Sustainable Crop and Livestock Farming for Climate Smart Land-use Management, Income Generation and Food Security
Sustainable Crop and Livestock Farming for Climate Smart Land-use Management, Income Generation and Food Security
This project ?Sustainable Crop and Livestock farming for Climate Smart Landuse Management, Income Generation and Food Security? is a complementary project aimed at consolidating the gains of the previous project ?Agroecology Farming for Sustainable Landuse Management? implemented in 2018.The project constitutes components of semi-intensive livestock ranching, organic vegetable and economic tree farming in five target communities to complement and consolidate the gains of the previous GEF SGF funded project. The project would benefit five self-help groups with members totaling at least 350 direct beneficiary farmers with about sixty percent women. Each beneficiary group would be made up of the most vulnerable members of the communities. In each community a Project Steering Committee would be formed to oversee project implementation. The project will complete construction of the perimeter barbed-wire fence of the grazing field, construct additional animal sheds, construct a farm house, storage, and water supply facilities on the existing community livestock ranch farm as well as establish community vegetable and economic tree farms in all the five target communities. Fencing and construction materials would be acquired to complete facilities on the ranch; basic tools, vegetable seeds (onion & pepper), and pest chemical for pest control would be acquired and supplied to participants for establishment of community vegetable farms; and 32,000 economic tree seedlings (cashew, oil palm, mango) would be raised and supplied to participating farmers. Farmer participants would be encouraged as usual to buy livestock animals (cattle, goat, and sheep) from their vegetable and later fruit/processed product sales savings for placement in the community ranch farm. The expected outcome results include: (1) about 60,000 hectares of community land forest regrowth due to reduction of animal open-grazing; (2) about 200 hectares of community land area reforested with economic trees; (3) about 230 women farmers and 280 youths farmers directly engaged in alternative sustainable income generating farming activities; and (4) there is evidence of livelihood empowerment and poverty reduction among over 2,000 rural farm families involving over 10,000 marginalized rural populations in project communities
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Project Snapshot

Sierra Leone
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 10,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 400.70
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 20,242.50
Project Number:
SLE/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/ LD/15/10/2021/24
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Significant Participation of Indigenous Peoples
. The indigenous kuranko and krio languages that are spoken by all in the communities are the principal medium for deliberation and communication of project activities and tasks. By this means there would be very little or no language barrier for the participation of community members right from conception and planning of project ideas through implementation to the impact evaluation stage. There are very few, if at all any, physically challenged (cripples, mentally ill, blind, deaf and dumb etc) in the target communities. However, the population of women and children in these communities dominates all others
Gender Focus
Given the above population scenario, women, men and youths are sufficiently involved in all the project component activities and tasks. Traditionally, in these communities, men are assigned to doing the difficult hard works like bush clearing, hoeing, planting, and transporting etc, whereas the women are assigned to what is considered not too difficult jobs like food processing, weeding, milking of animals, and harvesting of crops etc. Therefore, this project would engage women predominantly in weeding, harvesting, and food processing, while the men will be more focused on farm clearing and preparation, planting, and ranch fencing and other construction activities
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Hectares of degraded land rest 6000
Hectares of land sustainably managed by project 192
Number of individuals (gender diaggregated) who have benefited* from SGP project 400

SGP Country office contact

Mr. Abdul SANNOH
