There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/01/15 |
Altay-Sayan region covers transboundary territories of Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia, and China, and it is a unique place where Central Asia biological and landscape biodiversity is concentrated. Here wild relatives of cultural species and rare and ( ... )
c flora and fauna are kept. At the same time economic crisis of the region, pauperization of the local population and increase of commercial demand for natural resources may cause destruction of biodiversity resources and development of ecologically unreasoned way of economic development of the region.
Thus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia and China have taken a decision to create a transboundary
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: TUN/00/10 |
Enhancement of environmental and sustainable development NGOs? capacities of intervention in the fields of communication, information exchange, and participatory monitoring and evaluation of projects likely to yield environmental and socio-economic ( ... )
ts to the environment through training workshops and NGO-designed and -implemented
Trinidad and tobago
Phase 2
Project Number: TRI/01/12 |
The principal objective of the planning phase is to conduct a feasibility study for the Northern Range Rehabilitation Project. The activities include an assessment of the leadership potential and management capacity of each of the identified ( ... )
ity groups in the project area, the willingness of the community to engage in environmental protection, the availability of land for reforestation, and any opportunities for project sustainability at the community
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/01/09 |
The project aims at making visible to the visitors and the public the wonderful landscape of Thethi and the cultural and historical heritage of the locals. The main objective is to promote ecotourism as a possible source of economic income for the ( ... )
Approximately 25 environmentalists and journalists will travel together by organized means of transport and will be accommodated in local families.
The film shootings and interviews with the locals will be used later for different TV
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/01/05 |
The project will contribute to the communication and information sharing through the establishment of an on-line forum that consolidates environment NGOs and enhances the flow of information and experiences among them. This will contribute to ( ... )
g of lessons learned from community action in environment and development fields and the relation of that action to sustainable development. Project activities include providing training and some equipment to targeted NGOs in order to help them make use of the on-line forum. The project complements national initiatives supported by the UNDP in the field of IT Community Centers and the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/10/01 |
Actualmente el proceso de generación de energía eléctrica en la población de Rurrenabaque no es el adecuado ya que se presenta un elevado consumo de carburantes, cuyo costo real no son considerados ya que el 50% del mismo es ( ... )
Otro aspecto muy importante es el alto potencial turístico ecológico de la zona, siendo considerada como un reservorio natural que tiene que ser conservado, es ahi donde radica la gran importancia de generar energía electrica que no afecte el entorno natural de la zona y no produzca una contaminación que a la larga pueda hacerse
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/01/03 |
To develop organic managed agroforestry systems that include the rescue of native potato and lima beans varieties and native tree species. Training on organic farming techniques and methods is the main component of the project. Income from the local ( ... )
ional commercialization of the annual crops will allow project sustainability on the short term. Participants plots will be used to show neighboring communities alternative means of agricultural diversification and value of native varieties of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/01/04 |
Project Development Goal :
To reduce green house gases emission from pile of organic waste
Project Objectives :
1. To empower community organization
2. To support local government in waste management
3. To provide additional value on ( ... )
c farming which is supported by local farming authority?s policy which ultimately increase community welfare
Expected Outputs :
1. The establishment of community alternative income source activity
2. The ability of local government and local community in managing waste
3. The emergence of local farming authority ?s policy which support the uses of organic
fertilizer (compost) and
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/01/02 |
El proyecto pretende fomentar desde la Comunidad conductas favorables a la lucha contra la desertificación y a la busqueda de fuentes de energía y de modelo de producción sustentable y adecuados a las carcaterísticas de l terreno, innovando y ( ... )
ndo las capacidades y destrezas de los habitantes de
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/01/03 |
The project site has been shifted from Khunkhani to Lekhani VDC of Baglung district due to increased insurgent activites. From the Baglung district headquarter, it takes 3-4 hrs walk to reach the project site. Lekhani VDC offers a magnificent views ( ... )
w capped Himalayas. The Dhaulagiri and the Annapurna range in the north extend from east to west. Mt Dhaulagiri and Mt Annapurna are among the highest Himalayan peaks in the world.
Lekhani VDC covers an area of about 11 Sq Km with 536 household of which majorities are Magars, Brahmins, Kami, Damai and Sarki. All households use fuelwood for cooking and kerosene for lighting purpose. About 400
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/01/10 |
EL Cerro El roble debe su nombre a la formación vegetal más boreal de Chile y es un relicto de robles. Las comunidades que allí están corresponden a grupos de pequeños campsenios que motivados por el recurso requieren concoer más para ( ... )
idar mejor el santuario A partir del proyecto quieren desarrollar un conjunto de actividades destinadas a capacitar, educar y sensibilizar a la Comunidad propietaria del santuario. Organizar a la Comunidad para que se incorpore a la tarea de Conservación, Cuidado y Mantención del Santuario.
Es un lugar que se encuentra ubicado en la salida norte de santiago lo cual lo transforma en un
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/CCF/IND/OP2/01/OR07 |
Project aoms towards sustainable land mamagement system through community participation to conserve the catchment area of lagoon chilika, including soil-moisture conservation structure, agro-forestry system, alley cropping and dry land horticulture ( ... )
es etc.
The project has put satisfactory efforts for management of lagoons with cooperation of community. The rpoejct has actually acheived the objective of integrated management of chilika lagoon with capacity building of community therein for sustainable management of lagoons and promotion of agro-horticultural system for sustainable environmental
Phase 2
Project Number: BOT/98/G52/01/07 |
This project seeks to train selected community and NGO representatives in participatory ecological assessment. The training is to ensure that their projects are ecologicaly sustainable. This project is also a capacity building initiative.
The ( ... )
t will be a ten day course comprising of basic theory and application, and will focus on trees. Three indigenous tree species have been selected for the exercise; two indigenous fruit trees (morula and mmilo) and one species for fuelwood. All theory wil be done in plenary. Participants will work in small groups of 5-6 people. Each group will apply the theory on one of the tree
Phase 2
Project Number: GHA/00/057 |
The NGO was to use PRA to gather baseline socio-economic data and biodiversity baseline data that can be used to develop a project proposal for sustainably managing the natural resources in the Tuluwe area of the Northern Region of Ghana. |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/00/07 |
Development of a full project proposal through a stakeholder workshop and interviews conducted with the concerned stakeholders, undertaking an initial survey of the two proposed project sites (watershed areas) in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, including ( ... )
inary information gathering for the full project to be later implemented. The project is being developed in support of Local Agenda 21 pilot projects being conducted in the project area and to show a way for the enhancement of water bodies as well as to provide local communities with an understanding of how to inventory sources of pollution, in particular greenhouse gas emissions from mobile and
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/01/01 |
This Planning grant was used to develop a project aiming to reconvert a group of 12 artisanal fishermen of the Port-Louis region (which use traditional techniques/equipment and fish within the lagoon) into professional fishermen (using modern and ( ... )
nmentally sustainable techniques/equipment and carry out offshore fishing) in order to allow them to earn their living and that of their family. This project was initiated following the increased environmental degradation by industrial pollutants, of the lagoons in the region of Pointe-aux-Sables/Baie du Tombeau, resulting in a drastic reduction in fish
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/01/03 |
This pilot project aims to reconvert a group of 12 artisanal fishermen of the Port-Louis region (which use traditional techniques/equipment and fish within the lagoon) into professional fishermen (using modern and environmentally sustainable ( ... )
ques/equipment and carry out offshore fishing) in order to allow them to earn their living and that of their family. This project follows the increased environmental degradation by industrial pollutants, of the lagoons in the region of Pointe-aux-Sables/Baie du Tombeau, resulting in a drastic reduction in fish catch. In order to achieve the above objective, the GEF/SGP grant will be used for the
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/01/026 |
Community forestry in five acres of watershed; establish 20 model homegardens with 20 farmers; awarenss raising programmes; sharing of experiences and promotion of organic farming methods. The farmers live in degraded sugar cane growing lands where ( ... )
e income is from this but as the lands grow barren each year, the input of fertilizer increases a heavy cost for the farmer. The attempt is to wean the farmer away from sugar cane growing to home garden development and soil conservation.
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/01/15 |
La comunidad Romeralcillo realizara un plan de Manejo Integrado basado en un diagnostico de los propios comuneros y apoyados por un equipo tecnico adecuado |
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/01/16 |
La comunidad realizara un plan de Manejo Integrado basado en un diagnostico realizado por ellos , que determina las areas de acción que seran abordadas con el apoyo de profesionales idoneós |