There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/98/G52/020 |
Kasokwa Forest Area is comprised of riverine community forest patches formerly part of Budongo Forest Reserve system, a part of the Albertine rift forests with a total of 465 tree species, 359 bird species, 24 mammals, 289 butterflies and 130 moths. ( ... )
orest patches are therefore rich in biodiversity notably a family of fifteen isolated chimpanzees (pan troglodytes). The Kasokwa forest patches are not under any substantive protection status and therefore the biodiversity therein is at the behest of local communities. The goal of the project is to conserve the Kasokwa forest patches and ensure survival of the endangered chimpanzees through
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/01/004 |
Kelani river upper waterwashed protection and BD conservation in Sri Pada Peak Wilderness through activities of awareness raising on BD conservation, soil protection measures of the upper watershed of the Kelani River, protection of fauna and flora ( ... )
enting communities towards minimising the use of chemicals in agriculture to prevent pollution of the waterways in the
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/01/08 |
A community action project, involving mainly single mothers in rural Kelantan, that aims to: (i) promote community awareness and action on the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, as well as mitigation of climate change, in the state ( ... )
antan; (ii) create avenues for sustainable income generation for poor rural women; and (iii) provide sustainable livelihood options while protecting their environment and its natural
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/00/02 |
Development of a full project proposal by a group of 50 rural single mothers in the coastal state of Kelantan to create public awareness on the importance of biodiversity and renewable energy, take positive steps in the problem of global climate ( ... )
, and assist in the increase of biodiversity through planting and monitoring naturally occuring traditional medicinal plants within their habitat, support the use of renewable energy in the local community and to identify and support related income generation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/03 |
Common kestrel is one of smallest raptors in Poland. From 1980s, the common kestrel population has been constantly decreasing. The main goal of the project is to increase common kestrel population thanks to creation of safe breeding places for this ( ... )
To achieve this goals ? wooden nesting boxes on high buildings must be installed (Poznan city and within 50 km from the city), as well as purple willow baskets in suburbs of Poznan.
Project aims also on increase public awareness about protection of common kestrel (publication of brochure about protection of common kestrel and other raptors, creation of website about project, publication of book
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/01/03 |
Kitanga Wetlands (formerly 859 hectares now 496 hectares) constitute one of the most extensive continuous water catchment areas in Kabale District. The wetlands are under threat from population pressure, drainage/reclamation activities, seasonal ( ... )
and wildlife hunting. The goal of the project is to promote regeneration and conservation of Kitanga Wetlands while providing alternative sources of livelihood for farmer groups. Activities include environmental conservation awareness, wetland conservation and management activities, establishment of byelaws and promotion of alternative sources of
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: GHA/00/058 |
The Kpeshie Lagoon is situated at La, a peri-urban township just outside Accra. The lagoon is currently heavily silted and polluted. However, in the past it served as a major fishing ground for the local fishermen. The desilting of the lagoon is ( ... )
the scope of GEF/SGP as shown by our experience with a smaller lagoon ? the Sango Lagoon (GHA/009).
The CBO plans to gather baseline data that will enhance their chances of scaling up and applying for GEF/MSP
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/01/12 |
Consolidar las actividades de apicultura. Se tiene la intención de adquirir más colonias de abejas, con el fin de aumentar la producción de miel, polen, propóleos y de manera colectiva. Para aumentar la producción de velas de cera, para el ( ... )
ollo de productos derivados entre otros, y buscar mejores condiciones de comercialización y por lo tanto mayores ingresos. Delinear una producción de programas de capacitación técnica, que también permite la incorporación de las abejas nativas sin aguijón. Formación y difusión amplia, los beneficios se reduce la apicultura, tanto para el medio ambiente y para el
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/01/18 |
Ce projet vise a former en gestion de ressources forestieres certains conseillers de cercle, tous les maires et secrétaires généraux des communes et les délégués du gouvernement chargés de la tutelle des communes de la région de ( ... )
o.C?est donc un projet qui vise la conservation de la biodiversité a travers le renforcement des capacités.
- formation des responsables
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/01/07 |
Project Development Goal :
To restore ecosystem in order to increase community welfare
Project Objectives :
1. To increase and conserve biodiversity through planting rare plant species
2. To increase water supply
3. To increase wood supply ( ... )
sed as source of energy for the community
4. To provide sufficient cattle feed supply
5. To make use of unutilized land with planting medicinal plants
6. To provide alternative source of food by planting several varieties plants
7. To provide alternative source of income
8. To increase woman and youth participation in fulfilling family economic needs
9. To increase community awareness on
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/01/07 |
Protección de un área de bosque seco y mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de los habitantes de la zona costera aprovechando la vegetación para la producción de miel. |
Phase 2
Project Number: BOT/98/G52/01/02 |
The Government of Botswana has signed and ratified the Biodiversity Convention. Two of the central objectives of the Convention are to promote the fair and equitable sharing of genetic resources and the benefits that result, and appropriate access ( ... )
etic resources; appropriate transfer of relevant technologies taking into account all rights over those resources and technologies.
However, to date there is no legislation to protect indigenous knowledge and community interests in benefits derived from the use of genetic resources. Furthermore there are no guiding policies for the transfer of technology used in the exploitation of genetic
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/01/11 |
Development of a full project proposal through in-depth consultations and interviews conducted with the indigenous Semai community and relevant stakeholders on their indigenous practices and beliefs and how best they can participate in the proposed ( ... )
t. In addition, Rafflesia plant and Rajah Brooke Birdwing butterfly sites within the Bukit Kinta Forest Reserve were identified, with the help of the indigenous Semai, to be jointly promoted, along with the existing known Rafflesia and Rajah Brooke sites, as potential eco-tourism sites. Other activities undertaken included: exploring the feasibility of inter-cropping medicinal plants among
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/01/09 |
Awareness raising, capacity building is critical for promoting environmental protection and community development and increasing relevant skills of people. The aim of the project was to take priorities and action Program for GEF's Small Grants ( ... )
mme as well as fundamental commitments, international treaties, laws, agreements or conventions on global environment and sustainable development - such as Agenda 21, Ramsar Convention (REGINA amendments), Bonn and Bern Conventions, Convention on Biological Diversity, CITES, IUCN Red Data Book on threatened species, EU Birds & Habitats Directive and etc. - and turn them into national media
Dominican republic
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/01/22 |
Procura crear conciencia a través de la radio de los problemas ambientales que afectan al país y que están vinculados con las áreas temáticas del FMAM, mediante la participación de la comunidad en técnicas individuales y de grupos para ( ... )
izar experiencias que mejoren el manejo y uso de los recursos naturales y el ambiente.
Promoción del uso sostenible de la biodiversidad y la reducción de la contaminación ambiental que contribuyen al cambio climático mediante la difusión de mensajes radiofónicos y escritos, acompanadas de actividades presenciales como charlas, encuentros, jornadas de saneamiento, así como la producción
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/01/19 |
As a result of the Aral Sea environmental crisis, the Syr-Darya River delta lakes are the only place where high concentrations of regional fauna can still be found, like the migratory birds that fly through the south of Kazakhstan. However, the ( ... )
d water-flow of the Syr Darya River is decreasing the total area of most lakes, and other problems like poaching, destruction of vegetation, irrational land and water resource use, irrational agriculture, land degradation and desertification negatively influence the fragile wetland ecosystem. As a result, there is a very serious threat to the biodiversity of these lakes.
This demonstration
Papua new guinea
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/01/16 |
The context of the project relates to National Environmental Law and the New Organic Law on Provincial and Local Level Government (1994) and the Total Environment Catchment Management (TECM) concept (1993). These two laws and the TECM empowers the ( ... )
ment for Environment and Conservation, the principal Government organization responsible to ensure environment protection and conservation of flora and fauna, local resource owners who own at least 97% of the land and NGOs that are instrumental in implementing environmental conservation programes to be involved in the planning conservation and sustainable development programmes.
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/01/06 |
Project consists on the promotion, training on management and sustainable use of freshwater prawns, through the technical training of 12 local promoters (women), and adding value with the organization of the production and commercialization. 100 ( ... )
ipants from 6 communities are project stakeholders. The project will complement on-going NGO organic farming and animal husbandry projects through the use of prawn ponds drainage waters to fertilize nearby farm plots and fertilize prawn ponds water with domestic animals manure. All project inputs will be provided on credit fashion to create a revolving fund to achieve project
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-ANT-00-G30 |
Demonstration of sustainable agricultural technologies and processes (soil and water stewardship, biopesticide usage, weed and fertiliser management, minimisation of non-renewable energy consumption) to protect and enhance the environment. Training ( ... )
mmes to encourage young farmers to use the alternative technologies and practices being
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/01/04-NOR |
This project is presented due to the initiative of the Municipality of Morales, department of Izabal, who are using the services of a NGO called FUNDAECO to run it.
The main purpose is the elaboration of the Management Plan of the Municipal ( ... )
Reservation of Morales, establishing the technical guidelines for its administration, based on its biophysical and socioeconomic characteristics. Establishing work programs plan for the reservation.
The importance of this reservation is due to it is the main source of clearwater to Morales city; also, it is a biological corridor between the both Protected Areas, "Sierra de Las Minas" and the