There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Land Degradation
Phase 1
Project Number: TAN/COMPACT/UNF/01/04 |
The objective of this project is :
(1)To alleviate poverty through increased agricultural production througth rehabilitation of community based irrigation scheme (Umbwe OnanaIrrigational canal).
(2) To increase efficiency of Umbwe Onana ( ... )
tion canals and ,
(4) To promote water and soil conservation among farmers and water user of the Umbwe Onana irrigational
Phase 2
Project Number: TRI/01/02 |
The planning grant will be used to support stakeholder workshops to facilitate the local womens organisation, Stichting Hiamawa, to prepare a project proposal aimed at the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in the Wane Kreek Nature ( ... )
e by the local community of Wanshishia
Sri lanka
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/01/019 |
Establishment of an island wide NGO and CBO network for conducting an identified Rio + 10 follow up programme to promote best practices and to create a better policy in environment for sustainable development in Sri Lanka. Conduct an island wide ( ... )
gn covering 2000 villages mainly awareness raising and investigating village opinion on sustainable development - whether any effect is felt at the village level. The results were compiled into a report and discussed at national level especially with the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources who were the focal Ministry on Sustainable Development. The final document was presented at the
Phase 2
Project Number: TRI/01/10 |
The planning grant will be used to prepare a project proposal aimed at the preservation and the sustainable utilisation of biodiversity in the river basin of the Saramacca River near the village of Pikin Saron in the district of Para, Suriname. The ( ... )
rs are concerned about the threat to the aquatic biodiversity as a result of possible water pollution due to gold-mining activities. It is known that in the upper course of the Saramacca River gold-mining activities are carried out at which a lot of mercury (Hg) is being used. As the local community of Pikin Saron depends on the river fishery, their most important means of existence is
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/01/13 |
Development of a full project proposal through organising consultations with community members and stakeholders in Cameron Highlands, Pahang and conducting a community survey as a means of incorporating local community-based participatory processes ( ... )
planning and preparation of the full project proposal and to help identify the appropriate capacity building approaches and activities for local
Viet nam
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: VIE/01/002 (P) |
The primamry aims of the planning grant are to promote the participation of key stakeholders of the proposed project, including local authorities and relevant agencies and communties, and provide scientific assistance for the project development. ( ... )
activities of the project include conducting surveys on socio-economic conditions of the proposed project site, identifying proposed project objectives and activities and assessing their feasibility, and providing needed technical assistance in project design and writing project proposal which will be submitted to GEF/SGP for review and appraisal; and identifying possibilities for project
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/01/02 |
Repoblar con especies nativas los cuerpos de agua de la comunidad, así como iniciar la producción en esos mismos cuerpos de Mojarra castarrica mediante encierros artesanales. |
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/01/22 |
Conservar los recursos forestales y faunísticos de las selvas tropicales del sudeste mexicano, a través del establecimiento de una reserva forestal comunitaria utilizada conforme a un plan de manejo sustentable. Mediante elementos y conocimientos ( ... )
cos, técnicos y prácticos sobre el manejo sostenible de la forestería tropical, producción de artesanías y comercialización de sus productos, a través de la impartición de 3
Cote d'ivoire
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/98/G52/018 |
Réaliser 7 a 9 films thématiques de 5 minutes maximum chacun, a partir des projets financés et réalisés dans le cadre du Programme PNUD/FEM de Micro-Financements. Leur diffusion réguliere sur les antennes de la télévision ivoirienne ( ... )
tra de faire connaître non seulement le Programme, mais également des technologies propres et des expériences d'éco-développement, dont la multiplication ou la réplication pourraient générer des bénéfices écologiques correspondant aux attentes du
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/01/04-PG-NOR |
This project is product of an analysis of the general proposal of the development of the municipality of Senahú in the department of Alta Verapaz and pretends the integration of four communities of the area number 1 they gave priority to the ( ... )
ities: Sepamac, Chulac, Corralpec and Chimaxyat. This communities are located around the "Las Nubes" mountain, that is considered very important to protect the biological corridor where has been determined these forests are used like a natural refuge by the "Quetzal" (the Guatemalan National Bird), Jaguar and Saraguate Ape, and this area will connect with the "Sierra de las Minas Biosphere
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/01/08-NOR |
This project is part of general proposal for the development of the municipality of Senahú in Alta Verapaz. Consists in the integration of four communities, such as Sepamac, Chulac, Corralpec, Chimaxyat. This communities are around "Las Nubes" ( ... )
in that is part of an important biological corridor of cloudy mountains that serve as refuge to "Quetzal" (the Guatemalan national bird), Jaguar and the Saraguate ape. This natural corridor in the future will connect the "Sierra de Las Minas Biosphere Reserve" with "Río Dulce National Protected Area". Project consist in promoting the establishing of technical production of
Pacayina, Hoja de
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/01/08 |
The project will promote the sound management of natural resources in a semi-arid ecosystem close to a forest area overlooking the Jordan Valley. It will support income-generating activities that improve local community's livelihood without ( ... )
dizing the delicate ecosystem in the area. Traditional productive home gardens and domestic water harvesting techniques will be promoted among local community members with special emphasis on women and
Phase 2
Project Number: SIA/UNF/01/08 |
El objetivo del proyecto es desarrollar un programa de educación ambiental con respecto a 2000 estudiantes y alrededor de 50 profesores de la ciudad de Felipe Carrillo Puerto, en la cabecera municpal del mismo nombre. Este pueblo es vecino de la ( ... )
La edad de los alumnos es de 6 a 14 años.
Mejorar el centro de educación ambiental de la organización no gubernamental, llamado Casa de la Naturaleza
Dominican republic
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/01/23 |
Servir de canal para divulgar las experiencias que se están desarrollando las diferentes organizaciones e instituciones de la región suroeste, en favor del medio ambiente y conservacion de los recursos naturales, así como la creación de ( ... )
ncia en la población sobre la importancia de la biodiversidad y su conservación, y promover la unidad de los grupos ecológicos de la
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/98/G52/020 |
Le concept d'Electricité Solaire de Confort Minimum (ESCM) est né au sein du Programme PNUD/FEM de Micro-Financements et se caractérise par un acces, grâce a l'électricité solaire, a la lumiere et a l'information par la radio et/ou la ( ... )
vision. Ce qui correspond a une source de confort minimum pouvant etre promue a travers des projets communautaires de faible cout.
Le présent projet vise a faciliter le recours a l'énergie solaire, parfaitement décentralisée, moins couteuse et adaptée aux petites localités qui risquent de n'etre pas électrifiées avant plusieurs
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/98/G52/021 |
Le Concept d'Electricité Solaire de Confort Minimum est né au sein du Programme PNUD/FEM de Micro-Financements et se caractérise par un acces, grâce a l'électricité solaire, a la lumiere et a l'information par la radio et/ou la télévision. ( ... )
correspond a une source de confort minimum pouvant etre promue a travers des projets communautaires de faible cout.
Le présent projet vise a faciliter le recours a l'énergie solaire moins couteuse et
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/98/G52/024 |
Le concept d'Electricité Solaire de Confort Minimum est né au sein du Programme PNUD/FEM de Micro-Financements et se caractérise par un acces, grâce a l'électricité solaire, a la lumiere et a l'information par la radio et/ou la télévision. ( ... )
correspond a une source de confort minimum pouvant etre promue a travers des projets communautaires de faible cout.
Le présente projet vise a faciliter le recours a l'énergie solaire pour les villages de Fengolo, Koroumba, Dagaba, Zangohoba, Tioulasso et
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/98/G52/022 |
Le concept d'Electricité Solaire de Confort Minimum est né au sein du Programme PNUD/FEM de Micro-Financements et se caractérise par un acces, grâce a l'électricité solaire, a la lumiere et a l'information par la radio et/ou la télévision. ( ... )
correspond a une source de confort minimum pouvant etre promue a travers des projets communautaires de faible cout.
Le présent projet vise a fournir l'électricité solaire a 53 ménages du village pilote de Krokokro, a deux écoles et 11 logements d'instituteurs des villages de Kankrassou et
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/98/G52/023 |
Le concept d'Electricité Solaire de Confort Minimum est né au sein du Programme PNUD/FEM de Micro-Financements et se caractérise par un acces, grâce a l'électricité solaire, a la lumiere et a l'information par la radio et/ou la télévision. ( ... )
correspond a une source de confort minimum pouvant etre promue a travers des projets communautaires de faible cout.
Le présent projet vise a faciliter le recours a l'énergie solaire pour 50 ménages du village pilote de Kouassibadoukro, 6 logements d'instituteurs et 5 infrastructures communautaires des villages de Ouangui et
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/00/04 |
The Consumers' Association of Penang (CAP) in collaboration with inshore fishing communities of Penang aim to protect and promote the use of indigenous knowledge and practices related to traditional fishing practices in Penang, as well as the ( ... )
vation and sustainable use of the mangrove forests for alternative sustainable livelihoods such as indigenous medicine and handicrafts making. Also traditional inshore fishing communities will be educated on the importance of preserving mangrove forests for ensuring the sustainability of their fisheries resources and promote their shifting to alternative sustainable