There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 1
Project Number: TUR-98-01 |
The project aims to develop a Mountain Zone Management and Sustainable Development Plan for Kackar Mountains, particularly focusing on tourism. The project focuses on the protection of the Kaçkar Mountain itself against increased human activities ( ... )
gradational changes as well as to raise awareness on the sustainable management
Phase 1
Project Number: BRA/98/04 |
Marshaling the sustainable development practices and experiences in the Cerrado is the purpose of the Cerrado Network, particularly in the area of sustainable use of the biodiversity, and protection of the soil in the face of degradation processes, ( ... )
desertification, and renewable energy sources in the rural areas. Local, state, and national public policy subsidies for influence are sought. An assessment of sustainable practices in the Cerrado will be carried out by a survey to be sent to numerous non-governmental organizations. A report will then be assembled and discussed during a set of meetings. The results will be published and submitted
Phase 1
Project Number: ECU/97/031 |
Características socio económicas de la población:
En las comunidades existe un alto nivel de pobreza con ingresos que dependen en gran parte del uso inadecuado del bosque. Las actividades económicas principales en la zona son la agricultura ( ... )
dería; siendo los principales cultivos el café en huertos combinados con guineo y árboles frutales. La ganadería es porcina y caprina con prácticas de pastoreo extensivo y libre.
Cuentan con servicios básicos, pero existen malas condiciones de salud en la población.
Area intervenida:
1200 has.
Recurso manejado:
El bosque Jatumpamba ? Jorupe, fue declarado como Bosque
Papua new guinea
Phase 1
Project Number: PNG/98/01 |
An award of USD4,496.35 was given to the NGO, Social Concerns Incorporated grant to establish a nursery for seedlings. The project area, as observed and reported by Dorothy Luana, previous NC, was highly populated and intensive gardening was seen to ( ... )
practice by the local people.
The nursery was established and the seedlings were distributed. However, the impact and sustainability of the project was uncertain. During the NC visit, it was noted that seedlings were distributed without charging a price.All the funds for the project were disbursed as agreed in the
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF INS/YBUL/97-026 |
Project goal:
To encourage agroforestry system to be adpoted by local community live surround national park, as a way to increase their income as well as nature conservation effort
Project objective :
1.To increase the adoption of bio-technology ( ... )
y to stimulate the production of gubal in gaharu tree
2.To decrease the useless gaharu trees cut down in searching for gubal done by the local community
3.To develop community based economic activity, which could be reliable as primary source of income
4.To increase the adoption of better land management system
5.To increase local community?s income and welfareness
6.To increase nature
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF INS/YBUL/97-051 |
Project goal :
Effective utilization and conservation of biodiversity (bamboo, medical plants, and endemic chickens).
Project objective :
1. The development of alternative income of community based organization through an integrated ( ... )
2. The development of alternative raw material to supply home industry;
3. To increase land fertility and productivity;
4. To decrease the dependency on external supplies (fertilizer and pesticides);
5. To decrease the emission of green house gases from agricultural practices (through the treatment of wastes and residue);
6. To preserve the fertility and productivity of the
Phase 1
Project Number: GHA/98/035 |
The project produced a video production using cell animation to elucidate the harmful effects of unsustainable farming practices on forest resources, the ecosystem in general and human welfare in particular. The main target audiences are children in ( ... )
of school. The product is to be used as an educational tool that kids can learn from while having
Papua new guinea
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: PNG/98/16 |
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G38 |
The Ping River ,one of the 4 tributaries of the Chao Phraya River, is a main river which
provides water for livelihood to northern and central region of Thailand.With the lenght of about 500 km., it joins the Chao Phraya River at Nakhornsawan ( ... )
ce and subsequently drains into the Gulf of Thailand in southern area of Bangkok.
The course of the river through Chiangmai province is nearly 180 km. It passes through the provincial town which is the residential area of nearly 400,000 population. The 2 crucial problems of the river are the municipal waste disposal and the unscrupulous personal desire for land area by intrusion into the
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/98-079 |
Project goal:
Increasing the uses of local kind bulb-root in order to diversify food available
Project objectives:
1.To maximize the uses of unproductive garden
2.To raise community?s awareness on conservation effort
3.To raise community?s ( ... )
pation on conservation activities, especially woman
4.To increase community capacity in managing biodiversity conservation effort
5.To increase community skill in post harvesting process
6.To increase farmer?s income by planting economic kind of plant
7.To provide choices on alternative food
8.To conserve biodiversity by planting local variety bulb-roots
Activities to be carried out under
Phase 1
Project Number: POL/98/01 |
Protection of local white stork population (42 nests in one village),the highest density in Europe in one village of white stork population. Renovation of very old nests destroying roofs (one old nest can have a weight of 1 ton!) done by the ( ... )
d, construction of watch-tower by the Voivodship Fund, renovation of a village meeting place for green schools meetings and lecture done by GEF/SGP. GEF/SGP sponsored also summer-camp for photographers,results of this event was used in an exibition, which was later moving from town to town, set of 6 post-cards was produced.Project aimed also in fostering the cooperation with local authority
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: PAK/98/24 |
To establish forum for creating awareness among different stakeholders on land degradation issues.
Project goals or objectives are to exert pressure on government for land development, to promote awareness on land degradation, To network with ( ... )
zations for promoting land development or to collect data and literature on land use and to sensitize the issue of land degradation.
Activities to be carried out under project include Media Campaigns, Workshops, Meetings with farmers, dialogue with policy decision makers, distribution of briefs reports and high profile conferences.
Aniticpated results of the project are to produce a model
Trinidad and tobago
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: TRI/95/G52/2101/wshop |
The Toco convocation for building sustainable Caribbean communities was convened in the rural village of Toco in north-eastern Trinidad from 24-26 April, 1998. The objective of the convocation was the adoption of a common vision and strategy ( ... )
ed at the level of civil society, governments anmd international agencies for building sustainable Caribbean communities as an immediate and continuing developmental policy priority.
The convocation was jointly coordinated by the Toco Foundation and the Trinidad and Tobago Citizens Agenda Network and attended by representatives of the local community, national NGOs, regional NGOs,
Phase 1
Project Number: INS95/G52/YBUL-0044 |
Project goal:
Conduct a training and workshop on organic farming for the farmers in the Molluca island who have limited area of cultivation.
Project objective :
1. To transfer of knowledge on environmentally friendly farming;
2. To ( ... )
better land management to farmers for efficient utilization of limited fields;
3. To reduce the practices of moving cultivation;
4. To reduce the usage of inorganic fertilizer in cultivation
5. To utilize local and available resource for farming purposes.
Activities to be carried out under the project :
1. Preparation.
a) Training module preparation;
b) Land preparation;
c) Local
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BOL/01/99 |
En la localidad de Corocoro, primera sección de la Provincia Pacajes del Departamento de La Paz, ubicada en la región del Altiplano Norte, con el propósito de revertir procesos erosivos de suelos y degradación de praderas se ha realizado ( ... )
os de recuperación en 274 has. mediante la construcción de 14.533 mt. de canales para riego temporal, en beneficio de 46 familias pertenecientes a 13 comunidades
El proyecto apoyó la implementación de 15 has demostrativas destinadas a difundir las tecnologías para la recuperación de praderas, a través de la cosecha de agua de lluvia, desarrollada en anos anteriores en la localidad de
Phase 1
Project Number: EG-OP1-04 |
Establishing a nursery of different types of trees to provide the city with the transplants of trees to be planted in schools, parks, streets. Planting 18,200 tree.
Environmental awareness through different activities. A model for environmental ( ... )
ipation and cooperation was established. Cooperation between NGOs was established, networking with NGOs started.. Tree planting.
decrease the amount of evolved CO2 continuosly by transport vehciles
involve young people -especially environmetal protection groups in schools- practically in protection and bettering thier environment.
- to devlope the awarness of the villagers towards the danger
Phase 1
Project Number: OP-20.98-L |
The project aims to conserve and restore the Philippine biodiversity through capacity building of tribal communities as the rightful stewards to care, develop, and protect the forest ecosystems they occupy. Its strategies also aim to alleviate the ( ... )
condition of the indigenous people.
It aims to achieve the following: establishment of community nurseries of at least 50,000 seedlings; production and outplanting of at least 50,000 forest and fruit seedlings to at least 50 farmers; conduct skills training and organizational development; and awareness building of indigenous communities on environmental protection and biodiversity
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/014 |
All species of turtles considered endangered use the beaches along the Bundala National Park as breeding grounds.
Conserve turtles nesting in its own natural environment and to reasearch and collect data to provide a base ( ... )
omprehensive turtle conservation plan for Sri Lanka drawn up by the Dept. of Wildlife Conservation
Study the raiding of nests by non human predators.
Non-invasive monitoring of the nests to gather information on the conditions needed for successful nesting ground.
To ascertain the area used by the adult turtles and their migrations off shore, by the use of radio tracking equipment.
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/015 |
Removal of forest cover in this area in the hilly dry zone has caused drying up of natural water bodies,
soil erosion and associated land degradation,
excessive use of chemical fertilizer and pesticides,
the natural forest reserves in ( ... )
a are exploited by the farmers who practice chena cultivation, in effect reducing the bio diversity.
Main activities of the project are:
Increase forest cover in barren hill slopes and catchment areas, introduce environmental friendly sustainable agricultural practices, reduce chemical fertilizer and pesticide usage, increase herbal and indigenous tree plant coverage in home gardens
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: UGA/95/G52/003 |
Under the Uganda Wildlife Society (UWS), the Darwin Publishing Unit (DPU) plays an important role of Environmental Advocacy. The project came
in to strengthen the Capacity of UWS. The DPU?s prime function is to design and print low-cost ( ... )
ersity education, information and public awareness-raising materials to help conserve protected areas and endangered species. The unit produces Nature Watch, a popular four page environmental magazine inserted on the last Friday of every month in the New Vision (circulation 36,000) ? Uganda Leading Daily Newspaper. Additional 10,000 copies are circulated to secondary and tertiary institutes,