There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: S/OP-041.00-L |
This project aims to develop a 500 hectare community-managed forest ecosystem for ecotourism and biodiversity conservation/watershed management in Blue Waters sitio of the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor. The objectives of the projects are: ( ... )
t forest ecosystem and conserve biodiversity; establish nurseries and orchid gardens using local/endemic species; stabilize ecology in the locality; conduct capability building activities for community
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/01/02 |
Toledo District is a special place, ecologically and culturally distinct within Belize and Central America. It is the primary area of settlement of the Mayan people in Belize, many of whom still observe age-old traditions in their interaction with ( ... )
environment. Unfortunately, competing land uses and mounting population pressures are making those traditions increasingly hard to sustain in the long term, especially when threats to wildlife and habitat are taken into account. In the case of birds, those threats derive from myriad causes over vast territories, and not just from the behaviour of a small proportion of the tiny population of
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/00/28 |
La zone du projet est le Pays Dogon -- un lieu visite par des milliers de touristes chaque annee. Ce site Patrimoine Mondial (UNESCO) est menace par les dechets. Les dechets plastiques, en particulier, contribuent a la degradation des sols. Le ( ... )
vise le renforcement de la conscience environnementale des villages et guides touristiques en vue de lutter contre la prolifération des déchets.
Objectifs spécifiques: -lutter contre les nuisances du flux touristique croissant dans les 5 villages concernés ;
-informer et éduquer 4700 habitants environ des 5 villages sur le danger de l?insalubrité et de la pollution en général et
Phase 2
Project Number: SIA/UNF/01/16 |
Este proyecto es de un grupo de promotores mayas (8 mujeres y 3 hombres)
El proyecto tiene la intención de invertir dos de las amenazas a la cultura maya, que son, al mismo tiempo, las amenazas a la biodiversidad de Sian Ka'an y la biodiversidad ( ... )
al. Estos son:
La pérdida de la lengua materna y su
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/01/02-PG |
To provide access to adequate training activities and develop agroforestry practices on three communities of Cantel, Quetzaltenango |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/01/12 |
One of the key benchmarks for the GEF Small Grants Programme is to show that it has been able to establish synergies with the large GEF. The project main objective is to share GEF/SGP experiences in low cost household biogas models with the ( ... )
er Project under an experience exchange arrangement. The initiative is also undertaken as a means of attaining GEF and GEF/SGP collaboration benchmark as required by the Project Document. The NGO will undertake training of stakeholders in Biogas Technology from the GEF Cross Border Project sites of Bukoba, Monduli and
Viet nam
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: VIE/00/010 |
The workshop aims to build capacity of GEF/SGP grantees in project implementation and management. M&E, reporting and financial management will be given high priority. It will provide the opportunity for the GEF/SGP grantees to exchange experience ( ... )
ject implementation and management. The GEF/SGP project exchange visit in the field will also be
Viet nam
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: VIE/00/009 |
The GEF/SGP has planned to make 2 rounds of grant making in 2001. In order to attract high quality proposals which fit well GEF/SGP criteria for project selection, the workshops aiming to build capacity of local NGOs and community-based ( ... )
sations in project design and proposal writing need to be organised. The workshops will assist the proponents who have eligible concept papers to enhance their understanding and knowledge on GEF and GEF/SGP, including GEF focal areas and operational programmes; GEF/SGP procedure and criteria for project selection, and requirements in project development. The proponents will then develop full
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/01/08 |
Certaines zones du fleuve Niger, en particulier ceux a proximite de zones de production agricoles (l'Office du Niger) sont etouffe par une espece envahissante : la jacinthe d'eau. Le projet vise a faire la demonstration d'une solution a ce probleme ( ... )
communautaire : la transformation de la jacinthe d'eau en engrais.
Objectifs spécifiques -Contribuer a la sauvegarde des eaux du fleuve Niger au bénéfice de l?ensemble des population des pays traversés par ce cours d?eau , par l?éradication de la jacinthe d?eau
-Développer et vulgariser des techniques de transformation de la jacinthe en compost
-Diversifier et augmenter les revenus des
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/01/P06 |
Conservar la biodiversidad de la micro región a través del manejo sustentable de los recursos naturales que permitan generar empleos permanentes en la comunidad.
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/04/01 |
To start the process of inviting proposals, a SGP Stakeholders' Orientation have been organized to reach out to NGOs/POs in the World Heritage Site and to provide some guidelines for project concepts/proposals.
This project aims to undertake an ( ... )
tion workshop for POs/CBOs and NGOs and other stakeholders in and around the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park on the GEF-SGP program and COMPACT
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2001-001(IRA98G52) |
Project location:Tehran(Lat/Long:35.4964560-51.5917970)
To launch UNDP-GEF/SGP and conduct training workshops for various stakeholders.
On the Occasion of Environment Day UNDP-GEF/SGP was launched. The launch was attended by 180 guests from ( ... )
ies, NGOs, Govt. Agencies, Private Sector and Academia. The launch was followed by a workshop for Private Sector and NGOs on Organization Architecture for NGOs and Project
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/25 |
Changing of local spatial management plan due to implementation of renaturisation project and non-forest ecosystems usage was the main aim of this unique for GEF/SGP project.Here - "papers" were necesary to be produced; according to the law - any ( ... )
investment cannot proceed without valid spatial plan approved by gmina, where all factors are considered and the main direction of spatial organisation are taken (roads, infrastructure, distribution of land use (eg. for construction of buildings, protectin areas, development of afforestration schemes etc etc.). It was a threat that all investment activities will be frosen for years until the
Papua new guinea
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/01/17 |
The planning grant was given the Uriva Miaru Reforestation project to organize training and workshops to educate the people on the importance of environment conservation and other associated activities as alternates to sustain their social and ( ... )
ic livelywoods other than agreeing to the large scale logging operations in their
Palestine, State of
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/01/19 |
The project will contibute to soil conservation and restoration of agricultural degraded areas in Hebron and Jericho and to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity through alrering the use of chemical pests i.e. Methyl Bromide and promoting the ( ... )
biological control of Trichoderma fungus among 80
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/24 |
Installation of bio-fuel producing refinery at the BARKA foundation area in Chudopczyce - see description POL/00/23 - it is extention of POL/00/23 |
Palestine, State of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/01/17 |
Perpare and finalize the design of the solar dryers for agricultural crops i.e. vegetables, fruits and herbal/medicinal plants.Consult an experiend specialist(s) on the appropriate techniques to maximize the results of crops drying and introduce any ( ... )
ry treatment process prior drying. Estimate the production capacity of the dryers. Introduce the idea of the solar dryers to women's committees in the agricultural areas of Beit Hanon in the Northern area of Gaza and Abassan in the Sourthern area of
Palestine, State of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/01/20 |
The project will contribute to the adoption of renewable energy by removing technical and economic barriers to demonstrate solar technology at the community level for drying seasonal agricultural crops particularly vegetables and medicinal herbs in ( ... )
ricultural sites in Khan Younis and Deir Al
Phase 2
Project Number: SIA/UNF/01/05 |
Apoyar los curanderos tradicionales: 10 hombres y 7 mujeres. Reparar un centro tradicional. Para tener un jardín de plantas medicinales en una hectárea alrededor del center.Spread entre los clientes de los médicos tradicionales mayas, la ( ... )
ancia de la biodiversidad de la Reserva para la producción de medicamentos naturales, la recuperación de las tradiciones mayas relacionadas con el manejo y conservación de recursos
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/01/02 |
Income generation from natural resource conservation is the main goal of this project, which is part of a larger set of activities with the same goal in the Cachoeirinha Indigenous Lands, municipality of Miranda, state of Mato Grosso do Sul. ( ... )
uction of a plant nursery and an assessment of the natural resources present in this area are the main activities to be carried out. This will conclude the agroecological zoning already under way. These two activities are part of a wider scope of activities aiming at the introduction of agroforestry systems, recovery of degraded areas, processing and improvement of the production and introduction