There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Burkina faso
Phase 2
Project Number: BKF/02/01 |
Project description. Dans la région de Gaoua, le effets conjugués de la dégradation des conditions climatiques et la mauvaise gestion des ressources naturelles (agriculture extensive, surpâturage, feux de brousse et coupe abusive du bois vert ( ... )
ont causé des problemes tres graves de destruction de la diversité biologique entraînant la raréfaction des plantes médicinales les plus utilisées en pharmacopée. L?importance de la pharmacopée dans la région a guidé l?Association DELWENDE a concevoir le présent projet de pour sauvegarder la diversité biologique par la promotion des especes utilitaires en pharmacopée.
Le projet a
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MOR/01/09 |
L?objectif global de ce projet est de contribuer a la préservation de la biodiversité et a la réduction des émissions de gaz a effet de serre dans la zone de Tiznit située dans la Réserve de Biosphere de l?Arganeraie. Ce projet permettra de ( ... )
re l?émission des GES et de protéger l?écosysteme de l?arganier a travers : l?installation d?un four a pain collectif et d?un hammam rural solaire pilote qui combinera l?énergie solaire avec le gaz ou le bois ; la mise en place d?actions complémentaires de réhabilitation de l?arganier ; le renforcement de capacité des associations locales par la formation et l?appui a la réalisation
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/04 |
Iniciativa comunitaria para eliminar las causas de las fuentes de contaminación marina, en particular los contaminantes orgánicos persistentes y nutrientes. También pretende prevenir y controlar la degradación ambiental de los hábitats ( ... )
cos: los humedales, aguas poco profundas y arrecifes que apoyan la biodiversidad. La comunidad tendrá un diagnóstico de la calidad del agua, como un medio confiable para la correcta gestión de su ecosistema, garantizando la salud de la misma y fomentar así la actividad
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/UNF-GEF/02/07 |
Watersheds play an important role in the formation of biological corridors, survival of endangered species, and help determine the health of the barrier reef. Everything that flows out of the watersheds in Belize affects the reef in some way or ( ... )
r. The North Stann Creek River (NSCR) watershed is one that is being threatened by both agricultural effluent and sedimentation due to agricultural land developments. It is not only being threatened, but because of the activities occurring within its watershed region, the watershed itself threatens the barrier reef. This threat results from the run-off of agrochemicals and heavy flow of
Phase 2
Project Number: BOT/98/G52/02/02 |
The Wattled Crane is a globally threatened bird distributed across 11 range countries. The principle threat facing the species is the loss, transformation, and degradation of wetland habitat.This proposal requests funds for Capacity development and ( ... )
ng of BirdLife Botswana Crane Working Group members for; Monitoring the numbers and distribution of the Wattled Crane in the Okavango Delta; Monitoring the breeding success of the Wattled Crane in the Okavango Delta; Exploring and implement effective means to ensure community participation in conserving and monitoring the Wattled Crane; and Networking with and disseminate information to existing
Papua new guinea
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/02/29 |
Planning grant of US$1143 awarded to the proponent to complete the full planning and development of the project. |
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/02/006 |
El proyecto es una propuesta impulsada por tres organizaciones de mujeres pertenecientes a las comunidades de Lupaxi-Convalecencia, Cintaguzo y Pulucate Alto, quienes trabajan en la recuperación de variedades agrícolas nativas para diversificar la ( ... )
ión agrícola y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria de sus familias, con un manejo agroecológico. Otro componente del proyecto es el rescate y producción de plantas forestales nativas que se emplean como cortinas rompevientos y cercas vivas. Esta actividades se cumplen a la par que se busca fortalecer las recién creadas organizaciones de mujeres, impulsando el liderazgo de las mujeres, su
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/22/01 |
Este proyecto surge de una etapa inicial denominada "Capacitación de la mujer para el manejo sostenible, transformación y comercialización de plantas medicinales", del Convenio PPD/PNUD - CEDEINKU, ejecutado en la gestión pasada en la comunidad ( ... )
Agustín, altiplano sur del país y cuyas beneficiarias directas fueron mujeres de la comunidad de San Agustín, quienes a partir de la valoración de sus conocimientos culturales, capacidades organizativas y potencial de recursos naturales en plantas medicinales nativas, deciden constituir una organización económica denominada "PRONASA" (Productos Naturales San Agustín) una estrategia
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/20 |
Se pretende llevar a cabo una actividad de cultivo, conservación y difusión de los árboles frutales y plantas ornamentales, especias y medicinales, nativa de la región y / o adaptados a la costa, así como la cría de pavos. Para que estas ( ... )
es de manera integral permitan, preservar ciertas especies de plantas y de la costa regional, las habilidades de rescate, conocimientos y prácticas de las mujeres y las familias en torno a la gestión integrada de los recursos naturales de la tierra y la utilización sostenible, prestar un vivero de palmeras y las plantas nativas de la región, con su venta ayudan en la generación de ingresos,
Papua new guinea
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/02/22 |
This project was given the planning grant to enable the project proponents to refine the full proposal for submission to UNDP.
The project funds were injected into the Mule Youth Group bank account for project planning and development but ( ... )
ent has not submitted the proposal as expected.
The project is
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/02/07 |
Continuation of activities on restoration of environmental values in Narew Valley Wetland part which is RAMSAR wildfowl refuge |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-01-15CB |
Since late 2001, the UN World Summit for Sustainable Development (Rio+10) preparation in Turkey has been undertaken in close coordination with the government and UNDP. The GEF/SGP has been supporting the whole national preparatory process and took ( ... )
itiative to finance the preparation of two thematic areas, as closely linked to SGP's mandate:- "Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Development" and "Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development". The Turkish National Report to be submitted at the World Summit on Sustainable Development will be composed of six themes; namely, Governance for Sustainable Development; Business and
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-01-14CB |
Since late 2001, the UN World Summit for Sustainable Development (Rio+10) preparation in Turkey has been undertaken in close coordination with the government and UNDP. The GEF/SGP has been supporting the whole national preparatory process and took ( ... )
itiative to finance the preparation of two thematic areas, as closely linked to SGP's mandate:- "Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Development" and "Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development". The Turkish National Report to be submitted at the World Summit on Sustainable Development will be composed of six themes; namely, Governance for Sustainable Development; Business and
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/02/03 |
Winner of the Shell Livewire Best Business Plan Competition 2002
The Friends of Wildlife Rodrigues (FWR) is a local Rodriguan NGO, established in late 2001 that aims to help conserve Rodriguan plant biodiversity, by providing native plants for sale ( ... )
toration management consultancy services. FWR?s 8 members have worked as volunteers for over 1 year with Mauritian Wildlife Foundation (MWF) Rodrigues Branch. In this time they have been trained in native plant propagation, forest restoration and community conservation techniques.
The primary objective of the proposed project is to aid the establishment of a financially self-sustaining, NGO
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/02/01 |
Primary goal is for a group of young trained unemployed Rodriguans to set up an income generating activity which would contribute to the conservation of biodiversity in Rodrigues. Planning grant allocated to NGO to hire the services of a consultant ( ... )
sult all potential clients and stakeholders, write up proposal and business
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/02/01 |
The project seeks to address the problem of over-exploitatation of the biodiversity in Lupane and Binga Districts through embarking on an intensive awareness raising exercise aimed at local communities, traditional leaders, Rural District Councils ( ... )
Os. The awareness exercise will take the form of workshops held at both community and district level, production and distribution of posters and booklets on the value of the natural resources and undertaking study tours to sites, to various sites, to areas that have managed to put in place mechanisms for sustainable utilisation of the resources. The awareness raising process will culminate in
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/02/04 |
Main goal of the project was to establish conditions for the development of bicycle transport infrastructure and to enable long-term promotion of the environmentally friendly transport in Panemune region of Lithuania. Implementation of the project ( ... )
lace in five municipalities.
Support of the GEF SGP was paving ground for the implementation of project long-term tasks.
Active participation of local communities was vital precondition for the successful project implementation. In addition to the reduction of CO2 and other transport generated emission this project targeted to establish new jobs and generate income for local communities
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/34/02 GEF-RNE |
The project involves the empowerment of 90% of the marginal sector within its program municipalities and barangay to spearhead a sustain implementation of community-based resource preservation/conservation activities to augment their income.
The ( ... )
t focuses on marine resource diversification. Set of activities was identified. Some of these are:
1. Contribute on the preservation and restoration of the abundance of the natural resources of the province, particularly Maqueda Bay and on specific project sites;
2. Strengthen capability of the Community-Based Organization members in implementing managing specific activities related to
Sri lanka
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/02/04 |
Networking for the environment by developing database of GEF/SGP partner organizations; facilitate exchange of views, ideas and experiences among partner organizations, facilitate monitoring of projects; promote activities to celebrate world ( ... )
ment Day among SGP partners. Facilitating interaction of different partners of SGP by organizing events at which they could discuss their projects and work, notably an exhibition for World Evironment Day
Organizing regional workshops and arranging for partners to visit other organizations for observing learning lessons form their successors and
Papua new guinea
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/02/33 |
The NWS,a local credible NGO was approved by the NSC to provide coordination support & to facilitate the development of 5 pipeline projects in selected highlands provinces. A planning grant of US$1666.66 was each approved to Ponowi Orchid Farm Youth ( ... )
Whoty Conservation projects which totaled up to US$3333.33 (Ex.Rate:1US$=3.6PGK) was disbursed toNWS. The 5 reports were developed and presented to the NSC for deliberation. 70% of the reports presented were