Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: ZIM/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/2005/07 |
Gudyanga project lies in Changazi ward 20 of Chimanimani District in Manicaland Province. The area falls under Natural Region 4 which is a semi-arid area and is in the catchment of Save International River. The project is located in an area where ( ... )
ecurity is being threatened by erratic rainfall and soils depleted of their productivity due to over-use of inorganic fertilizers and poor land management patterns and systems. This has also disturbed the soil structure resulting in high erosion rates and loss of soil nutrients due to leaching. In Gudyanga community, evidence of soil degradation is seen through the sprouting of gullies ( with a
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SUR/04/06 |
This planning grant has been provided to the community of Duata at the upper Suriname River area to explore the possibilities of renewable energy resources at Duata. |
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: ALB/SGP/OP3/Y1/05/19 |
The year 2005 it has been a successful attempt of creating geographical focusing. The area of focusing has been the Prespa National Park shared by three countries; Albania, Macedonia and Greece. Three SGP projects are active in this area and at ( ... )
two others pipelined as part of a planned build up of SGP presence in this area. A full size GEF project will be launched in spring 2006 in the same area. We (SGP) expect to have a continuous interest in the area and see the Newsletter as an important forum of making known our activities and rationale behind our present and future interventions to a broad national and international audience.
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y6/CORE/2004/90 |
Aroused interest to the hunting trophy leads to the predatory destruction of rare and endangered species of animals that have international importance among which is snow leopard. Second cause of disappearance of the snow leopard is its habitat area ( ... )
on (cattle grazing, tourist?s and household developing of mountains) and decreasing of basic food reserve (marmots and wild (mountain) goats). At the present time, series of organizations and even individuals are engaged in activity dealing with problem of the snow leopard conservation. Measures on snow leopard protection have point, unsystematic character that is why they are ineffective.
International Waters
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: TUN/OP3/Y1/05/007 |
Le projet "Préservation de l'écosystème marin et de la pêche traditionnelle à Kerkennah" exécuté par le Lions Club Sfax Thyna vise :
- à sensibiliser les pêcheurs de Kerkennah à l?importance de la biodiversité marine et à la protection ( ... )
cosystème marin y compris contre les pollutions liées aux rejets des lubrifiants et des huiles usagées,
- à renforcer les capacités des pêcheurs à sauvegarder les techniques de pêche traditionnelle et le savoir-faire local à Kerkennah qui constitue un écosystème particulier et sensible, soumis à des fortes pressions et menacé de nombreuses sources de dégradation.
1) Contexte
Phase 2
Project Number: MOR/04/01 |
La zone d?intervention du projet est la province d?Azilal, Région du haut Atlas central. Le projet concerne tous les Sites d?Intérêt Biologique et Ecologique de la province (Tamga, Cascades d?Ouzoud, Sidi Meskour, Aqqa Wabzaza, Jbel Tazerkounte). ( ... )
ions concrètes du projet concerneront plus particulièrement le SIBE d?Iminifri dans la région de Demnate.
Le projet a permis de renforcer l'implication durable des différents acteurs locaux dans le processus de préservation des Sites d?Intérêt Biologique et Ecologique de la province d?Azilal menacés par la sur-fréquentation des touristes, le braconnage, la dégradation des forêts
Phase 2
Project Number: TUN/05/003 |
Le présent projet intitulé « Préservation et valorisation des semences locales dans les oasis continentales de Tunisie», a pour objectifs à Contribuer à la préservation de certaines espèces végétales locales cultivées dans le milieu ( ... )
Sauvegarder les semences locales les plus menacées et proposées par les paysans .
Le projet vise principalement à soutenir des paysans oasiens pour assurer la réhabilitation, la valorisation et la préservation des ressources phytogénétiques en espèces végétales traditionnellement cultivées dans les oasis. Il concerne les zones arides menacées par les phénomènes de
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: POL/05/09 |
The nature reserve "The Old Polish Yew..." is one of the oldest protected natural environmental locations in Europe (1827!). It stands out, among others, thanks to its abundant, natural environmental resources and captivating history. It is ( ... )
nly the most interesting place within the vas forest compund of Tuchola Pinewood.
There is no single opinion of scientist what is the reason of dying of this unique reserve and declining population of yew.The reserve has been covered in numerous scientific papers and popularized by morte accessible texts, but no in-depth compendium of knowledge of this particular area has been created
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MEX/05/18 |
Este proyecto propone la restauración y preservación del jardín botánico Dr Alfredo Barrera Marín, que fue dañado por el huracán Wilma, así como la planificación para reducir el riesgo de incendios forestales. |
Viet nam
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: VN/04/011 |
In southern central coastal provinces in Vietnam, dry land degradation and droughts have resulted in a large area of barren and waste land. Deforestation and inappropriate agricultural practices over a long time together with the arid climate and ( ... )
r with the prolonged dry season and droughts have caused the problem of land degradation and accelerated the rate of desertification in the region in recent years. One of the key solutions to address this problem is to regreen the barren and waste land with a crop structure, which is suitable for the socio-economic and physical conditions of the arid area. Over the past years, cashew has proved
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/04/03 |
The primary objective of the project is to establish training in environment aware craft design and production within Mauritian prisons ? as sustainable contribution to rehabilitation of prisoners through income-generation skills training that ( ... )
ates creative development of self-value. The second objective is to recycle the waste paper generated during the UN SIDS Conference held in Mauritius 10-15 January 2005.
This project will thus:
·Develop a novel system of environment aware craft production for prisoner rehabilitation
·Improve the income levels, quality of environment and quality of life of people from ?vulnerable
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: ECU/05/004 |
? Convocar a ONGs y OCBs de la Amazonía ecuatoriana para informarles sobre el programa, el OP3, el programa en Ecuador (enfoques orientadores y estrategias operativas) y las nuevas áreas focales
? Dar a conocer a las organizaciones cómo se ( ... )
presentar proyectos al PPD
? Apoyar a las organizaciones en la formulación de los proyectos
? Elaborar un manual para los proyectos PPD (diseño, ejecución, S&M y
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: ECU/05/009 |
? Convocar a ONGs y OCBs de la Amazonía ecuatoriana para informarles sobre el programa, el OP3, el programa en Ecuador (enfoques orientadores y estrategias operativas) y las nuevas áreas focales
? Dar a conocer a las organizaciones cómo se ( ... )
presentar proyectos al PPD
? Apoyar a las organizaciones en la formulación de los proyectos
? Elaborar un manual para los proyectos PPD (diseño, ejecución, S&M y
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/04/18 |
Mostly farmers, the target population earn their living through planting rice ,edible root and a few other crops. The practice depends upon the annual rain thus affects the yield,selling price and livelihood security.
The main goal of the group ( ... )
promote and build capacity of community to an extent of self-reliance level by applying local knowledge to add value to community product matching the demand and standard of both domestic and foreign market. One major activity of the group is food processing where plentiful fishes of native species are processed into fermented fish ,dried fish and fried fish then placed into market. The activity
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MEX/05/03 |
Tener una fuente de empleo e ingresos permanente, mediante la producción y conservación de especies nativas mojarra castarrica Cichlasoma urophthalmus (Gunther)y pejelagarto (Lepisosteus spp.) El uso de laboratorio de las agencias de engorde ( ... )
uye la presión a las poblaciones
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/04/31 |
Consolidar la actividad de las abejas en curso, lo que permite reducir la dependencia del campo de maíz. Se requiere mejorar la calidad de la miel se produce en una miel orgánica, el uso de técnicas orgánicas para combatir la enfermedad, la ( ... )
ción de árboles y arbustos, y así poder vender la miel a un precio justo, el aumento de la producción con el fin de contar con los recursos para mejorar la nivel de vida de los apicultores y sus
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MEX/05/36 |
Recuperar las colmenas, que se perdieron debido a los efectos secundarios de los huracanes que golpeó la Península de Yucatán. Conservación y mantenimiento de las colmenas de plagas y enfermedades, la limpieza de caminos, límites del ejido y ( ... )
lmenares, plantas de reforestación con valor
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MEX/05/38 |
Capacitación y asistencia técnica para la recuperación de las colmenas dañadas por el huracán Wilma, la generación de sistemas para la producción de miel orgánica, la vigilancia y la difusión de experiencias, recolección y ( ... )
ialización de la miel.
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MEX/05/34 |
Replantación cultivos para la rehabilitación del huerto madre afectado por el huracán, prevención de los desastres atmosféricos examinando productos alternativos mejoradores de plantas del suelo de manera sistemática, la instalación de riego ( ... )
os de
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/08/04 |
El presente proyecto esta ubicado en el departamento de La Paz, provincia Nor Yungas, Municipio de Palos Blancos. Comunidades: Inicua, Delicias 14 de Mayo, Sillar, Pucara y Quiquibey.
El objetivo del proyecto es conservar la hornitofauna de ( ... )
ancia global en el area de amortiguamiento de la Reserva de la Biosfera Pilon Lajas, con la produccion de cafe de altura amigable de las aves, en agroecosistemas y sistemas agroforestales bajo