Clean Energy for Coastal Communities: Solar Electricity for Youths Capacity Building in Selected Coastal Communities in the Bonthe District
Clean Energy for Coastal Communities: Solar Electricity for Youths Capacity Building in Selected Coastal Communities in the Bonthe District
The project titled "Clean Energy for Coastal Communities: Solar Electricity for Youths Capacity Building in Selected Coastal Communities in the Bonthe District" shall provide solar electricity for the primary school, students and youths in Mania community, in the Settieh Chiefdom, community members in the Bohol Community on the Turners Peninsula in the Nongoba Bullum Chiefdom in Bonthe District and pilot mobile charging Kiosks that will be managed by selected disadvantaged youths within the Bonthe District. The communities are coastal communities with high number of population of unemployed youths whose only hope of surviving is fishing. Due to the easy access to fishing grounds and fishing practices, the majority of children neither complete primary schools. The few that endeavor to continue are constrained with limited facilities all throughout their primary school education in these communities. Some of the limitations faced by the students include access to sustainable energy for lighting home at night for studying and the schools lack computers and printers for doing administrative tasks. Due to the high rate of dropouts, the youth population is always on the increase within the coastal communities mainly for fishing. With the current trend of mobile technology, almost all the youths have mobile phones that they regularly pay to those who have generators for charging their batteries for communication and efficient transactions of businesses and money transfers. Generator all over the world emits carbon dioxide that contribute to climate change, therefore the use of solar electricity to replace generators is considered a smart way of eliminating the emission of CO2 gas into the atmosphere.
This project hopes to help the youths in Mania to complete the construction of community center and utilize it as a solar charging centre for the whole community. The project will introduce mobile charging Kiosks that will be managed by disabled and disadvantaged youths within selected communities in the Bonthe District.
The specific objectives include:
1. Securing solar panels, batteries, charge controllers, cables, switches, lamps, printers and desktop computers
2. Completing the Youth Center in Mania and constructing phone charging Kiosk in Bohol
3. Designing and Piloting Mobile Charging Kiosks for the disabled/disadvantaged youths within selected coastal communities in the Bonthe District.
4. Installing solar electricity within the Mania School and youth community center, and Bohol community
5. Training two teachers in basic computer operations
6. Distributing solar lamps to students
7. Establishing phone-charging stations in Mania and Bohol Communities.

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Project Snapshot

Reptile and Amphibian Programme Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 25,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 450.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 2,000.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Notable Community Participation
? RAP-SL had discussions with the Mania community members during its community needs assessment. The Bohol community been immediate to Mania was considered based on the fact that youths from there always sail to mania in order to charge their phones and DVDs when there is no generator. The project will ensure that locals are engaged in every aspect of the project implementation. They will be encouraged to undertake the activities that will promote the speeding up the implementation of the project within their communities
Significant Participation of Indigenous Peoples
Bonthe District largely comprise the Sherbro and Mendes but due to the fact that coastal communities nowadays are inhabited by many tribes in Sierra Leone, in order to ensure the involvement of locals settled within the communities in meetings, someone from the communities will be engaged to translate to creole, which is a common medium of communication in Sierra Leone. For other project activities, the contribution of locals will be sought through in-kind assistances including fetching water for the construction work, cooking and transportation of materials for the work etc
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Tonnes of CO2 decreased or avoided by energy efficient and renewable energy technologies or applying environmentally sustainable transport practices introduced by SGP Project 2000
Number of individuals (gender diaggregated) who have benefited* from SGP project 1210

SGP Country office contact

Mr. Abdul SANNOH
