Ecosystem restoration and tree tracking system to estimate GEF?s contribution towards carbon credit in sierra Leone
Ecosystem restoration and tree tracking system to estimate GEF?s contribution towards carbon credit in sierra Leone
This project will enable GEF to monitor and keep track of all the trees planted in the Sierra Leone by various CBOs, CSOs and NGOs under the SGP grant and be able to determine how much carbon credits they will in due course contribute toward ecosystem restoration efforts in the country. This project will empower Grantees with Open Data Kit (ODK) skills to collect digital information of the trees they have planted and be able to manage the information in a database, which they would create themselves. 2030 targets of the sustainable development goal 15.3 are to combat desertification and restore degraded land. This project will provide precise spatial locations of the individual trees planted in Sierra Leone in line with restoration efforts by GEF via various grantees.

The objectives of this project is to develop a tree tracking systems for GEF that can enable them to monitor and keep track of all the trees planted in the Sierra Leone by various CBOs, CSOs and NGOs and be able to determine how much carbon credits GEF has contributed towards ecosystem restoration efforts in the country. Specific objectives are to:

1. Develop an electronic questionnaire to collect data on all tree species planted
2. Create a three dimensional GIS platform to store and display tree data
3. Develop an algorithm that can be used to calculate carbon credit in due course
4. Train SGP grantees on creation and management of their own database of the tree species and be able to use it to source funding from other donors in order to meet sustainability.
Key expected results from this project will include; a geodatabase filled with records of all trees planted by GEF grantees, a map showing spatial distribution of trees planted by specie type overlaid with district and chiefdom level administrative boundary datasets, tonnes of CO2 sequestered by district and a databased of individual tree plantations.

This project will cover 23 communities in 8 districts of Sierra Leone where various species of trees have been planted. In each community, Field Data Collectors of various organisations will collect data on the tree species planted including their botanical and local names, date planted, tree height and DBH, using an electronic questionnaire uploaded on mobile devices.
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Project Snapshot

Institute of Environmental Management and Quality Control
Sierra Leone
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 25,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 9,000.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 10,660.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
Key aspect in projects is to communicate the project at various stages of implementation, which provides the basis to assess its impact on the community. We shall continue public access to outcomes of the project through radio programs, newspapers, policy briefs, television talk shows etc., We inform the public about the activities undertaken and the impacts created to the beneficiaries. Lessons learnt are critical at this stage to ensure replicability in other areas of need. We shall organize a workshop and invite staff of other institutions offering environmental programmes and courses to share the project ideas and lessons learned. A platform for sharing knowledge by the SGP grantees will be established as an ecosystem restoration forum. This will be supported by other organisations.
Policy Impact
No, however the project will trigger communities to advocate for groups participation in the ongoing national tree planting implemented by the Ministry of Environment.
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Hectares of globally significant biodiversity area protected or sustainably managed by project 500
Number of innovations or new technologies developed / applied 5
Number of CBOs / NGOs participated / involved in SGP project 30
Hectares of degraded land rest 500
Number of individuals (gender diaggregated) who have benefited* from SGP project 4500

SGP Country office contact

Mr. Abdul SANNOH
