Goat rearing and energy saving stoves in old Matebo Community
Goat rearing and energy saving stoves in old Matebo Community
Main Project Objective
To work with the communities in the project areas to save land, wildlife and other forms
of the ecosystem by educating and empowering them to enhance their livelihood.

Specific objectives
1. To educate and sensitize communities on land use management and governance.
2. To promote alternative sustainable livelihood to lessen pressure on wildlife and forests.
3. To enhance village management and establish accountable micro-governance systems.
4. To train communities in the project area in small business management.

Expected Results
1. Reduced poaching
2. Reduced deforestation and forest degradation
3. Reduced poverty in the communities
4. Increased incomes at household level
5. Reduced Land degradation
6. Reduction in the loss of the ecosystem
7. Increased Forest cover due to reduction of mal practices by community members
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Project Snapshot

Skillshare Governance Support Foundation
Area Of Work:
Community Based Adaptation
Grant Amount:
US$ 40,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 1,000.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 1,000.00
Project Number:
ZMB/UNDP-FSP/2018 /08
Satisfactorily Completed

SGP Country office contact

Ms Marisa Mushota


United Nations House, Alick Nkata Road, P.O Box 31966
Lusaka, Africa, 10101