Project Title |
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Area Of Work
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Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: BHU/OP3/Y1/05/04 |
Soil erosion is by and large the most significant contributor to land degradation in Bhutan. The erosion processess include both natural geological and man-induced erosions. Because of its high and steep slopes, and location in a zone of orogenic ( ... )
ain building) activity, the landscape of Bhutan is naturally dynamic and therefore, natural or geological erosion is also common besides man-induced erosions.
The project seeks cooperation through GEF and other donors as mentioned herewith, SGP is requested to assist US $ 49,289.60 to compliment the national programme of land degradation campaigning and carrying out soil conservation and
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/04/04 |
Forests in Mbinga like in the rest of the country have been and are being threatened by uncontrolled degradation and conversion to other types of land uses. This is influenced by increased human needs' agricultural expansion, environmentally ( ... )
l mismanagements including for example, bush fires, lack of anti poaching measures and unsustainable commercial logging. The project's primary objective is to initiate a tree-planting programme as one of land rehabilitation measures and promote awareness on good land husbandry for sustainable community livelihoods in Mbinga
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: ZIM/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/2005/10 |
This project is located in Umzingwane district,in Dobi, Zodula ,Gabheni ,Mtshede11, Nokwane, Dula, Sewondo villages which form part of the Matobo World Heritage Site.A general survey has revealed that most of the community members are ( ... )
re of the natural capital ,and cultural heritage available as well as the current status of the land they reside in.This ignorance has resulted in the problems of land degtradation, loss of biodiversity,poverty and food security which this project seeks to resolve.
The goal of this project is to contribute to the improvement of the livelihoods of the community around the MWHS cluster through
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: WSM/01/05 |
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: WSM/OP3/01/05/01 |
The Tagiilima Handicraft Association Inc, in partnership with the GEF-SGP Samoa coordinated the launching of the Country Programme Strategy for both islands Upolu and Savaii. The NGO were given the task of making arrangements for the event, organize ( ... )
ite all stakeholders. They were also responsible for facilitating the national workshops conducted in each
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-04-10W |
A series of meetings will be organised in Antalya region, renowned for its lakes in the past. There has been a profound trend to drain wetlands in Turkey. The NGO is planning to organise three meetings, each near to a different wetland, to ( ... )
trate the importance of wetlands for the health of the ecosystems that they are surrounded with. The meetings will include field trips to the wetland in question, a photography exhibition and a panel and a workshop, going into details of the problems in that particular area, issues connected to biodiversity, hunting, agricultural activities, legal situation and sustainability.
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MON/05/15 |
Only 8.2 % of Mongolia's territory is covered by forest. Over the last 15 years, while Mongolia has hardly been struggling to shift in to a market economy, forest resources of the country have seriously been damaged by illegal logging. Although the ( ... )
ment is hardly fighting against this illegal activity, forests are being continued to be depleted. Involvement of local communities in forest protection activities is sought to be a most promising measure in the future. The grant is given to support an NGO's initiative to set up a voluntary community nature protectors' network in order to halt illegal logging of trees for fuel and housing
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: BHU/OP3/Y1/05/03 |
Patala is a remotest Geogs under Tsirang Dzongkhag with 260 households and it has a difficult terrain and has an area of 137 square kilometers with elevation ranging from 400 metres to 2000 metres above mean sea level.
The people are too ( ... )
ent on the forest and the natural vegetation for their livelihood for eg. firewood, fodder, lightings during the night. There is high cases of forest fires caused mainly by night travellers using the fire-ball torches (indigenous).
The main objective of the project is to conserve the local natural resources by using solar energy on one hand and taking up the plantation on the other.
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/04/05 |
In the north region of Jorda, in the beautiful area of Wadi Rajib, the Wadi Rajib Women Cooperative will implement the ?Local Community in the Management of Wadi Rajib Eco-system? project. The area is characterized by its magnificent scenery and ( ... )
nt water which helped to form its special eco-system rich with biodiversity and abundance of indigenous species of forest and fruit trees which are significant in terms of agro-biodiversity. The project aims at helping farmers and community members to take measures that conserve their lands and the quality of their agricultural products, propagating significant species of fruit trees which are
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/05/06 |
The mountain ecosystems of Kukes region are of a great biodiversity importance and economic value to the neighboring people. This project aims to advance the efforts already undertaken in the Kukes region to enhance sustainable economic development ( ... )
pport a marked-based economy. Typically low income rural communities in Albania rely on goats for their subsistence level household economy. The high grazing pressure combined with unsustainable forestry in the past results in a destructive overgrazing of the forest habitat.
Together with the World Bank initiative for the creation of communal forests, this project through Apiculture, as a type
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-04-16 |
Diesel fuel is used in tractors and some other agricultural machines in rural areas of Turkey. Due to increasing petroleum prices and difficulty in accessibility to gasoline stations at remote villages, the cost of agricultural production increases ( ... )
at is one of the difficulties for the sustainability of life in rural areas.
In this project, rape seed will be cultivated in 50 decar area at Hisarkoy and nearby villages 60 km to Ankara. Plant oil obtained from the seeds will be used as fuel for tractors and other agricultural machines. A small facility for pressing 50-100 kg seed per hour to produce oil will be installed at Hisarkoy. With
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: ROM/05/16 |
The project aims at ensuring sustainable conservation of underground bats habitats in five carstic key-areas, involvement of volunteers in the bats conservation process, and at public awareness and involvement in bats protection. To ensure the ( ... )
vation of the bats populations, the grantee will prepare the standardized data sheet for Natura 2000 sites, making GIS database, planting warning boards at the cave's entrances and closing the entrances where the bat colonies are on the way of extinction. By involving the young representatives of the local communities where the project is implemented in camps and by connecting all the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: PAK/OP3/05/04 |
Ali Pur Farash, has been selected to install a pilot system. Although, Ali Pur Farash is located in the suburbs of Islamabad, but it is a locality developed by government for low income people. Unfortunately one of the basic facilities, i.e. ( ... )
icity is not available in this area. People either use oil, LPG or wood for lightening purposes. This not only becomes additional burden on these poor people but also harm their health. Their children could suffer in their studies. Deforestation in the area is increasing at an alarming rate so does the smoke and soot formation which is becoming a point of concern in that particular
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: HND/OP3/SGP/05/024 |
El proyecto busca establecer plantaciones comunitarias de árboles maderables y frutales bajo planes de manejo y aprovechamiento comercial y sostenible; Regenerar y conservar los recursos de bosque y agua de la isla de Tansin para lograr su ( ... )
chamiento racional y sostenible; Organizar una empresa de producción y comercialización de productos de sastrería.
Tansin Kihka Mairka Asla Takanka asumirá la responsabilidad por la ejecución del proyecto, pero mantendrá las organizaciones basadas en ambas comunidades involucradas, y delegará en ellas el trabajo local. La Organización de Mujeres de Palkaka y Yamni Balram (Tansin) se
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/CWI/04/05 |
Lusala Village is located in Ludewa District, Iringa Region, Tanzania. LUSALA is approximately 700 km South West of capital Dar es Salaam. The village is estaimated to have 4,000 people. In 2001, Lusala Villagers took steps to protect water ( ... )
s by planting trees around it. Villagers were also sinsitised to refrain from living and undertaking any socio-economic activities in catchment areas. This project seeks to establish a community water supply scheme at Lusala Village. When the project is completed, maximum walking distance to the closest water drawing point will be 400 metres compared to a present distance of 1,2 to 2
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: SEN/05/06 |
La Communauté Rurale de Sakal se trouve dans la région de Louga , dans la zone de culture de l?arachide appelée « bassin arachidier » caractérisée par des écosystèmes arides et semi arides menacés par la désertification. ( ... )
inalité du présent projet proposé par le Regroupement pour la protection de L?environnement de Thiambène Tyll et l?ONG GREEN SENEGAL réside dans le fait qu?il part d?une expérience pilote menée à une échelle villageoise, consolidée par la suite au niveau des terroirs d?un ensemble d?autres villages (nombre de villages à augmenter, sous financement PMF/FEM), pour aujourd?hui
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: MOR/OP3/1/05/04 |
Le projet a été mis en place dans le village de poterie de Tamasloht situé à une vingtaine de kilomètres de Marrakech. Ce centre regroupe une centaine d?ateliers d?artisans pour un total de soixante trois fours traditionnels qui utilisent du ( ... )
t des pneus comme matériaux de combustion. La production de CO2 du centre de potier de Tamasloht est estimée actuellement à 10 584 tonnes par an.
Le projet a contribué à réduire les émissions de GES produites et améliorer les conditions de vie des artisans, par l?introduction de four à gaz. Le modèle de four à gaz qui sera installé, sera le même que celui qui a été mis en
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/04/21 |
Ce projet vise a la protection du fleuve Niger par la réduction de la pollution causée par les rejets industriels. Ses principales activités sont : la sensibilisation des populations et des autres utilisateurs de l?eau sur la nécessite de ( ... )
ger le fleuve Niger contre les rejets industriels et le renforcement de capacites des femmes productrices de savons a partir des dechets de Huicoma .
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/04/28 |
Le projet lutte pour la diminution des gaz à effet de serre est la suite logique de l?intervention de KILABO dans les 25 villages de la commune rurale de Boidié pour résoudre les problèmes environnementaux qui se rapportent à la ( ... )
ersité et aux changements climatiques. Ce projet vise comme objectifs d?initier les populations à la gestion durable de l?environnement en mettant en œuvre des activités qui concourent à la diminution des gaz à effet de serre. Vise aussi à aider les population dans la mise en œuvre d?une gestion des ressources qui garantisse l?utilisation des terres et des
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: UGA/05/53 |
A community based ecotourism and conservation programme will be established within Mabira Forest Reserve focusing on provision of visitor management by the local communities, and promotion of community conservation education activities to support ( ... )
otection of forest resources within the reserve, and reduce unsustainable forest use. Implementation will also involve the development of a strong community institution, capable of managing such integrated conservation efforts. Community business will be encouraged through basic training and support, and the potential link between this programme and the COOLRegion