Project Title |
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Area Of Work
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Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: ZIM/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/2005/04 |
Madyamuru project lies in Madyamhuru village which is 3,5 km from Muhume Business Center. The village has a total of 46 households and a total population of approximately 300 people.
Like the other areas in Zimbabwe, wetlands ( ... )
tute an important resource that mitigates against acute food shortages and they provide a source of water for livestock watering. However, due to poor and improper management of wetlands in Murewa, there has been a subsequent drying up of the wetlands. In addition, this has been due to the fact tat communities lack the technical skills and knowledge on how to rehabilitate and sustainably utilise
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: ZIM/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/2005/05 |
Magaya project is based in ward 8 of Murewa District in Mashonaland East Province. The village shares boundaries with Jakopo village, the Urah river and Chitowa farms in ward 7. Over the years, Magaya Village has been the largest in terms of size ( ... )
ailability of indigenous tree cover and vegetation.
However, due to increased population pressure, this has resulted in accelerated and indiscriminate cutting down of trees, stream bank cultivation leading to siltation of Urah river. It is against this background that the community has reserved 20 hectares for the establishment of woodlots. The project goal is improved vegetation cover
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MAL/05/FP-1-49 |
To enable the local communities to mainstream its efforts , which were piloted annd proven during its earlier phase of funding which ended in June 2005. The local communities have shown a keen interest and a strong belief in mainstreaming their ( ... )
s towards the conservation and sustainable use of the Sematan mangroves ecosystem and its biological diversity for the present and future generations. The communities have come to realise that the mangrove ecosystem becomes especialy important in providing protection from natural disasters like the tsunami. Also there is much interest shown by both the federal and state government in the
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/94/04 |
The project intends to undertake shared and consolidated experiences of the CBST validation activities and the process of evaluating them using the CBST framework |
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP3/1/05/WB06 |
MTFA is a community-based organization formed in 2005 to improve the standard of living of local people through sustainable development and conservation of local environment. The project is designed to improve the lighting system and reducing ( ... )
al pollution at household levels. The project will replace the naked kerosene lamps with solar lamps in 641 houses in Mamring Toryok. Further, the plantation done with the community will protect the area from accelerated soil erosion. The goal of the project is to contribute to environment of Mamring-Toryok in a sustainable manner and ensure health and well-being of the community. The project is
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: THA/05/02 |
Target Population / Location of project:
1,594 households of Small-scale fishermen , all Muslim, residing in eight villages along the 116-km long coast - an ecological of the Gulf of Thailand / South China Sea. It is situated in the ( ... )
c Sub-region Unit of the Biogeography.
Environment Problems and Livelihood:
The project area comprises both estuary and wetland which is regarded as one important ecosystem of both Thailand and Malaysia. One of the mangrove in Pattani Province , Yaring, is one of the richest in the country. The Pattani bay is now under mounting threats due to urbanization, promotion of industry and
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: UGA/05/51 |
Shunya Yetana Community Based Organisation is a local organisation working around the landslides degraded areas of Mt. Elgon Ecosystem. The Mt.Elgon ecosystem is one of the surviving montane fragile systems in Africa that is threatened with ( ... )
ation. It is a unique ecosystem and home to a number of threatened and endangered species such as the iron wood.The mountain is also internationally recognized for its biodiversity and its being an important catchment area controlling the hydrology of the River Nile system.
The mountain provides various resources such as water and further supports dense populations that are dependent on
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/05/69 |
Project development Goal:
Increasing the community capacity to conserve and rehabilitate the ecosystems at the hills as water catchments area
Project Objectives:
1.to conserve the ecosystems at the hills as water catchments area
2.to ( ... )
e community participation in hill conservation and as water users
3.to empower communities in dealing with local government; the proposal include provision of drinking water, micro-hydro power plant, development of rice fields
Expected Output:
1.83,000 trees (chocolate, dipterocarpaceae, durian, rubber) planted in water catchments areas
2.One conservation mapping area
3.One MOUs among
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: UGA/NTEAP/05/004 |
The project aims at improving natural resources management practices on the farmlands along River Malaba in Buteba and Amonikakenei parishes, in Busia district of Uganda. The river is shared by Kenya and Uganda and its water flows to River Nile ( ... )
h Lake Kyoga. The river water is silted and the NGO is demonstrating farming methods and land-use management practices which reduce siltation. In addition, communities are taught simple methods of filtering drinking
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/04/13 |
The project activities will be implemented in the area of the archeological complex of Medvegalis. The project aims to protect cultural heritage and sustain rare ecosystems, as well as to start nature management activities and promote ecological ( ... )
m in the area.
SGP will finance inventory of the natural values of the locality, which is rich in rare plants and insects. After obtaining this data it will be possible to prepare a scientifically based nature management plan. The ancient mounds will be cleared from trees and bushes. This will bring double benefit: historical heritage will be preserved and favorable conditions for the
International Waters
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: EGY-05-168 |
El Qarawi is one of the satellite villages around Abou Homos, in Behira govenorate. The village is deprived of any sanitation services and a large part of the waste water was being disposed of in the fresh water canal causing contamination. This ( ... )
feeds into the river Nile. El Sanaa Association, one of the active NGOs in the area, implemented a project to establish a waste water treatment facility for the village. The original plan was to restrict the waste water facility to grey water but eventually the community members opted to establish a treatment unit for municipal and grey
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: TAN/COMPACT/GEF/05/04 |
Water resources are becoming scarce in many parts around Mt. Kilimanjaro. In South Uru Ward where the Mitroo irrigation scheme is located, villagers are concern about conservation of water resources and through this project they will reduce water ( ... )
on this scheme. In the implementation of this project trees will be planted on river banks and the law of keeping away any human activities within the 30 meters from the river will be implemented.
The other objective of this project is to facilitate 750 households in managing water sources in order to improve agricultural activities along Mitroo irrigation
Dominican republic
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: DOM/05/06 |
Implementación de 35 parcelas forestales y agroforestales de 20 tareas cada una, como parte del proceso, se realizaran capacitaciones y se aumentara la cobertura boscosa con la siembra de diversas especies agroforestales y la restauración del ( ... )
natural en comunidades de Restauración, Provincia
Phase 2
Project Number: ecu/04/016 |
El proyecto hará énfasis fundamental en la rehabilitación de los cacaotales que actualmente presentan bajísimos niveles de producción, con una política tecnológica que se enmarque dentro de un plan global de explotación racional de los ( ... )
os de la zona , por lo tanto se potenciarán las actividades agrícolas y de reforestación con plantas nativas y tradicionales en etapa de extinción, incluyendo el componente de uso de bombas fotovoltaicas en los pozos de agua para consumo humano existentes en las comunidades. Acciones relacionadas con los principios de sostenibilidad y equilibrio con el medio ambiente.
La meta del proyecto
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/04/27 |
Reapertura del Camping Baños del Parrón, con un manejo sustentable del espacio natural, insertado en un sector precordillerano, otorgando un valor agregado a los atractivos paisajes naturales y culturales de la zona. Utilización de energía ( ... )
ativa (en este caso
Dominican republic
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: DOM/05/20 |
Establecimiento de una pequena micro empresa ecoturística manejada por el grupo de mujeres ?El Futuro de Rincón? que asegure el correcto manejo del área de la Laguna del Diablo y contribuya, a la vez, al incremento de los ingresos de las ( ... )
as de la
Dominican republic
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: DOM/05/17 |
Consolidad el comanejo del monumento natural río Damajagua, a partir del establecimiento de una empresa ecoturística comunitaria utilizando como principal atractivo los 27 charcos del río Damajagua que contribuya a incrementar la visitación ( ... )
orma de manejo sostenible y por consiguiente a mejorar las condiciones de vida de la población de las comunidades de Los Guzmanes, Los Senciones, Llano de Pérez, La Selva, Ingenio Amistad, Imbert, en la Provincia de Puerto
El salvador
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: 008/05/ELS/OP3/SGP |
El proyecto tiene como objetivo, proteger y conservar la diversidad biológica mediante el mantenimiento de huertos con plantas de especies nativas que poseen componentes medicinales y aromáticos, así como elaborar, legalizar y comercializar ( ... )
tos en modalidades terapéuticas; para lo cual se contempla (1) brindar mantenimiento a tres huertos establecidos durante la fase I, (2) darle sostenibilidad al proyecto a través de la elaboración de sub productos derivados de plantas medicinales y aromáticas.
El salvador
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ELS04/98/G52/012 |
El objetivo general del proyecto es crear condiciones en el área natural protegida de Chaguantique, para que las comunidades de la zona de amortiguamiento hagan uso racional de los recursos naturales, dentro de los objetivos especificos esta la del ( ... )
cimiento de 3 corredores biologicos de un kilometro de longitud, conectado a las microcuencas para interconectar el área natural de bosque dulce, con el bosque de manglar, así como el apoyo al manejo del área natrual de Chaguantique, además se construira un estanque de 100 m2 para monitorear las tasas de crecimiento, reproducción y adaptabilidad de Macrobrachium tenellum, camarón nativo de
Climate Change Mitigation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: BOL/OP3/1/05/06 |
El proyecto responde a un aporte dentro de un proceso de desarrollo integral en marcha, donde la educación es su cimiento. A inicios de 2005, con el apoyo de profesores, estudiantes y la red "un agua, un mundo" se ha concientizado a estudiantes y ( ... )
de familia sobre la importancia de optimizar el uso del agua potable, escaso en la actualidad, así como el cuidado de la salud.
Existe un bajo nivel de aprovechamiento del agua potable por parte de los pobladores en general. En la actualidad toda auga gris producida en el hogar es echada al suelo seco y sin plantas, la cual podría facilmente alimentar un huerto familiar (existentes en