There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/02/003 |
El proyecto pretende dar las herramientas necesarias para que las comunidades de la nacionalidad Zápara puedan proteger y conservar su territorio ancestral, manteniendo y completando su sistema de vida tradicional, con autosuficiencia alimentaria y ( ... )
ble a través del uso de los recursos naturales de su territorio. Para ello es necesario garantizar la delimitación y legalización de su territorio según dictamina la constitución ecuatoriana y la elaboración de un plan de manejo de recursos naturales que garantice la continuidad y conservación del bosque amazónico de este
Phase 2
Project Number: DMA/UNF/PLN/02/06 |
Provision of alternative sources of livelihood for community members in the Petite Savanne area who once farmed in what become the National Park and is now the WHS. |
Phase 2
Project Number: DMA/UNF/PLN/02/09 |
Project aims to establish a permanent site for propagation of delicate flowers as well as to support preservation of delicate, endangered plant species. |
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-02-01PL |
Fritillaria imperialis (Semdinli Tulip) , which is a bulbous plant whose natural habitat is the hilly sides in south-east of Turkey, is highly demanded for gardening in Europe. As many other bulb plants, Semdinli Tulip is also threatened by illegal ( ... )
er collection from the nature for exportation. The project planning grant intends to design a project to promote cultivation of Semdinli Tulip in its natural habitat in Semdinli and Yesilova (Hakkari), as an alternative to its collection from the nature. This activity will also create an alternative and sustainable source of income to the local poor people who has been relocated from their
Phase 2
Project Number: DMA/UNF/PLN/02/01 |
To aid the Wammae Letang Group to develop the details and costings of their project of promoting ecotourism and boating on the Fresh Water Lake in the WHS. |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/02/07 |
The loss of employment due to the cessation of the sand extraction from the lagoons has made the ex sand extractors economically extremely vulnerable. Pointe des Lascars has 250 families, 150 of whom were directly involved with the sand extraction. ( ... )
des Lascars has several unique features making it particularly suitable for development as an eco-tourism village. A planning grant is awarded to hire 2 consultants to develop the project proposal, hold consultative meetings with all stakeholders,
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/02/06 |
The project is basically a restoration and conservation one initiated through an innovative approach to sensitize towards the conservation of the biodiversity of wetlands. The project will be based on Ramsar`s criteria of wise use activities and ( ... )
ore will be substantiated through a revival of local crafts and arts and other wise use activities.
Planning grant will be mainly used for:
1. Site appraisal with the help of consultants to define potential development avenues. Also appraisal of the pollution and its impact on the site to be restored.
2. Consultation with capacity building authority to appraise extent of involvement and
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/UNF/02/01 |
Planning grant to develop a proposal to provide traps, shades, and training to the active members of the Rio Grande Fishermen Cooperative as a means of attaining an alternative source of income; given their current displacement from the enactment of ( ... )
ions on the SCMR, which has traditionally been used as fishing ground.
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/UNF-GEF/02/01 |
Planning grant to develop a proposal that seeks to collect baseline data on changes in numbers and sizes of commercially important species within the Bacalar Chico Marine Reserve to be used in evaluation the success of soning, protection, and ( ... )
nability of the commercial
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/UNF/02/04 |
Planning grant to develop a project to demonstrate to the traditional users of the Belize Barrier Reef World Heritage Site (BBRWHS) the viability of alternative self-sustaining marine-based commercial activities and at the same time maintain the ( ... )
ity and global significance of the Belize Barrier Reef System. The primary beneficiaries will be fishers and tourism service providers that use the South Water Caye Marine Reserve to generate their livelihood. Their primary concern is how to maintain that livelihood with less risk or more profit. The project will develop and market Irish Moss (seaweed) products, which can be produced by
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/UNF/02/03 |
Planning grant to develop a proposal that proposes to train fifteen (15) fishermen from the five communities to becoming Dive Masters. Surveys have shown consistent erosion in take home income of fishermen as the fishery resource continues to ( ... )
e. As traditional fishery is decreasing, there is a vital need to seek out other economic alternatives that will help to alleviate the stress placed on income earners as their income lessens. Given their knowledge of boat handling and good dive sites, it is felt that local fishermen will more easily accept activities that can make use of these already earned qualification. In consultation with
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/01/16 |
Project Development Goal :
To establish community based effort model on local butterfly conservation in Bantimurung.
Project Objectives :
1. To conduct biological assessment necessary related to area management
2. To conduct socio economic ( ... )
ment related to conservation effort and sustainable livelihood
3. To facilitate and enhance community participation in establishing participatory planning in sustainable conservation management
4. To identify opportunity in developing environmentally friendly economic activities
Expected Outputs :
1. Analysis on biological data and recommendation on conservation effort
2. Analysis on
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/01/18 |
Project Development Goal :
To conserve forest in Rawa Aopa conservation area.
Project Objectives :
1. To identify specific problems to be addressed by community based activity
2. To compile comprehensive strategy to conserve the environment ( ... )
stakeholders collaboration
3. To compile full proposal based on well designed participatory project planning
Expected Outputs :
1. Identification of specific problems to be addressed by community based activity
2. Draft comprehensive strategy to conserve the environment through stakeholders collaboration
3. Submission of full proposal based on well designed participatory project
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/01/19 |
Project Development Goal :
To conserve the ecosystem unity of Rawa Aopa Watumohai National Park(RAWNP) through increasing community participation in nature resource management.
Project Objectives :
1. To encougare community participation in ( ... )
l project planning
2. To identify specific problems to be addressed by community based activity
3. To compile comprehensive strategy for conserving RAWNP through stakeholders collaboration
4. To compile full proposal based on well designed participatory project planning
Expected Outputs :
1. Increased community awareness and understanding on the importance of environmental
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN/UNF-GEF/02/03 |
Gathiuru Forest, on the western slopes of Mt. kenya, is an indigenous forest. However, sections of it were cleared by the Forest Dept. (FD) so as to establish exotic plantations. But due to limited resources, the FD was unable to plant tree ( ... )
ngs, and sections of the forest are bare or overgrown with wild bushes. In this project, FENCOM, a local NGO will work with both primary and secondary school children, who are members of environmental clubs, to raise indigenous tree seedlings for planting in Gathiuru forest, and also raise awareness on the value of conservation. The school clubs will be paid by the project for every seedling
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN/UNF-GEF/02/02 |
Large sections of the Mt. Kenya forest were cleared by the Forest Dept. (FD) for the establishment of exotic plantations. But due to resource constraints, the FD was unable to plant tree seedlings, and such areas are either bare or are overgrown ( ... )
eeds and wild bushes. One such area is the Magacha forest on the Eastern side of Mt. Kenya, which has over 1000 hectares of tree-less land. In this project the Bill Woodley Mt. Kenya Trust will raise 120,000 indigenous seedlings in partnership with women's groups around Mt.Kenya. The seedlings will be planted in Magacha forest in an effort to rehabilitate 100 hectares. The women groups will
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/02/16 |
Grenerar una plataforma humana ( comisiones de trabajo) y tecnológicas de monitoreo e intercambio de información relevante ( infocentro) para el óptimo funcionamiento |
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/02/18 |
This project aims to increase environmental awareness among young generation by involving them in bird watching and marking.
Main activities of the project include purchase of low-cost tags and tagging equipments to be used in tagging of different ( ... )
ry and resident bird populations in the Albanian coastal area. It is expected that tagging will contribute in understanding population dynamics and migration patterns of these bird species resulting in better management of their essential habitats in the
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/02/03 |
The target of the project was to protect rare insects, amphibian, bats, and birds in the area close to the Lithuanian-Polish border. The similar activities werel carried out in the Polish side. The Lithuanian specialists used knowledge and ( ... )
ence of Polish part. The project was innovative due to its new technological approach. It is first cross-border SGP cooperation and know-how
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/30/02 GEF-RNE |
UNDP GEF Small Grants Programme has been handling increasing number of projects on renewable energy as one of its funding priorities from different community-based groups and NGOs.
The project will help the UNDP GEF SGP in the review and ( ... )
sal of renewable energy projects that are being receive for funding under the programme.
A proactive project, it aims to develop a developing practical tools/scoping mechanisms for the assessment, appraisal and monitoring of community-based renewable energy projects for non-technical