There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
International Waters
Pilot Phase
Project Number: THA/94/G13 |
Capacity building of community on the management of natural resources in the wetland which is an ecological sub-system of the Mekhong River. |
Papua new guinea
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PNG/94/10 |
$18421.00 was provided to undertake training. The GEF Secretariat identified that there was a need to train a number of the Environment NGOs with proposal writing. This was realised by the quality of proposals comming through for evaluation and ( ... )
le GEF funding. Project
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-JOR-92-G51-09 |
The proponent, a women NGO, established a community-owned nature park and women's training center by rehabilitation of a degraded unlicenced dumping site. The site is now a standing proof of how small scale, community based action can contribute to ( ... )
local and global environmental problems and improve the living conditions of the
Pilot Phase
Project Number: POL/94/20 |
Project aims in active protection of 130 ha wetlands with endangered flora and birds including aquatic warbler (Acrocephalus Paludicola), enlargement of retention capacity of Chwiszczowa River.Designing an educational path with 4 stops described in ( ... )
re will demonstrate an unique example of private reserve (PTOP) which will became reserve protected by the national law.It is the direct main activity - collection of datas (inventory) in order to submitt to the Bialystok Voivodship Officer for Nature Consrvation all necessary required documents for the formal establishment of the reserve 'Gornianskie Laki" . So "Gornianskie Laki" will be
International Waters
Pilot Phase
Project Number: THA/94/G06 |
A community effort to protect the watershed/catchment area of the Moon River draining into the Mekhong River by practising sustainable agriculture , reducing the rate of chemical application , making aware the harmful effects of chemical toxic ( ... )
oviding additional income through handicraft
Pilot Phase
Project Number: ZIM/92/G31/05 |
The Nyachityu water haversting project is located west of Marange Communal Lands.The project was motivated by the need to secure a water source which could then be used for domestic purposes,livestock and gardening.
The project was started with ( ... )
jectives of harvesting and storing water, improving food security, fostering environmental awareness and conservation in the area and promoting income generation.
The activities involved were;
-construction of a weir
- gully reclamation
-conservation training
-erection of live fencing.
The community members ,the Manicaland Development Association and the AGRITEX are the participants in
Dominican republic
Pilot Phase
Project Number: DOM/94/03 |
Formación del grupo de guardaparques voluntarios, vinculados a escuelas y universidades en Santo Domingo, a través la motivación de los jovenes para que se unen al cuerpo de guardaparques. |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-BAR-94-G01 |
The Overall goal of the project is to install permanent mooring systems at popular dive sites on the south and west coast of Barbados in an effort to reduce the degree of anchor damage to coral reefs, seagrass beds and cultural marine resources such ( ... )
To achieve this goal the following activities will be undertaken:
(i) Establisment of infrastructure - this includes moorings and demarcation buoys;
(ii) Education and Promotions - education of resource users and the promotion of the use of the moorings by the resource users;
(iii) Research and surveys - this includes anchor damage surveys and biodiversity/ bio-attraction
Pilot Phase
Project Number: SEN/94/08 |
Avec la construction des barrages hydro-agricoles sur le fleuve Sénégal, on a assisté a la disparition de certaines especes du fait de la destruction des zones de reproduction .
Pour contribuer a combler le déficit qui découle de cet état de ( ... )
t pour faciliter la reconstitution de ces especes la production d'alevins d'Oréochromis niloticus est préconisé:
-Assurer la reproduction des especes de poissons menacées de disparition et repeuplement de la riviere de Taouey
-Mise en place de systeme de production intégré
- Formation des pecheurs aux techniques
Multifocal Area
Pilot Phase
Project Number: MEX/94/11 |
Poner a disposición de la comunidad de Cd. del Carmen,un centro de distracción y entretenimiento con la naturaleza con un plan de interpretación y un programa de educación ambiental para concientizar a los visitantes en el aprovechamiento ( ... )
al de los recursos naturales, mediante la participación activa de los visitantes y de la comunidad de Cd. del Carmen en la protección y restauración de la flora, fauna y recursos
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-STL-94-G03 |
Project Goals/Objectives:
- conserving Biodiversity and mobilizing community in the effective conservation and management of coastal/marine resources; and
- popular education programmes to promote community awareness through the involvement of ( ... )
ce user groups, community leaders and policy makers.
Planned Project Activities:
- seminars on the economic benefits of coastal and marine management;
- the purchase of equipment to strengthen the Soufriere Foundation's capacity to implement a popular education and community awareness programme on coastal/marine resource management issues; and
- production of a resource user
Pilot Phase
Project Number: POL/94/16 |
Project aims in active protection of owl by securing better and safe hatching conditions (installation of 300 hatch boxes exactly at wholes in the buildings,barns,chapels so predator (stone marten, forrest marten) cannot reach barn owl from the ( ... )
ng;organisation of active participation of local population in all efforts on various stages, indirectly reducing the stereotype negative perception of owls; promotion of project's activities and barn owl with poster and brochure; lectures about barn owl and methods of their protection in schools, during local govenment sessions, in parishes. Coopeartion with Szczecin
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-INS-94-G08 |
Project goals or objective (including GEF problem area addressed by project) :
Short term objectives :
? To provide permanent residential halls for farming students while on training at the institute
? To improve the ability of NGO to train ( ... )
people from eastern part of Indonesia in agriculture and agribusiness.
Long term objectives :
? To establish an agriculture institute for Indonesian farm youth, complete with a hands on / practical field work opportunities on site.
? To establish a small scale innovative local farming research facilities for the benefit of small farmers in Indonesia.
Activities to be carried out under
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: POL/94/14 |
Information campaign for 1500 households ,demonstration of regulation of gas equipment ,measurement of gas consumption after regulation, stopping water leakage's in bathrooms and kitchens,example of simple insulation , close co-operation with mass ( ... )
in Krakow. organization of Earth Day in 1995 with energy saving component as a main point of this
Pilot Phase
Project Number: CHI/94/06 |
En la provincia de Choapa IV Región la vulnerabilidad y la fragilidad de los ecosistemas motiva a los habitantes a tratar de mejorar su gestión ambiental, para ello se han organizado y darán fomento a acciones tendientes a detener o revertir el ( ... )
o de desertificación a través de la implementación de un Programa ambiental y viveros escolares. Con los viveros se pretende demostrar que es posible ubicar especies que se adapten a la zona y que permitan mejorar la masa boscosa así como poder entregar forraje para el ganado. La educación ambiental es un eje crucial especilamente el trabajo con los niños de la
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-INS-94-G10 |
Project goals or objective (including GEF problem area addressed by project) :
Short term objectives :
1. to save the coastal ecosystem by means of planting mangrove seedlings in damaged coastal areas.
2. to strengthen the local fishermen?s ( ... )
to the coastal land use by means of legal certification of the land (Hak Guna Usaha, HGU) for the local Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat (KSM).
Long term objectives :
1. To involve the local community in an environmentally balanced mangrove forest management.
2. To bring the coastal areas back to its original status as a protective buffer against abrasion and breeding grounds for the wealth of
Pilot Phase
Project Number: POL/94/08 |
The main purpose of this project is to create enabling conditions for active protection of reptiles in mountain areas with active participation of local people and tourists.
5 small ponds ("water eye") were reconstructed and cleaned in Rytro, ( ... )
a and Wierchomla, mini-reserve was established in Rytro Valley, near 2 touristic hotels; inventory of reptiles was done, 10 km of roads were marked with warning billboards about reptiles migratory trials.
Publication about biology of reptiles, aspects of active protection was published and distributed in local
Pilot Phase
Project Number: POL/94/07 |
Fire-brigade intervention of GEF/SGP; purchase of very necessary equipment (including special forest ladders) for active protection in forest area conducted by Workshop for All Beings and the Poprad landscape Park for school children from Nowy ( ... )
Unexpectedly this part of the budget was cut by donor, ad hoc decision of the NSC GEF/SGP enabled full implementation of original project and support NGO with equipment valuable for further activities. It was the only such a case in GEF/SGP, later it was NSC decision not to fall into "fire-brigade" approach
Pilot Phase
Project Number: MLI/94/01 |
Reconstitution du couvert végétal et protection de la berge fleuve Niger et le développement de la pisciculture.
Objectifs spécifiques - la protection de l?environnement par reboisement
- la protection des berges
- la préservation de la ( ... )
ersité par la pisciculture
- production renumérotation en vendant du poisson et du bois (les variétés utilises s?adaptent a cette technique
Activités - la sylviculture : plantation d?arbres avec le reboisement
- agriculture : plantation d?agrumes, mangues
- riziculture en
Pilot Phase
Project Number: MLI/94/12 |
Mobilisation d'un groupe de femmes pour la gestion durable de leur environnement. Cette mobilisation est soutenue par une activité rémunératrice notamment le petit maraîchage.
Le projet de sarama entrepris dans le cadre de la protection du ( ... )
e est un effort de préservation de l?environnement. L?agro sylvicole initié par un groupement de 68 femmes est une contribution a l?effort de préserver le village de la désertification. Ces 68 femmes constituées en association AMFVD a deja mener des activités de sensibilisation, de mobilisation des femmes de plantation et de maraîchage dans le