There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Dominican republic
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: DOM/05/08 |
En la Comunidad de Los Bolos el área boscosa se ha disminuido en mas de un 50% en los últimos años,debido de recursos económicos para mantenerlos en producción, y deficiencia de apoyo técnico de instituciones, ocasionado que estas ( ... )
dades hayan pasado a manos de nacionales haitianos, bajo el usufructo a la media, entre estos y los propietarios, donde ambas partes se benefician con la mitad de la producción. Las labores agrícolas de los haitianos se basa en el cultivo de habichuelas asociada con el guandul; pero sobre todo utilizando la tala y quema para la preparación de los terrenos.
Este proyecto contribuirá a la
Phase 2
Project Number: ecu/04/014 |
El proyecto tiene como objetivo manejar de manera consensuada de la cuenca Alta del Río Playas a través de un comité de gestión interinstitucional y una fuerte organización social. Su principal propósito es captar, a través de albarradas y ( ... )
ones, las aguas lluvias para rellenar los acuíferos subterráneos de dan origen a las quebradas, que al momento casi han desaparecido; manejar y enriquecer la cobertura vegetal para conservar la biodiversidad y mantener la humedad. ello permitirá abastecer de agua de consumo humano a los campesinos y al pueblo de Catacocha, y el manejo de la escasa humedad de la zona para lograr la producción
Dominican republic
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: DOM/05/12 |
Poner en marcha una iniciativa piloto para el manejo ecológico de plantaciones de café en la zona de Amortiguamiento de la Reserva Científica Loma Quita Espuela para la conservación de los RN de la zona, conservando los cafetales y evitando la ( ... )
El salvador
Climate Change Mitigation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: 016/05/ELS/OP3/SGP |
Este es un proyecto piloto de construcción de cocinas ahorradoras de leña y siembra de árboles de rápido crecimiento en los linderos de parcelas y solares individuales de los 48 beneficiaros residentes en las 6 comunidades. Esta iniciativa ( ... )
Contribuir a reducir el deterioror del recurso forestal del área natural protegida Santa Barbara, como relicto que conserva una muestra de la vegetación original; así como a) Lograr que los beneficiarios adpten integralmente nuevas tecnologías y prácticas permanentes para disminuir la demanda de leña y madera y, b) Demostrar a más de 12,000 personas que integran la pobación del
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MOZ/SGP/OP3/Y1/CD/CORE/2005/09 |
This project consists in publicizing the Small Grants Programme, its geographic and thematic focus, and the mechanism for execution of projects. It will present the programme orientation lines and required profile for project proponents.
This ( ... )
e a mechanism to expand the Small Grants Programme knowledge, within the geographic region of the programme pilot phase, especially within Gaza province.
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MOZ/SGP/OP3/Y1/CD/CORE/2005/08 |
This project consists in publicizing the Small Grants Programme, its geographic and thematic focus, and the mechanism for execution of projects. It will present the programme orientation lines and required profile for project proponents.
This ( ... )
e a mechanism to expand the Small Grants Programme knowledge, within the geographic region of the programme pilot phase, especially within Inhambane province.
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MOZ/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/CD/2005/12 |
This project consists in publicizing the Small Grants Programme, its geographic and thematic focus, and the mechanism for execution of projects. It will present the programme orientation lines and required profile for project proponents.
This ( ... )
e a mechanism to expand the Small Grants Programme knowledge, within the geographic region of the programme pilot phase, especially within Manica province.
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MOZ/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/CD/2005/10 |
This project consists in publicizing the Small Grants Programme, its geographic and thematic focus, and the mechanism for execution of projects. It will present the programme orientation lines and required profile for project proponents.
This ( ... )
e a mechanism to expand the Small Grants Programme knowledge, within the geographic region of the programme pilot phase, especially within Maputo
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MOZ/SGP/OP3/Y1/CD/CORE/2005/11 |
This project consists in publicizing the Small Grants Programme, its geographic and thematic focus, and the mechanism for execution of projects. It will present the programme orientation lines and required profile for project proponents.
This ( ... )
e a mechanism to expand the Small Grants Programme knowledge, within the geographic region of the programme pilot phase, especially within Sofala province.
Climate Change Mitigation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: ALB/SGP/OP3/Y1/05/08 |
Albanian is mostly a mountainous area. Typically small communities are located in the valleys that are rich in freshwater resources nevertheless locals have no easy access to such resources due to the absence of minimal infrastructure such as ( ... )
g stations and distribution networks. It is assumed that there is a great potential in Albania for using Hydraulic ram pumps as a low cost alternative to electrically powered pumps.
Hydraulic ram pumps are a time-tested technology, which uses the energy of a large amount of water falling a small height to lift a small amount of that water to a much greater height. In this way, water from a
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: BRA/05/16 |
This project seeks to assist babassu palmnut crackers in the state of Maranhão to maximize their returns from each plamnut. Packaginf will be made, labels and logos for babassu sub-products, standardizing production of derivatives using rural ( ... )
s labor, as well as qualifying the crackers? work, improving family income and increasing local
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: POL/05/05p |
Coalition of WWF Poland and PTOP Salamandra, together with REC (Regional Environmental Centre) will facilitate creation and work of working group consisting of experts from various governmental agencies (Ministry for Environement, Police, Custom ( ... )
s,local governments from border areas ect).Establishment of working coopertion, discussion and then designing a model for places where captutred objects of illegal trade can be kept;solutions for financial mechanism.Project should prepare a bigger project which could implement recommendations from the working group, create centers for asylum
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MON/05/19 |
This place where the grant is going to be implemented was one of the 4 biggest fruit tree plantations in Mongolia in the recent past. Because of economic failure in the transition into a market system, the fruit garden was half destroyed by locals ( ... )
re making purposes. The grant is given to support community activities to rehabilitate the abandoned cherry plantation. Within the project framework, the local community aims to establish a pine tree plantation in order to rehabilitate forest of a conflagration near Jargalant soum based on their own resources. Also the project proponent intends to get a new variety of sea-buckthorn and currants.
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: TUR-05-04 |
3195 hectare of Yüksekova Marshes in Yüksekova - Hakkari, has international 'B' class statute and most of immigrant birds' breeding area. This field is covered by marshes, reedbeds and wet pasture, with orchid. This wetland is an important ( ... )
ng area for marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus), Montague's harrier (Circus pygargus), great bustard (Otis tarda) and crane (Grus grus) (Yarar and Magnin, 1997).
The most important livelihood of Yüksekova is stockbreeding. Because of immigration, as a result of discharging of villages, between 1990-1995 and intensifying population at wetland river basin, ecological change of wetland was
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: LIT/05/09 |
Management of the NATURA 2000 network is a big challenge for Lithuanian people. According to EU Bird Directive about 80 Special protected Areas (SPA) have been or will be soon established in Lithuania. Economic activities are not prohibited in those ( ... )
however special requirements must be applied for their management. Bird habitat management is especially important in forests. Despite a fact that foresters lack experience and information on management of bird protection areas most of planed management activities in the country are devoted for them. Therefore rising of capacities of foresters is crucial for the protection of birds.
The main
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: LIT/05/08 |
Environmental issues are not integrated in curricula of secondary schools, and attract quite a little attention there. Therefore it is crucial to promote sustainable development ideas, to raise level of environmental awareness, as well as to develop ( ... )
c approach of schoolchildren by using not traditional and attractive.
The aim of the project is to raise environmental awareness (especially in SGP focal areas) of school children by using artistic means, and to encourage them to participate in solution of environmental problems in their communities. Theater, movie, painting and social role-plays are perceived as an interactive method to
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: ALB/SGP/OP3/Y1/05/17 |
The Strategic Action Programme for the Conservation of Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean Region (SAP BIO) is a logical base for implementing the new Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean ( ... )
995). ?Marine turtles? and ?Monk seal? are two of the seven action plans to be implemented by the signatories of the Barcelona conventions and its SPA protocol.
This project is strategic in confirming the already significant information that was provided by two previous SGP sponsored projects. This activity will have a strong and authoritative international presence that is considered as
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: GUA/CWI/05/01 |
This project is about reduction of the vulnerability context like hurricanes or mudslides with prevention, training and soil preservation techniques re enable of the irrigation system for their crops.
With the re enable of the irrigation system ( ... )
make sanitary the water for their crops, and with this sanitary prevention in the water their healthy will be
Climate Change Mitigation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: EGY-05-207 |
Improving the economic and environmental security of local communities through effective recycling of agricultural waste from harvested land. The program promotes better recycling practices, reducing insect levels around homes by removing ( ... )
ltural waste, a reduction of fertilizer and insecticide use, and the purchasing of necessary recycling technology. Furthermore, the program facilitates farmers in the selling of rice straw. This will lead to a cleaner atmosphere, economic and health benefits in the community, and the protection of water
Climate Change Mitigation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: EGY-05-191 |
The project targets are twofold. Firstly, to provide training for local communities in the bioconversion of agricultural waste into compost. This ensures environmental protection and an improved climate, maximises the benefits from agricultural ( ... )
and increases opportunity for work for the young in rural communities. The second branch of this program targets the facilitation of technology transfer to farmers, enabling sustainable agriculture development in the conversion of waste to organic fertilizers and soil conditioners. The project also promotes better water-management, inclusion of women in the development programs, and a general