There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Operational Phase |
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP3/1/05/HP06 |
PAGVS was formed by a group of youth who wanted to fight against illiteracy, lack of hygiene, and for pure drinking water and livelihoods. In the last 16 years it has worked in the field of social development in the areas of water conservation, ( ... )
c farming and forming people?s institutions. PAGVS had successfully implemented a SGP project in 10 villages promoting organic farming practices in hilly, remote terrains with poor infrastructure. The villages were known for off-season vegetable cultivation and excessive use of synthetic agro-inputs. Based on the emerging impact of the completed project, PAGVS is now scaling up the project in
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: LIT/05/06 |
Lithuanian private forest sector uniteds 234,600 private owners having 764,000 ha of private forest. This is 33% of total forest area in Lithuania and it is going to increase to 40% in the future. Average size of private forest holding is 4.5 ha. ( ... )
gs with the area up to 3 ha account 58% of the total number of private forest holdings in the country. About 55% of private forest owners live in rural areas. Usually newly established private forest owners want to gain from the forest financial benefits, and do not think about management and maintenance of their forest holding under the principles of sustainable forest management. Several
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y6/CORE/2004/89 |
Kyrgyzstan has huge potentials of solar radiation thanks to its continental location and absolute heights of its territory. This potential is not used because of weak public awareness about solar devices? efficiency, constructive disadvantages of ( ... )
devices, high cost of imported Turkish and insecurity of Chinese devices.
The main goal of the project is training population to produce more effective and with low-cost solar devices than the ones that exist in Kyrgyzstan.
In the course of project implementation it is expected to obtain the following results:
- decreasing of greenhouse effect volume, due to reduction of
Climate Change Mitigation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: ALB/SGP/OP3/Y1/05/15 |
In the last decade changes in Albania?s demographics have resulted in a full-scale development boom throughout the country, particularly in its cities, where shoddy communist-era housing in urban centers is being replaced with new apartment ( ... )
ngs. The population in the capital city of Tirana has grown from 200,000 to over 600,000, as citizens who were formerly restricted as to where they could live have flocked there for economic opportunity. Nearly seventy percent of the population now lives in Albania?s cities.
Albania's energy infrastructure has been unable to keep pace with surging demand. According to some estimates,
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/04/03 |
Evitar la desertificación y la degradación de los suelos mediante una forestación comunitaria en terrenos aledaños al sendero de Chile, de esta manera se cumple una doble acción incluyendo el turismo y la educación , las especias a utilizar ( ... )
tivas y la forestación se realizaría en zurcos con riego
Climate Change Mitigation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: HND/OP3/SGP/05/010 |
El proyecto busca asegurar los recursos necesarios para la ejecución del proyecto mediante gestión e incidencia; Fortalecer al comité de electrificación y los patronatos en torno al manejo de los recursos naturales; Declarar y proteger 5,781 has ( ... )
ue del a cuenca abastecedora de agua del Río Paulaya.
Este proyecto será manejado como un proyecto comunitario, en donde las principales decisiones sobre el mismo se tomarán a nivel de Asamblea de toda la comunidad, que es la forma como normalmente tomamos decisiones.
Para asegurar una buena administración, la ejecución inicial de los fondos del Proyecto del PPD, estará en manos del
El salvador
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: 011/05/ELS/OP3/SGP |
El proyecto busca crear capacidades en los(as) habitantes de la comunidad para que puedan brindar servicios turísticos (pesca artesanal, elaboración de artesanías, alojamiento y servicio de alimentación, viajes en lancha, entre otras). El ( ... )
vo general de la iniciativa es Desarrollar Acciones de Conservación y Uso Sostenible de los Recursos Costero Marinos, para lo cual plantea a) Fomentar Acciones de Protección Ambiental y, b) Fomentar actividades de ecoturismo vinculadas al recurso costero marino. Entre las actividades que se realizarán tenemos: reforestación de 5 mz de bosque salado, establecimiento de un vivero de casco de
El salvador
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: 013/05/ELS/OP3/SGP |
Este proyecto está encaminado a sumar esfuerzos dentro de las inciativas emprendidas por el "Grupo de arranque de la Bahía de Jiquilisco". El Objetivo General del presente es la Protección y Conservación de la Biodiversidad en la Laguna de San ( ... )
el Gozo en armonía con un eco turismo sostenible; los Objetivos Específicos son a)Implementar acciones para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad de la Zona, b) Fomentar actividades de desarrollo económico turístico en la comunidad. Entre las actividades que se implementarán están, reforestación de mangle, limpieza de canales, realización de campañas de educación ambiental dirigidas
El salvador
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: ELS04/98/G52/013 |
El presente proyecto tiene por objetivo general aumentar la protección y recuperación de la flora y fauna del bosque San Diego y disminución de la comntaminación ambiental, para poder cumplir con este objetivo se dará continuidad al proceso de ( ... )
ración de la flora y fauna del bosque San Diego, incrementando su cobertura vegetal a través de la reforestación de especies nativas en 25 manzanas, así mismo se dará mantenimiento a 20 manzanas establecidas durante el proyecto anterior, se ampliara la construcción de cocinas mejoradas en 20 unidades así como el mantenimiento a las ya construidas, paralelo se ejecuta un programa de
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/04/25 |
Proteger y conservar los recursos naturales y culturales de la localidad, mediante el desarrollo sustentable del turísmo.
Todo lo anterior, se pretende lograr con la construcción de la infraestructura adecuada para poder recibir a los turistas ( ... )
egen a la zona, junto con una correcta capacitación de los habitantes de la comunidad para fomentar el conocimiento, protección y conservación del los recursos naturales y culturales del
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: PER/05/04 |
El presente proyecto esta orientado a mitigar la deforestación que se porduce por la tala indiscriminada,esto fue el principal móvil para que se constituyeran la Asociación de Apicultores Rurales de Olmos.
Los moradores de los sectores ( ... )
ciarios del proyecto (Cerro Falla, el Porvenir, Querpón, Tierra Rajada y la Victoria), se dedican en un 70% a las crianzas y la apicultura; por ello el incremento de la tala es una amenaza para su subsistencia actual y peor para las futuras generaciones.
Los beneficiarios directos son los 20 socios de la Asociación de Apicultores Rurales de Olmos ? AAPROL y los indirectos 70 familias
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/04/15 |
Promover acciones de desarrollo sostenible en Sacsamarca, a través de una eficiente organización comunal, para lograr el autosostenimiento familiar y comunal, con el aprovechamiento racional de los recursos naturales existentes dentro de la ( ... )
Las actividades que se desarrollarán en el proyecto ?Protección y manejo técnico de los recursos andinos de Sacsamarca para un desarrollo comunal sostenible? son:
? Reforestación con árboles y arbustos nativos de cinco hectáreas de terrenos eriazos de Sacsamarca y 54 viviendas familiares.
? Tratamiento de la agricultura con abonos
Phase 2
Project Number: HON/04/18 |
La empresa de mujeres se plantea como responsabilidad de promover acciones colectivas que reduzcan las carencias y falta de oportunidades de crecimiento económico de las tres comunidades. Con la iniciativa de las mujeres bataneras se busca el ( ... )
miento de las condiciones de vida de las comunidades a traves de la proteccion, repoblamiento y aprovechamiento comercial del ojon.
Con el proyecto se busca acompañar el proceso de crecimiento organizativo de las mujeres Miskitas productoras de batana; Recuperar la población de ojón en las tres comunidades productoras de batana
Generar ingresos agrícolas en las parcelas integradas con
Phase 3
Project Number: WSM/OP3/01/05/39 |
The village of Faleaseela-tai currently depends on fishing as one form of supporting household consumption. However, the over fishing of the inshore area has resulted in the decline in fish stock and catch. The church community EFKS through its ( ... )
Group would like to propose the implementation of a freshwater fish farm as an alternative in providing fish stock for village consumption. The fish farm intends to supply the village with efficient fish protein, as well as an income generating activity for the community.
Provide food protein for communities in Falease'ela to support subsistence livelihood
Identifying income
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: LIT/05/07 |
Protected areas make about 25% of whole area of Plunge District. Therefore environmental requirements for the establishment of business activities in the district are much stricter. On the other hand, abundance of the side many protected areas ( ... )
s preconditions to develop environmental friendly tourism, which would create new main and additional sources of income for many local families. However, many local people lack knowledge what environment protection measures should be implemented locally by themselves and how environmental activities could be combined with development of local tourism business.
This project aims to increase
International Waters
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: EGY-05-165 |
Women Society of El Nassira (WSN), is the only NGO in the village of El Nassira, Bani Mazar centre, El Menia governorate. The board of the Society is composed of only women although some men are active in some of the Society?s committees. Ever ( ... )
it was founded in 2001, the WSN has been highly dedicated to community service with a good record of involvements in a variety of community oriented projects. Among the several projects the Society has been involved in are:
? Supplying freshwater and electricity service to some of the village?s houses.
? Providing some of the houses with toilets
? Managing farm houses? problems and managing
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: BZE/05/05 |
When the area around the Aguacaliente Swamp was designated a Wildlife Sanctuary, many of the sources of income for the communities such as hunting, fishing, extraction of non-timber products and farming in the Sanctuary became restricted. Due to ( ... )
ready scarce amount of income generating activities, community members continued unsustainable and illegal activities inside the sanctuary that threatens the biodiversity of the Aguacaliente Wildlife Sanctuary (AWS). There is a need to enhance the ability of the communities that surround the AWS to generate income in a sustainable manner. Doing this will further the preservation of the
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: LIT/05/11 |
Black Grouse and Caperkaillie used to be very common in Lithuanian forests. These species are famous due to their complex and interesting behavior. However the species are under extinction as their habitats, breeding, resting and mating areas ( ... )
orated significantly. Special measures for the restoration of these birds? populations and habitats need to be taken.
The main goal of this project is to protect populations of Black Grouse and Caperkaillie, in the South Lithuania, to improve breeding, resting and feeding conditions for these species.
It is intended to cut clear 150 ha and to clean 40 ha of former open military training
Land Degradation Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y6/CORE/2004/96 |
Endemic species of fruit-trees and bushes ((Sorbuspersica Hedl., Pyrus korshinskyi Litv) are destroyed because of cattle grazing (soil compression, shoots damage, eating up of fruits) and laying in of wood vegetation by the local population for ( ... )
The main purpose of the project is elimination of causes of disappearance of indicated species by fencing and planting wood and bush vegetation on a plot that was earlier used as a pasture.
In the course of project implementation it is expected obtaining of the following results:
-conservation and widening of habitat of wood and grass vegetation included into Red Data
Cote d'ivoire
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: IVC/05/04 |
Dans la région de Bécedi-Brignan, depuis une trentaine d'année le couvert végétal tend à disparaitre suite à l'exploitation forestière abusive, aux activités agricoles (café/cacao) et aux pratiques agricoles telles que l'agriculture ( ... )
rante sur brulis.
Les populations riveraines conscientes de la menace de disparition de la forêt sacrée de "Mafa", ont identifiés les actions à mener pour inverser la tendance: il s'agit de la construction d'une auberge touristique communautaire, aux abords de ladite forêt pour en valoriser la biodiversité et générer des revenus aux populations.
Activités à mener: