Ntambu Community Resources Board (CRB) was established on 16 February 2009 in Chief Ntambu?s area of Mwinilunga District, Zambia. The main objective of the Board is to promote and develop an integrated approach in the management of Human, Cultural and Natural resources aspects in the Chibwika-Ntambu Game Management Area, as well as the open areas within Ntambu Chiefdom.

Since its establishment, Ntambu CRB strives to improve people?s livelihoods by promoting sustainable utilisation and management of natural resources within Ntambu Chiefdom environs. A new Ntambu CRB Board which has 40% representation of women was put in place during the first week of September, 2012.

During the past period some of the notable achievements are as follows:

? A draft Land Use / Conservation Plan has been produced with help from RENMPAS Project
? Some local community members have been empowered with livestock and are now keeping livestock
? Village Scouts are continuing to go on regular patrols in the GMA & National Park
? Community sensitisation meetings have been conducted on aspects of Gender Equality, HIV/AIDS, and Wildlife & Forestry Conservation.

2. Primary Objective

2.1 To improve livelihoods of local communities living within and around Ntambu Chiefdom by ensuring sustainable forest management through beekeeping..

3. Specific Objectives

3.1 To protect forests through promotion of beekeeping
3.2 To enhance capacity of local communities in entrepreneurship, business and marketing.
3.4 To purchase beekeeping equipment and materials for targeted households.
3.5 To construct a processing and bulking plant for bee products
3.6 To enhance the capacity of not less than 2,000 local people in Ntambu Chiefdom to engage in modern beekeeping as a way of improving their socio-economic status and ensure conservation of biodiversity / sustainable forest management.

4. Key project outcomes

4.1 400 households will have improved food security through apiculture and forest management.
4.2 400 households have diversified income sources and increased incomes by 15%
4.3 75% of households have diversified food and nutrition sources
4.4 90% of households have improved nutrition and diets
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Project Snapshot

Ntambu Community Resources Board
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 49,499.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 20,000.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 4,600.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed

SGP Country office contact

Ms Marisa Mushota


United Nations House, Alick Nkata Road, P.O Box 31966
Lusaka, Africa, 10101