Agro-Ecology Farming For Sustainable Community Land Use Management.
Agro-Ecology Farming For Sustainable Community Land Use Management.
The project aims to protect the ecologically rich but fragile tropical woodland savanna environment and reverse it continued rapid degradation in four communities namely: Tinkifirah, Dainabellifeh, Kasunya, and Badella in the Upper Kamadugu Section of Yiraia-Kamadu Chiefdom in the Falaba District in North West Sierra Leone. The environment for the past couple of decades has been subjected to extensive harmful traditional practices of slash-and-burn farm methods under the bush fallow crop cultivation system, excessive cattle overgrazing under the nomadic pastoralism system of animal husbandry, and more recently the ravage harvests of rare and threatened species of tropical hardwood for timber logs exports by a swarm of local and international Chinese companies operating in the country. In order to reverse this wanton uncontrolled destruction and protect the environment and community natural resources - including forest, pastures, inland valley swamps, streams and rivers, and a diversity of fish and animal species etc ? this project proposes to introduce and strengthen climate smart and sustainable land use practices of agro-pastoral cattle ranching, organic farming, and reforestation of strategic areas of already degraded environments in the project communities. The agro-pastoral cattle ranching is a system of animal husbandry wherein cattle are raised in a large enclosed community pasture ranch land with some portion of the enclosed ranch land being used for cultivation of forage and crops as feed supplement to the cattle in dry season when pastures are not enough to meet grazing requirement. Organic farming is a system of crop husbandry wherein forage and food crops (vegetables) are cultivated using mainly composted cattle droppings as organic fertilizers add nutrient to the soil for yield maximization and production of chemical free animal feed supplement and food for humans. Reforestation involves the planting of fast-growing agro-forestry trees in some strategic areas such as catchment and stream sources of the already degraded environments in the project communities.
It is expected that once these above proposed project activities are carried out effectively the following outcome results will be achieved: (1) about 30,000 hectares of community land will be freed from the burden of animal overgrazing resulting in the natural regrowth and restoration of the natural vegetation; (2) about 226 hectares of some strategic areas of community land already degraded will be planted with forest trees; (3) about 109 women farm families and 126 youths farm families directly engaged in the project?s offered alternative sustainable income generating farming activities; and (4) there is evidence of livelihood empowerment and poverty reduction among 1,329 rural households farm families involving over 5,316 rural women, youths, and other marginalized populations in project communities.
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Project Snapshot

Sierra Leone
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 30,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 11,555.60
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 18,845.40
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
Majority of the Kuranko farm families own cattle herds either directly reared in their own cattle farms or indirectly they encourage and entrust to some Fulani herdsmen on pay or produce shearing agreements. The farm practices under this traditional system of slash-and-burn crop farming and open animal grazing are harmful to both the community livelihood system and the ecology of environment for sustainability. This project proposed continuity of these dominant economic activities (crop and animal farming) but under the more sustainable environmentally friendly agro-ecology farming methods. This does not only reinforced continuity of the traditional crop and animal farming economic activities, but it as well seek to diversify crops and animals as sources of healthy foods and income for the populations
Capacity - Building Component
The association has a good number of highly literate non-resident community descendants, part of which form the project specialist team of the association. This project specialist team has members that are highly trained in managing project, such as the Project Coordinator and Project Supervisor. They have vast expertise and experience in community project identification, design and planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation to effectively and efficiently carry out this proposed project.
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Number of CBOs / NGOs participated / involved in SGP project 4
Number of CBOs / NGOs formed or registered through the SGP project 4
Hectares of degraded land rest 160
Hectares of land sustainably managed by project 226
Increase in household income by increased income or reduced costs due to SGP project 250
Number of households who have benefited* from SGP project 152
Number of individuals (gender diaggregated) who have benefited* from SGP project 1160

SGP Country office contact

Mr. Abdul SANNOH
