Adapting to climate change through cassava organic production
Adapting to climate change through cassava organic production
Main Project Objective
To promote women participation in energy saving stoves, goat rearing and gardening in Chibwika Chiefdom.

Specific objectives
1. To promote goat rearing as a way of wildlife management to avoid people hunting in the forest
2. To build capacity and strengthen the Women Club in energy saving stoves
3. Promote benefits of forests to women in local communities in the Chibwika Chiefdom.

Expected Results
1. Reduced poaching
2. Reduced poverty in the communities
3. Increased incomes at household level
4. Reduction in the loss of the ecosystem
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Project Snapshot

Nkundezhi Women Club.
Area Of Work:
Community Based Adaptation
Grant Amount:
US$ 41,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 1,000.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 1,000.00
Project Number:
ZMB/UNDP-FSP/2018 /07
Project Terminated Before Completion

SGP Country office contact

Ms Marisa Mushota


United Nations House, Alick Nkata Road, P.O Box 31966
Lusaka, Africa, 10101