: Local Capacity Consolidation Project (loCCoP).
The goal is to progressively develop the capacity of 6 Community Based Organizations (CBOs) through training, follow up and post-training supports to enhance their involvement and participation in best land use practices. There are existing-yet dormant CBOs in the 6 chiefdoms targeted for this project. According to assessments, and evaluations the CBOs are dormant because they are generally weak in terms of strategic planning, governance structures, management, financial control, project/service delivery, and fundraising. These weaknesses put them at disadvantages in terms of accessing supports form donors, government institutions, and other development actors. They cannot operate for long term because of lack of funds and other supports. The promotion of best land use practices are mostly undertaken by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and other higher institutions. The CBOs are also prone to losing trained and experienced staff/volunteers as a result of lack of stable and sufficient financial and other resources to support their continued functions and operations. The spread of messages and practices about best land use interventions will be a lot easier and cheaper if CBOs are capacitated in terms of training and post-training supports to demonstrate best land use practices. Their overheads during project implementation are usually lower as compared to NGOs. Also, in targeted chiefdoms youths/young adults are more involved in agricultural practices that promote deforestation for example: upland farming, timber logging, and charcoal burning. Deforestation will be reduced considerably if the youths are sensitized about the long term economic benefits associated with Inland Valley Swamp (IVS) cultivation and fish culture, and the establishment and management of large scale plantain/banana farms (pure stands). Also some of the youths/young adults especially in the rural areas who are not involved in agriculture are forced to migrate to urban areas because of lack of rural based gainful employments/engagements. This is further compounded by lack of the required knowledge and skills to provide some needed services. To address the challenges mentioned above, this project is designed to assess the overall capacity of CBOs from 6 chiefdoms and to provide the necessary training and post-training supports to assist them to function and operate effectively and efficiently, mainly for demonstration of best land use practices. Therefore 60 members (10 members from each CBO) will be trained in batches of 30 participants per session on organizational capacity development. Also 60 youths/young adults (10 youths from each chiefdom) will be trained in batches of 30 participants per session on inland valley swamp development and cultivation, inland fish culture, and the establishment and management of large scale plantain/banana farms. The first training will concentrate on theoretical aspects and the last training will be spent on actual practical demonstration work. The trained 60 youths/young adults will be guided to form 6 Youth Work Groups (YWGs). One youth work group per chiefdom (10 youths per work group). Efforts will be made to ensure that at least 60% of the direct project beneficiaries are females. Each of the 6 pilot CBOs will be assisted to construct and stock 2 standard fish ponds which will be later managed by each CBO, and to establish and manage acres of plantain/banana farms (870 pure stands of plantains/bananas). The overriding strategy will be: TRAIN, ACTIVATE, VISIT, EVALUATE and TRAIN again (TAVET). Post-training supports in terms of compliance, mentoring, coaching, monitoring, evaluation and supervision will be provided by the Programme Management Team (PMT) of CARD. Each CBO will be required to prepare monthly and quarterly work plans and accompanying budgets. Their work plans and budgets will be jointly reviewed and thereafter validated, approved and supported by CARD for implementation. All work plans and budgets will be in line with the project targets/results. The M&E Assistant for the project and Compliance Coordinator (CC) of CARD will ensure that 6 CBOs use the knowledge, skills and experience they acquired during the organizational development training conducted during the project.
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Project Snapshot
Community Action for Rural Development Sierral Leone
Sierra Leone
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 5,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 8,000.53
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 22,778.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
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Project Characteristics and Results
Gender Focus
About 57% of the direct beneficiaries of the project will be women and effort will be made to include Persons with Disabilities (PwDs), some PWDs will be given key positions in the executive committees of the 6 CBOs.
Policy Impact
All human right laws, acts and bye ?laws existing in the targeted communities will be observed by all concerned. Also land tenure-ship will be observed. All legal arrangements will be crowned by the signing of memorandum of understanding.
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Number of CBOs / NGOs participated / involved in SGP project
Number of individuals (gender diaggregated) who have benefited* from SGP project
SGP Country office contact
Mr. Abdul SANNOH
Visit the Sierra Leone Country Page