins agricoles.
Le projet sera implanté de Kabuela ka Muena Ngoyi dans l?ancienne
Community Based Adaptation
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: COM/SGP/OP6/Y3/CORE/CC/18/05 |
1. Contexte organisationnel et la capacité à mettre en ?uvre le projet
La commune Moroni comme toutes les villes de l?île s?est depuis longtemps organisée en associations dont certaines d?entre eux ont comme principales activités la ( ... )
tion de l?environnement. Ces associations forment le premier maillon de l?enchainement des acteurs devant intervenir dans le système. Une des associations la plus active de Moroni dans le cadre de la gestion des déchets est l?association Banda Bitsi qui a été la première à mettre sur pied un essai de programme de valorisation des déchets, d?abord par ces propres moyens et en suite par
Congo, dem. republic
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: DRC/SGP/OP6/Y3/STAR/CC/2018/09 |
Ce projet veut appuyer l'nstallation d?une pépinière communautaire à NyiragongoLe, à 25 Km de Goma |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 6
Project Number: TAN/SGP/OP6/Y2/STAR/CC/2017/28 |
Mahenge District Hospital is connected to the electricity grid. It is at the end of the national grid Kidatu-Mahenge line. The supply of grid electricity is not reliable in the sense that the grid fails often. It fails at the rate of 3 ( ... )
eek which is quite high if you were to seriously provide good health services at the District Hospital. The grid fails mainly due to the reasons that national utility has low generation compared to the demands and aged grid infrastructures that fails quite often during rainy season. This project therefore will contribute to the realization of national and international policies, goals and
Antigua and Barbuda
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: ATG/SGP/OP6/Y4/CORE/CD/2018/24 |
The group made up of senior citizens will engage the members in an Agricultural project integrated with livestock raising for health and nutrition leading to food security and the waste will be used for a pilot in biogas production. |
Land Degradation
Phase 5
Project Number: MDV/SGP/OP5/Y7/CORE/LD/2018/03 |
Community Based Adaptation
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: ZMB/SGP/OP6/Y3/CORE/CC/17/15 |
Main Project Objective:
To promote sustainable forest and land management practices in order to reduce the rate of deforestation, land degradation, timber harvesting, biodiversity and wildlife depletion while promoting diversification of bamboo ( ... )
tion and production in Zambia for improved livelihood of communities.
To identify and prioritize relevant technologies (local and international) in the bamboo production that can contribute to poverty eradication, improved socio-economic development and enhance mitigation and adaptation measures to climate change effects through this Programme.
Specific objectives:
1. To build resilience of
Land Degradation
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: NEP/SGP/OP6/Y3/CORE/LD/2018/07 |
The project is proposed ward number 1 and 2 of Barahachhetra Municipality of Sunsari District for a number of reasons. First, the area adversely affected by natural calamities such as landslide and heavy rain. The damage during flood in 1990, 1997, ( ... )
nd 2013 were noteworthy as hectares of agriculture land had been washed away and had triggered house collapse injuring many local people. The damage is also due to high gradient of the Bagh river. During the monsoon, although there may not be flood or landslide, heavy soil loss is still a very big concern. In the watershed of the Bagh river, two community forests having 320 ha are being
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 5
Project Number: IRA/SGP/OP5/Y7/CORE/CC/2018(200) |
Mangrove forests are one of the most productive ecosystems, forming valuable nursery grounds for a variety of aquatic organisms in southern Iran as well as supporting local community livelihoods and alleviating impacts of climate change. For this ( ... )
e a National Plan has been prepared to expand the mangrove forests, however this plan lacks a participatory approach. This project aims to work closely with key stakeholders and promote a community-based approach to restoration of mangrove ecosystems. Some of the objectives of the project are to document the indigenous knowledge on mangrove forests, use previous community-based experiences from
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: BHA/SGP/OP6/CORE/CC/2018/51 |
Every Child Counts (ECC) is a special needs school located in Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas. The school?s mission is to maximize each challenged child?s ability to become productive, successful, and independent. Programs and curricula are tailored ( ... )
individual needs of each student and guide them towards being productive members of society. In 2012, ECC began including environmental programming in the form of an eco-class as partial requirements for Eco-School Green Flag certification, which was received in 2014 . ECC believes that it is important to share knowledge and appreciation of our environment with students so that they learn to
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: INS/ICCA-GSI/17/08 |
Strengthen indigenous peoples in lifting the Larangan Larangan as the practice of conservation of the people in the Subayang River Watershed
Objective 1
Integrating Lubuk Larangan area as local wisdom in river ( ... )
vation into local planning
1. There is one documentation of the management of indigenous peoples' conservation areas The agreement adopted the prohibition program of prohibition as a district-level conservation program by the local government
2. Documentation of local conservation areas
1. Documentation and mapping of the Permatang Pasir Regencies
2. Facilitate
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 5
Project Number: THA/SGP/OP5/Y4/STAR/CC/2016/11 |
? Objectives:
a) To build community network in preserving and recover upstream forest
b) To encourage and develop organic farming enterprise for producing non-chemical fruit and vegetables
c) To encourage and develop products from organic ( ... )
g enterprise to quality processed food
? Beneficial: 20 households
? Target area:
Santisook district in Nan province. Most areas in this district are mountain and high area.
? Proposed activities:
a. Activity to strengthen community?s ability
i. Observe training within the area (Pong kam sustainable community learning center) and outside the area (Hai-Har town learning