There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/00/04 |
Planning grant to develop a proposal to establish a comprehensive and integrated management plan for the reserves. |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G03 |
Suwannaphum District of Roi-et province is situated in the southern part of the northeastern region, the poorest and driest region of the country. The majority of the people have practiced rice farming for many successive generation.
Since the ( ... )
f modern agricultural practice was adopted in Thailand some 50 years ago, small tractor has almost entirely replaced water buffaloes in agricultural practices. Diesel oil has been used at about 50-80 litres per season for the average of 5 ha. This is an average area being held by a northeastern family. The use of small tractor has produced unfavourable effects to the ecological system. Not only
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G40 |
An CBO working with communities to rehabilitate the watersheds of tributaries of the Nan River -a major component of the Chaophraya River draining into the Gulf of Thailand- through capacity building of community on natural resources management, ( ... )
sing alternative agriculture, preventing wild-fire and establishing dissemination
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/00/15 |
The previous project of this NGO, titled: 'Establishment of an Eco-Counseling Center' will continue its activities under this project. The project will help in the establishment of new contacts, exchange of information about environmental protection ( ... )
answering and solving different environmental questions etc. A new programme will be drafted and new instruments will be defined to be used for environmental education. The environmental database will be updated in accordance with the last environmental concerns. A new model will be set up for trainig of NGOs' members.This project will strengthen the previous contacts set with Local Authorities
Phase 2
Project Number: MX/98/027 |
El Centro de Interpretación e información turística de la organización contará con un local que sirva como oficina y sala de juntas, y habrá capacitado a sus miembros como guías turísticos para la región. |
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/13/00 |
Este proyecto se lleva adelante en las comunidades de: San Pedro de Tiquina, Chicharro, Villa Amacarí, Santiago de Ojje, Lojpaya, Isla Takiri.
En primera instancia se identificó y elaboró una lista preliminar de los atractivos ecoturisticos ( ... )
iales, así como los atractivos que necesitaban ser recuperados y los que podían ser implementados, para este efecto, se logró obtener una ordenanza municipal destinada a la protección de sitios arqueológicos, así como para declarar la veda de aves en época de anidación, asimismo se recuperaron y reacondicionaron 2.5 has de terrazas o taqanas destinadas al cultivo de tubérculos
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/00/04 |
En el sur de Chile, VIII regiónexisten sectores que han sido cosechados sus bosques y donde muchas comunidades ven con impotencia como el suelo fertil se va perdiendo. Muchos de los pequeños agricultores están acostumbrados a la utilización ( ... )
elo en forma exhaustiva con el proyecto se pretende desarrollar en terreno un modelo de Gestión Comunitaria que permita detener el alarmante crecimiento de los suelos degradados de la VIII Región y que permita a pequenos propietarios aprender a utilizar el recurso en forma
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-JOR-98-G52-20 |
The project is implemented by the Noor Al Hussein Foundation/ Aqaba Center in cooperation with the Royal Jordanian Ecological Diving Society and the Friends of Environment Society. It aims at raising public awareness regarding the unique marine ( ... )
nment of the Gulf of Aqaba teaching the public, specially children, the best means of dealing with the environment whether on land, shore or in the sea. The project will use several innovative approaches to achieve its
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/00/14 |
Irtysh is a transboundary river, and it?s a unique water source for many big cities, numerous villages and settlements of the country. At the moment according to the independent revaluation results pollution of Irtysh in East Kazakhstan is at ( ... )
e level.
The main polluting factors are industrial wastes, emergency condition of cleaning constructions in large cities, radioactive substances pollution, condominium sector wastes pollution, poor ecological culture of the population. All these negatively influence on climate conditions, landscape degradation, flood-lands desertification, fish-stocks reduction.
The purpose of the project
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/00/17 |
The river Syr-Darya is one of the major water arteries not only for Kazakhstan, but also for the contiguous states. Now the reservoir, as well as other water pools, is exposed to strong anthropogenous influence through pollution by household and ( ... )
rial wastes, degradation of the coast due to felling of trees, etc. One of the reasons of such attitude is ignorance of consequences of such actions by local communities.
The project aims at demonstration of opportunities and training of the local population to preliminary clearing of the drainage waters dumped into Syr-dArya river.
The activities will include creation of demonstration site
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/00/01 |
The main aim of the project is rising of public awareness with particular attention school pupils, local community and local authorities on cleaning up of the seashore of Kune-Vain lagoons and beaches around, and keeping and protecting them as such. ( ... )
ject will occur in the cities of Lezha, Shengjin and two villages around, Ishull-Lezhe and Ishull Shengjin.
This project also intends to aware the people on respecting and applying 'the legal frame' regarding the waste collection in the seashore of Kune-Vain lagoons and beaches around.
Thus, round tables will be organised with representatives of local authorities; meetings and discussions will
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: TUN/00/01 |
Aims to rehabilitate the dune cordon in Mahdia beach using new techniques « ganivelles », to protect the coastal ecosystem against deteriorations due to human pressures and to rehabilitate the littoral . Increase awareness raising and improve ( ... )
nitoring /evaluation of coastal cordon erosion
1Contexte, Justification et objectifs du projet :
Le projet pilote de réhabilitation de l?ecosystème dunaire de Mahdia concerne la zone située à l?extrémité sud-est de la plage nord de Mahdia. Cette dernière est constituée d?un cordon dunaire fragilisé, à l?état chaotique, s?étalant sur environ 600 mètres
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-PLN-00-011 |
Baseline Data for Community Extraction of Essential Oils |
Viet nam
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/VN/00/001/P |
The primamry aims of the planning grant are to promote the participation of key stakeholders of the proposed project, including local authorities and relevant agencies and communties, and provide scientific assistance for the project development. ( ... )
activities of the project include conducting surveys on socio-economic conditions of the proposed project site, identifying proposed project objectives and activities and assessing their feasibility, and providing needed technical assistance in project design and writing project proposal which will be submitted to GEF/SGP for review and appraisal; and identifying possibilities for project
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/00/08 |
Communication and interchange activities will be developed in this project for civil organizations in the Cerrado region, as a means of disseminating lessons learned on sustainable livelihoods in the Cerrado and subsidize dialog and mobilization of ( ... )
society about the socio-economic and environmental reality of the biome, its population, and its biodiversity. A quarterly informative bulletin will be released, 2 regional or thematic Cerrado Network meetings will beheld, 1 national meeting will be held, and meetings for the coordination and other Cerrado Network members will be
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/OP2-2000-05 |
Project Development Goal:
Community authority of managing nature resources in Kapoposang Island, which is supported by local Government Policy
Project Objectives :
1. To encourage community self-reliance in managing Kapoposang Island ( ... )
is in line with conservation concept
2. To encourage the emergence of integrated policy which also support community based activities in Kapoposang Island
Expected Outputs :
1. The establishment of self-reliance community in managing the nature resources in Kapoposang Island, which regard to conservation concept
2. The establishment of tenure system which support the clear ownership of
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/OP2-2000-012 |
Project development goal:
Community Based Sustainable Management and Utilization of Marine and Coastal Resources
Project objectives:
1. Strengthening the involvement of local community in managing and utilizing the nature resources ( ... )
tainable way
2. Enhancing proper and fit government role in planning, implementation and law enforcement of sustainable nature resource management and utilization
3. Establishing coordination and institution which support the sustainable management and utilization of coastal nature resources
4. Raising awareness and strengthening stakeholder involvement and participation in managing and
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: BOT/98/G52/00/05 |
Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) is one of the most successful rural development programmes in Botswana. This project seeks to establish a National CBNRM Forum which will include all stakeholders with an interest in CBNRM with the ( ... )
coordinate efforts and share information, in order to foster an enabling environment for CBNRM implementation in Botswana.
The need for coordination is clear, especially because the CBNRM concept has not yet graduated out of the phase of design, piloting and trial and error. Regular discussions/meetings between all stakeholders are therefore of paramount importance. The traditional
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/OP2-2000-016 |
Project Development Goal:
Sustainable management of nature resources in Moyo Island with community based approach
Project Objectives :
1. To establish self reliance community in nature resource management, which has more concern in ( ... )
vation efforts
2. To foster the establishment of local government policy which regard to community?s role and supported by it?s stakeholders
3. To establish diversification in economic activities which regard to conservation and just concept
Expected Outputs :
1. The establishment of self reliance community in eight hamlets in managing nature resources in sustainable way
2. The
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/00/08 |
To support government action and legislation through community based protection of forest by organizing formal groups of volunteer guards and forming forest protection council of 10 villages situated in Skaser forest range. Executed by Falahi ( ... )
m Dhadhar.
Primary Objective:
To support government action and legislation through community-based protection of forest by organizing formal groups of volunteer guards and forming forest protection council of 10 villages situated in Sakesar forest range.
Context of the Activity:
The proposed activity falls under biodiversity conservation category of GEF mandate. It is also very relevant