There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/02/06 |
In the framework of this GEF SGP most participatory project on promotion and awareness rising of environmentally friendly transportation and healthy live style, five new bicycle storage places (each keeping 50 bikes) are constructed at local ( ... )
s in the city. The schools were chosen based on their motivation, need and willingness of children to drive bicycles to their schools. Every school has also attracted 2,000 LTL of co-financing to this project demonstrating their true interest. Besides, 11 km of bicycle routs are marked and adopted for convenient riding are also the outcome of this project. These routes will join the existing
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/01/09 |
Capacity-building/demonstration on conservation & rehabilitation of water ecosystems through chemical-free agriculture, producing fertilizers for communities, skill training, study tours, environmentally-friendly occupation training. Target ( ... )
tion is the residents of Ban Nam Sab and neighbouring villages in tambol Wang Nam Khiew, Wang Nam Khiew District,
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/01/19 |
This capacity-building project is focused on: (i) Providing capacity building in green economy and resource management; (ii) Supporting sustainable and organic farming and cultivating traditional medicinal gardens among rural indigenous ( ... )
ities in Sabah, with special emphasis on the participation of indigenous women; and (iii) promoting sustainable livelihoods eg. community eco-tourism, Sustainable Forest Management System,
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/02/02 |
The ultimate objective of the project is to enhance capacity building of small holder famers in the promotion and preservation of Agricultural Biodiversity. To this end the project intends to improve and enhance local communities' indigenous ( ... )
dge for sustainable use of agro-biodiversity i.e. incorporation and valorisation of indigenous crops into their farming systems. This will result in conservation and sustainable use of indigenous crops as a key strategy for food security, generation of income through sale of crops and environmental conservation.
At the end of the project, at least 180 farmers and 10 extension workers will
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/02/14 |
Community effort to reverse the degradation trend of catchment area of the Thacheen River, one of the five major rivers draining into the Gulf of Thailand/South China Sea, by producing organic fertilizer/pesticide for use in agricultural practice, ( ... )
tating community marginal land and establishing natural trail for
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/02/02 |
One of the biggest problems that face off grid rural communities is lack of reliable power. Lack of power limits possibilities of development activities and thus contribute to rural poverty. Project aims at assisting a solar training facility ( ... )
KARADEA to train solar technicians in the district who in turn will promote, install and maintain solar systems in Karagwe
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/UP09 |
Project overview
A majority of the rural habitants in the project area were using fuel wood, dung cakes and other agricultural refuse as the main source of fuel for cooking purposes. A survey conducted to analyze the actual scenario of the type of ( ... )
sed and the status of chemical fertilizer consumption revealed that nearly about 86%-94% of the rural families used the traditional chullah for cooking purposes, which in turn led to deforestation and imbalance in the biosystem. It also pointed out massive utilization of chemical fertilizers and insecticides for crop production. Another observation was that an average rural family disposes 1.5 to
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/COMPACT/CO/02/02 |
The year 2002 was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Year of Mountains (IYM). Since a large portion of tourist activities occurs in mountain areas, the year was also declared the International Year of Eco-tourism ( ... )
o forge linkages between Mountain eco-systems and eco-tourism activities. The main objective is to support participation of local actors in the African conference on Mountains and Highland
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/UNF/02/16 |
ASK propone "COMPACT" y al Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo, un proyecto de traducción del libro maya "La Gran Selva Maya", que se utilizará en su proyecto de educación ambiental para estudiantes de escuelas primarias SEyC quinto y ( ... )
de la de los alrededores área y los alrededores (área de la cooperación) del RBSK, así como los grupos de base que trabajan con el ASK y personas interesadas en el uso y la difusión de este material en la misma
Phase 1
Project Number: HON/98/G52/001 |
Con la implementación de este proyecto se va a proteger 25 manzanas para la sobre vivencia del colibrí esmeralda que habita esa región. También 100 manzanas de potrero se van a mejorar con implementación de pastos mejorados y especies vegetales ( ... )
es al colibrí, para obtener una mayor cantidad de producción e ingresos a la zona ganadera y por ende mejorar la situación económica de los habitantes de las zonas antes mencionadas.El proyecto estimulara la participación escolar, desarrollando concursos de pintura y cuento sobre el colibrí, además se apoyará la siembra de frutales en las 4 comunidades, mejorando la cobertura vegetal.Se
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/02/05 |
Conservación y uso sostenible de la biodiversidad en la vertiente norte de la Sierra de Neyba, a partir del establecimiento de una red comunitaria de conservación de pequenas áreas de bosques, la capacitación y concienciación de los productores ( ... )
, la recuperación de áreas críticas y la promoción de sistemas agroforestales en laderas, como mecanismo de mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida de los
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/UNF/07/02 |
The project aims to assist the Sabang Vendors Association (SVA) members develop and establish livelihood enterprise through vending and souvenir working shop project. It is expected that this project will be able to: a) provide additional source of ( ... )
for the beneficiaries; b) develop and sustain project and resources; c) enhance and develop skills, attitude and behavior of the members and officers of the association; and d) contribute and assist in the protection and conservation of Biodiversity inside the PPSRNP through the development and management of a 10-hectare area of land within the Park to be develop and planted with indigenous
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/02/14 |
Project aims at preserving the buffalo species in Albania, one of the autochthonous genetic funds actually at the brink of extinction in this country. The project will evaluate the genetic variability of the Albanian buffalo population in order to ( ... )
ze its breeding in the future. Models of small family farms will be created and promoted with the support of the local community. Knowledge and techniques will be transferred to the local farmers, owners of the remaining buffaloes, in order to ensure an optimal exploitation of this species and production of biological dairy products.
Through this project, the initial elements of agrotourism in
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/02/04 |
This project consists in providing evidence and awareness on the natural values of the Balgjai area, which is also proposed as a protected area in the Biodiversity Strategy.
A management plan of the area of Balgjai Lakes will be prepared. The ( ... )
vegetation will be improved, by removing leftovers from previous illegal cutting.
This project will aim at raising public awareness on the biodiversity values and ecotourism potential in the area. Seminars and round tables will be organized and posters and leaflets will be
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y4/CORE/2002/27 |
The plot ?Jon? has appeared recently from people moved to this place because of landslide danger in the former habitats and located in the belt of former walnut forests. As a result of economic activity this plot in the present time looks as ( ... )
-steppe. Population of Tegene village is 1200 people. There is no water pipe in the village; frequent missing of electricity takes place in the winter time; inhabitants heat houses by coal which extracts in the nearest coal mine. The main sources of income are cattle-breeding and plant cultivation it allows expansion of tillage, pastures and reduction of forest vegetations.
The main idea of the
Multifocal Area Multifocal Area Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAU/98/G52/02/01 |
Il s'agit d'un projet de protection et de préservation d'un point d'eau dans une zone humide du Sud-Est de la Mauritanie. Ce site est un point de passage de plusieurs oiseaux migrateurs entre le mois de novembre et le mois de mars. La mare contient ( ... )
ent des ressources naturelles comme le nénuphar et les gousses d'accacia qui seront valorisées par les populations locales en vue d'améliorer leurs conditions de vie. Un dossier sur le site a été transmis par le gouvernement et la GTZ pour qu'il devienne un site RAMSAR.
Des activités de protection et de sécurisation du site de repos pour les oiseaux seront entreprises. Il y aura
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/28 |
Creating new hatching sites by installation of multi-seasonal artificial nests (baskets). Monitoring of previous project (see - POL/01/04) results.Publicity of the project among local society ? leaflets, folders, stickers, contacts with local TV, ( ... )
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/02/03 |
Protection of Nalanda Oya river banks - Replant banks with fast growing trees, erect structures in places where erosion is severe, awareness raising on prevention of river bank erosion and promotion of activities to minimize sand mining. Form CBOs ( ... )
GN (village cluster) Divisions, network them and form one organization to carry out environmental activities in the area.
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/33 |
Extension of actions taken in previous project in Wandzin. The aim of the project was to encourage local community to take part in nature protection programmes, to build agricultural centre to uphold, reproduce and popularize species of old fruit ( ... )
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/02/02 |
The main aim of the project is to demonstrate possibility to protect important habitats for endangered forest birds during implementation of final forest cutting projects in Lithuania, to teach and educate foresters, owners of the forest, local ( ... )
ities, teachers, students, local society, members of LOD and other NGOs about the sustainable use of forests. There will be done an inventory and mapping of biological values, such as nests of Black Stork (Ciconia nigra), Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina) Tengmalms Owl (Aegolius funereus) and Middle Spotted Eagle (Dendrocopos medius), as well as trees valuable as potential nesting sites for