There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-JOR-98-G52-08 |
To highlight the rich biodiversity in Jordan and teach children the importance of its conservation, The Haya Cultural Center has started to establish a "Biodiversity Exhibition for Children". The exhibition will include models, panels and other ( ... )
visual aides displaying the different elements of biodiversity. Greater Amman Municipality (GAM) granted the building for the exhibition to the Haya Center. The Center will cooperate with the Royal Society for Conservation of Nature in producing the required models and aides and in arranging field visits to nature reserves. It will also cooperate with the Ministry of Education and other
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/00/06 |
As a center of global biodiversity the Aral Sea basin is comparable with such unique reservoirs as the Caspian Sea, Lake Baikal and Great African lakes. However, where African lakes are declared national monuments, and Baikal and the northern part ( ... )
Caspian Sea are conservancy areas, the Aral Sea is a zone of environmental disaster. The lakes biodiversity of the Syr Darya delta is a unique ecosystem and a place for concentration of 30 species of primarily indigenous fishes; 12 species of mammals and more than 300 species of birds. The freshwater lakes of the delta attracted huge numbers of migrant waterfowl and other shore birds. The delta
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/00/09 |
The main aim of this project is rising of public awareness on real values of the area Ksamil-Butrint. This project also aims to ensure:
-a fully and broad participation of local communities in the field actions and practical solutions to be ( ... )
aken, regarding the preservation and protection of this area;
- regeneration of a part of damaged habitats, through aforestation;
- planting of seeds and 1200 new saplings in an area of 2 ha.;
- halting of uncontrolled hunting;
Different activitites will be carried out for rising of public awareness. Thus, two seminars and a meeting will be organised with a wide participation of people and
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/00/21 |
Irtysh-Ob river system is the forth longest one in the world after Nile, Amazon and Mississippi and, indeed, is the longest system in Eurasia. Unfortunately, not many people in Karaganda oblast know that discharging wastes on the bank of a small ( ... )
river they contaminate this unique natural monument. The biggest in Kazakhstan industrial area of Karaganda ? Temirtau is located on this territory with its metallurgical, chemical and mining industry and population of about 2 million people. 60% total population are engaged in agriculture.
In addition to the industrial influence rivers are considerably contaminated by domestic wastes. The
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/00/03 |
Masimbwe and the surrounding areas of Njombe and Ludewa are far off from the National grid. Fuelwood is therefore the main source of energy. The project's primary objective is to promote the use of biogas technology as an alternative source of ( ... )
to fuel wood by constructing demo unit and also to reduce rate of pollution of the atmosphere by collecting and processing cowdung which is one of the sources of emissions of
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: BHU/01/03 |
Fuel wood being the main source of cooking and heating especially in the developing country like Bhutan, is a major concern world wide because of its direct impact on forest degradation. As an alternative to cutting down trees for wood energy, the ( ... )
al Women's Association of Bhutan (NWAB) implemented a "Biomass Wastes Briquetting Project" to make use of the biological wastes such as sawdurst and lemon grass that are currently underutilized. The underutilized biological wastes have also been one of the polluters of water bodies as the waterbodies are often used as sawdust disposal yard.
The project aimed to conserve trees by finding an
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/98/G52/015 |
Preparation for a solar and wind energy demonstration project, involving research and participatory planning. |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: EGY-00-21 |
The project aims at installing and operating nine biogas units in three different villages in the Governorate of Daqahlia with the overall objective of spreading the use of environmental friendly energy and organic fertilizers
? Capacity building ( ... )
e local NGOs.
To reduce the emissions of methane and carbon dioxide gases which produced from human and animal wastes
To modify the pens which exist inside rural houses.
To produce clean energy (methane gas) and use it instead of fossil fuel.
To provide good organic
Palestine, State of
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/00/09 |
The project helps the fishermen to promote environmental -friendly method of fishing by using special kind of nets by which they alter the trawling with beach pure-seine method. The new method helps to prevent over-fishing of the small generation, ( ... )
ction of the fish eggs and the extraction of marine phyto-plankton. The project also helps to raise awareness of the marine biodiversity, provide technical assistance and practical training for 40 fishermen on the new fishing method by granting them 20 nets. Location:
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G25 |
Ban (village) Laem Makham is situated in Sikao District , Trang Province. There are 120 families in the village who earn their livings by small-scale fishery using simple fishing equipment. In order to increase income for the ( ... )
ity, the women?s group had launched and activity which turns fishes of low economical value into food product such as dried fish, salted fish, fermented shrimp etc.
In the process of turning fishes of low economical value into food product, heat from sunlight and fire-woods are required. However, heat from these two sources have some limitation i.e. the sunlight is not always in abundance
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G24 |
A portion of the ecosystems of the Indian Ocean, the project location is one of the richest spots in coastal resources such as mangroves, sea-grass, coral , water species and aqua-plants upon which the livelihood of 505 families depend. The ( ... )
economic development plans which is industry-oriented have caused the deforestation of mangrove forest, vast-scale shrimp farming, encroachment of national forest and construction along the coast. Consequently, all these have caused degradation to overall coastal ecosystems and quality of life to the communities at ? large.
There are many approaches to rehabilitate ecosystems and coastal
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G35 |
A private volunteer organization working with youths and local communities to protect a water body - the Khlong Saensaeb and Hok Wa , tributaries of the Bangpakong River draining into the Gulf of Thailand. The activities include capacity building ( ... )
h environment education,training & seminar , monitoring water quality and increaing water
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/98/G52/II/02 |
The aim is to build enviornmental among Community Leaders throughout Mauritius and Rodrigues. The targeted population would be local leaders of social clubs, environmental NGOs, Community Centres, Social Welfare Centres and Citizens Advice Bureaus. ( ... )
in turn will be encouraged to pass on the message in their respective locality with the appropriate support from the members of the NGO implementing the project. The GEF/SGP grant will be used mainly for the organisation of training sessions with communityleaders on environmental issues, and development of an environmental kit which will
Phase 2
Project Number: BHU/00/01 |
The project's goal is to increase people's participation (living in the Black Mountain National Park area) in natural resource management particularly cane and bamboo. The project also seeks to enhance social and economic welbeing of Monpa ( ... )
enous community) by preserving and promoting their age old
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/05/00 |
Este proyecto se realiza en la comunidad de San Agustín. Si bien el proyecto no pretendió solucionar el problema de desertificación, contribuyó a plantear una estrategia viable y sostenible, a través de la capacitación de la mujer y su familia ( ... )
anejo, transformación y comercialización de plantas medicinales con propiedades curativas, contribuyendo a mejorar los niveles de ingreso de las familias de San Agustín.
Se identificaron y registraron de manera participativa 33 especies de plantas nativas con propiedades medicinales existentes en el área del proyecto, se elaboró un plan de manejo y reforestación de plantas medicinales
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MX/98/016 |
Conservar los recursos naturales de la microregión a través del manejo sostenible del monte, de la milpa y del solar, recuperando prácticas locales y tradicionales, para aumentar la producción y mejorar la calidad de vida en la microregión sur ( ... )
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/18/00 |
Proyecto realizado en el departamento de La Paz en la Zona de Mallasa, con una duración de 10 meses.
Aldeas Infantiles SOS es una organización responsable y respetuosa del medio ambiente, que transmite a los niños y jóvenes en su proceso de ( ... )
ión esta fiosofía de vida. De esta manera, mediante os Centros de Formación Técnica, pretende ser la pionera en Bolivia en la formación de técnicos en Energías Alternativas, que pueda replicar estos conocimientos para favorecer a la población de escasos recursos.
El objetivo general de este poyecto es capacitar teórica y prácticamente a jóvenes de aldeas Infantiles y de la comunidad
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: BOT/98/G52/00/04 |
There are a number of CBOs and NGOs involved in global environmental problems. GEF/SGP assist CBOs and NGOs by providing them with grants to carry out their work. The limited organisational, logistical and technical capacities of CBOs and NGOs in ( ... )
na are the most prohibitive factors to their participation in the Programme.
The primary objective of this project is to teach grassroots CBOs and NGOs that have applied or intend to apply for donor funding, basic project management. It is intended to build the capacity of grassroots NGOs and CBOs, to enable them to formulate and manage their projects. This would be done through a workshop and
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/00/11 |
Iniciar un catastro de la Cordillera de Chile en el sector del Cajón del Maipo. Estudiar morfología, flora, fauna y sistios arqueológicos para definir sectores de interés y fragilidad ambiental. Fomentar el "conocer para saber como proteger" |
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/00/07 |
The main aim of the project is rising of public awareness in the areas near the Albanian seashore, on the danger of 'caulerpa taxifolia', as an invasive non-native species for our fauna. This project also intends to point out whether there is ( ... )
rpa taxifolia' at our seashore. In this respect:
-leaflets with detailed information on 'caulerpa taxifolia', its consequences in our flora and fauna as well as its pictures will be published and distributed to all the areas near the seashore;
-A group of 8 specialists will be diving in some of the main harbors in Albania to verify the presence of such species. They will take photos and will