There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-STL-94-G04 |
This project seeks to assist the communities of Praslin and Mamiku to address certain strategic needs while building the capacity and capability of existing community groups for sustained environmental action.
Planned Project Activities:
- ( ... )
ops & field trips to develop skills in leadership, management, group dynamics & conflict resolution;
- construction of garbage chutes to reduce solid waste contamination of nearby rivers, a marine reserve & mangrove swamp;
- building of pit toilets to prevent contamination of the swamp;
-construction of display boards presenting the communities core values & vision; and several
Dominican republic
Pilot Phase
Project Number: DOM/94/05 |
Education and training to over 50 women regarding organization (in theory and practice) of biodiversity conservation. |
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: ZIM/92/G31/02 |
The Chingwa wood saving stoves project is located in Chiduku,Chiweshe, Esiphezini districts in Mashonaland Central , Manicaland ,and Matebeleland south.The project is an effort to reduce massive deforestration for fuelwood rampant in the areas and a ( ... )
emancipate women .This is an environmentally friendly technology as it uses less fuel than open fires thus emitting less greenhouse gases and contributing less to global warming.Since the stoves use less fuel wood ,less trees are cut and deforestration is minimized. Carbon dioxide sinks are maintained.Use of stoves decreases fuelwood collection ,so the women`s time and labour can be gainfully
Pilot Phase
Project Number: ZIM/92/G31/06 |
The project is located in Putsa village Chimhenga area in Zimunya -Marange district.The problems of deforestration, soil erosion and general water shortage are evident in this district as they are in most communal lands in Zimbabwe.Chisichako ( ... )
a Mashoma Club have embarked upon a project to establish indegenous woodlots,water harvesting to ensure the survival of the planted trees and training of the local community in environmental management.
The overall objective is to initiate sustainable management of the indegenous woodland resource base and incresae biomass production.This will assist in reversing current trends at widespread
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: TUN/92/G51/09 |
* Community training and awareness-raising in collection and recycling of wastes (paper, glass and organic waste)
Le projet: Les ménages et l'environnement dans l'Ile de Djerba: Tri sélectif des ordures ménagères vise à
-Réduire ( ... )
missions de gaz à effet de serre par la diminution de la quantité de déchets et d'ordures ménagères brûlés dans l'Ile.
-Réduire de pollution du littoral causée par les déchets ménagers.
-Réduire des atteintes subies par les marais et contribuer à la conservation de la diversité biologique.
-Lutter contre l'érosion et la dégradation des sols
-Lutter contre la
International Waters
Pilot Phase
Project Number: THA/94/G01 |
Community-based coastal resources management, development of community mangrove forests and rehabilitation of degraded mangrove forest in the west coast of the Gulf of Thailand at Surat Thani Province |
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: EG-PP-07 |
Plant trees inin El Shorouk City, East Cairo and mobilize Nubian NGOs and grassroots communities to participate in implementation. The project is to redress the environmental damage .
- introducing the traditional tree vegetation in El Shorouk ( ... )
- Mobilizing Commities, NGOs, agriculture cooperatives, Youth, in this environment project and developing environmental awarness in the process
- Training the Youth in agricultural methods which are in harmony with and destrucive to the
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-INS-94-G12 |
Project goals or objective (including GEF problem area addressed by project) :
Short term objectives :
1. To raise the liveing standard through alternative cultivation with an environmental perspective.
2. To set up model project of cultivation ( ... )
is suitable for local ecology (lime stone).
Long term objectives :
1. To reinforce local community through an establishment of a local community organization of in a participatory way.
2. To reinforce the existence of ?adat law? (traditional law) as an institution to secure environmental conservation.
Activities to be carried out under project :
? Training and workshop for staff /
Sri lanka
Multifocal Area
Pilot Phase
Project Number: SRL/92/G51/008 |
Objectives, activities
Promoting, educating and encouraging the poeple of SL on the need of environmental conservation and initiate and carry out projecta related to
environmental conservation with special emphasis on bio diversity
Publish a ( ... )
ic booklet series on GEF issues and related newspaper supplements in the 'Mihikatha' newspaper.
Conduct a National awareness program on buffer zone development as an effective means of protected area management, which address multiple concerns of income generation, economic upliftment and conservation of the protected areas.
Produce a low cost video series on sustainable development: the Sri
Pilot Phase
Project Number: POL/94/05 |
Purchase of 3 ha of land from private farmer - stone reserve with unique lichen threatened by overgrazing in surrounding meadows and conflicts with tourists entering a private land.Reserve bachanowo is visited by over 10.000 tourists every year.A ( ... )
o the reserve purchased for the Suwalki Landscape Park by Wigry Foundation and a parking place with educational biilboard solved
International Waters
Pilot Phase
Project Number: THA/94/G17 |
A community-based conservation/rehabilitation programme to manage the natural resources along the Saiburi River Basin. Raising awareness, zoning of community forest, training & seminars and practicing integrated agriculture are major project ( ... )
International Waters
Pilot Phase
Project Number: THA/94/G16 |
A community-based coastal resources management through regulating overfishing in the western coast of the Gulf of Thailand at Songkhla Province. |
Burkina faso
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BKF/94/02 |
Les domaines d?intervention du Projet sont la dégradation des terres, la lutte contre la désertification et le renforcement des capacités.
Ses principales activités ont été : (1) l?aménagement dans chacun des trois (3) villages 20 ha de ( ... )
n cordons pierreux ; (2) l?installation d'une pépinière villageoise ; (3) la plantation d'arbres ; (4) la construction de fosses fumières ; (5) la formation des membres de l?Association.
Pour la mise en œuvre du projet, l?organisation ci-après a été retenue :
?Association Wend-panga pour le développement du Sahel bénéficiaire du projet et chargé de son exécution
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-INS-94-G13 |
Project goals or objective (including GEF problem area addressed by project) :
1. Providing a model for local high schools? extracurricular activities on ?Nature Outdoor Activities with Specific Focus on Tropical Rain Forest Ecosystem? in Bogor and ( ... )
rounding areas.
2. Providing sufficient training for the selected local high school teachers to continue the ?Learning from Nature? in the future.
3. Encouraging students (senior as well as junior high schools?) to start their own ?Outdoor clubs? in their schools, under the guidance of their trained teachers.
Activities to be carried out under project :
1. Trainers? presentation at
Pilot Phase
Project Number: THA/94/G07 |
A community-based programme to raise conservation awareness for youth groups in the locality.The conservation of birds have been encouraged for the reason that the abundance of bird species is related to the richness in biological diversity. |
International Waters
Pilot Phase
Project Number: THA/94/G04 |
A conservation education aiming to rehabilitate watershed areas of tributaries draining into the Gulf of Thailand by convening workshop to promote agroforestry and reduce the soil erosion & forest encroachment. |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BZE/93/06 |
The project aims to promote environmental awareness and protected area concepts and biodiversity protection among park personnel and community leaders. Specifically, the project will:
1. Demonstrate, through training workshops and related field ( ... )
ties, potentially successful approaches to conserving biological diversity and reducing greenhouse emissions which contribute to global warming.
2. Demonstrate successful, or potentially successful, strategies for mobilizing communities and peoples to conserve their environment.
3. develop priorities and strategies for addressing relevant environmental problems,
4. Provide training at the
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-JOR-92-G51-11 |
The proponenet undertook an ecologicla survey and socio-economic study of Petra Region, obtained additonal funds through the Swiss and the Jordanian governements to establish a visitors center. The study resulted in producing comprehensive ( ... )
erized maps of flora and fauna communitiies in the area and defined risks to
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GHA/93/017 |
The NGO worked with the community of Adaklu Vodze in the Ho District. This District is in the dry semi-deciduous forest and the aim of the project was to reduce the threats to the biodiversity in general while improving the incomes of the community ( ... )
s. They trained the community members in nursery practices, afforestation, agroforestry and modern bee keeping as well as bushfire management. By the end of the project, the NGO had started harvesting and selling honey to buyers in the city of Ho, the District and Regional
International Waters
Pilot Phase
Project Number: THA/94/G05 |
Community-based management of watershed of the Nan River which is one of the 4 major tributaries of the Chaophraya River draining into the Gulf of Thailan -thorugh , reforestation, establishment of plant nursery and conservation education camp for ( ... )