There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF INS/YBUL/97-050 |
Project goal:
Improving urban environmental quality through increasing community awareness and participation in environmental management.
Project objective :
1.To raise the awareness and participation of the target audience (community and ( ... )
e sectors) on environment management effort;
2.To empower the target audience with best practice environmental options knowledge which they will implement them to prevent environmental problems in their community;
3.To demonstrate the utilization of appropriate technology of domestic wastes treatment.
Activities to be carried out under the project :
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: TUR-98-09 |
The goal of the project is to prove the validity of the utilization of renewable sources of energy through demonstration project in a village of Kirikkale (central anatolia). The project will be implemented at three stages:
·1st Phase; involved ( ... )
tting up and running of renewable energy plants at the eco-village site.
·2nd Phase; involved the setting up and running of renewable energy plants at the pilot houses of the Hasandede town,
·3rd Phase;l involved the education and spread information achieved as a result of the proven efficiency of plants. Monitoring meeting is organized in co-operation with the local people and information
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: KEN-GEF-98-011 |
In this project the Girardinia Self Help Group received funds from GEF Small Grants to explore alternative uses of the stinging nettle, Giradinia diversifolia. Two community women's groups in Njoro, Mau Narok and Nyeri were involved in growing the ( ... )
, extracting it's fibres and developing items like paper, fibre, insecticide from the leaves and manufactured items for
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: EG-OP1-06 |
1. To protect the environment through minimize the negative impacts from using traditional methods and energy sources.
2. To remove the barriers and facilitate the use of new & renewable energy and reduce the cost of the units for the ( ... )
2. To install 30 solar heaters .
3. To raise the environmental awareness of the local community in the target area.
4.To provide the necessary technicians to ensure sustainability of the project. To encourage local community to utilize renewable
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G30 |
At present, the environment of villages and communities has changed a lot. Forest areas
have been devastated. The water in natural sources ,especially the Moon River which drains in to Mekhong River ,is so polluted that a number of water species ( ... )
fected. The water from rain and from other indigenous sources are not suitable for drinking.
Agricultural product such as rice and other vegetable and fruit are stained with chemical fertilizer and pesticide. The chemical application is so persistent that an average farmer cannot manage his plantation without it. All these situations cause the living in rural society more financially
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/048 |
Streams and other water bodies in the area have dried up due to deforestation.
River banks have eroded as a result of the soil being exposed.
Objectives, activities, groups involved
Plant trees along the dried up water streams in the ( ... )
s that have been destroyed in order to minimize soil errosion and restore the lost green cover, encourage the people to grow fuelwood trees and use energy saving alternatives for cooking.
Restoration of the natural springs in the forest reserves,
Re plantation of Bamboo, Kumbuk, Kithul etc. in the river banks in order to protect watersheds.
50 poorest families have been identified as
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G08 |
A community effort to stop deforestation in and rehabilitate the watershed area of the Mae Suay River-one of a major tributary of the Mekhong River by providing alternative agricultural practice in conjunction with building capacity of community by ( ... )
ing training on community self- sufficient financial system and environment & natural resources
Phase 1
Project Number: UGA/95/G52/002 |
A joint Forest Department and Community Conservation project. Promoting collaborative management systems that conserve biodiversity, strengthen local institutiions, empower women, support small businesses and address social and environmental needs ( ... )
y. The project is managed by West Bugwe Forest Conservation Project an adult member of wildlife clubs of Uganda. It?s located in eastern part of Uganda in Busia District. The reserve is home to rare and endangered species of plants and animals such as the De Brazza monkey. It represents the last remaining fragment of a vegetation type Braza chlorophora that is of limited distribution in Uganda.
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G12 |
Khruankhreng Wetland in Cha-uad District of Nakhonsithammarat Province , with approximately 8,700 ha is rated as semi-degradation. The area has been a prime source of biomass balrush for surrounding communities.The biomass balrush is woven into ( ... )
nd other materials for selling ,thus providing a way for subsistence. The degradation had been worsened by construction of road,drainage and water canal through and around the wetland. The enviromental system of the land has been changed. The main problems of surrounding communities are the shortage of water supply and the decrease in number of water species which are essential for their daily
Papua new guinea
Phase 1
Project Number: PNG/98/12 |
The project received US$8,833.33 to further improve and upgarde its facilities to attract tourists both local and international to visit its hidden caves, rare birds of paradise spp, traditional singing groups, bush tracks, wild orchids and other ( ... )
The whoty project group visited other institutions out of the province to gauge information and learn from these institutions. The whoty project group was approved of again another SGP fund by the NSC under OP2. Its sustainablity plan to sustain its operations is yet tobe established. Otherwise, it is earning a little income form the local institutions, school students, bird watchers and
Phase 1
Project Number: KAZ/98/06 |
The greater part of Southeastern Kazakhstan is occupied by the arid and subarid landscapes particularly exposed to degradation through the anthropogenic pressure. A considerable disturbance of the biotic balance in ecosystems first of all affect the ( ... )
rsity of invertebrate animals; representing the most numerous component of the whole fauna (a total number of invertebrate species in region is more than 100,000 as compared with 835 vertebrate ones), they are an indicators of the biocenose welfare. One of the basic biocenose components are bees the main nucleus of which is represented in Kazakhstan by solitary ones having ancient
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/98-080 |
Project goal:
Increase community participation (especially woman) in conserving biodiversity
Project objectives:
1.To improve the productivity of garden available
2.To increase community (read : woman) awareness in biodiversity conservation ( ... )
3.To increase participant?s income through planting economic yet conservative kind of plants
4.To raise community?s participation on conservation activities
5.To increase woman?s capability in maintaining and managing their garden
6.To provide alternative medicine by developing traditional medicinal herbs
7.To increase woman?s role to decision making level
8.To conserve biodiversity by
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: ZIM/92/G52/031 |
This project spearheaded by UNDP and Energia, involves the mobilisation of NGOs, CBOs, institutions, Government and other institions involved in sustainable energy activities to work towards and promote gender sensitive activities. The overall aim ( ... )
process is to raise the participation of women in the decision making, planning and implementation of sustainable energy alternatives in Zimbabwe.It is also to highlight and document initiatives, experiences and the status of women in sustainable energy in Zimbabwe through a participatory process that will culminate in a national work plan and initiate perpetual dialogue ti improve the status of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: KEN-GEF-98-012 |
To carry out the national consultation leading to the Women and Sustainable Energy regional workshop. |
Phase 1
Project Number: BRA/98/01 |
This project has the objective of disseminating knowledge about medicinal plants and their potential uses by traditional communities and the scientific community. A better understanding between the people and the environment is sought. Rescuing the ( ... )
ional use of natural resources with pharmaceutical potential in the Cerrado as a means of creating sustainable livelihoods and biodiversity maintenance is also an objective. An information network will be formed for medicinal plants in the Cerrado and their potential uses. Methodologies for planning medicinal plant projects will be systematized, scientific knowledge production will be accessed,
Phase 1
Project Number: KAZ/98/10 |
Desertification keeps aggressing villages and auls. As it was indicated in the Strategic Environmental Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the main reasons are not only draughty climatic conditions but also antropogenic factors. These factors ( ... )
ed negatively Aral region, not only the territory close to the sea, but also Sur-Daria river banks, particularly ecosystems of overflow lands inhibited by the main part of population in Kzyl-Orda and north-west South Kasahkstan oblasts. In recent years, the excessive use of overflow lands ecosystems is also caused by transition period crisis. The main part of local population is unable either to
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/97-042 |
Project goal:
?Aren? tree cultivation on unutilised fields
Project objective :
1. To train farmers in ?aren? cultivation;
2. To prepare ?aren? seedlings and saplings;
3. To cultivate ?aren? in the unutilised fields.
Activities to ( ... )
ied out under the project :
1. Preparation.
a) ?Aren? seedlings and saplings;
b) Cultivation techniques training for the farmers;
c) Land preparation.
2. Local training and education in the field.
a) Seedlings and saplings techniques;
b) Cultivation techniques;
c) Preserving techniques;
d) Harvest and post-harvest techniques.
3. Outreach Approach.
a) Transfer of knowledge
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-STV-97-G20 |
This project will entail the training of 30 community leaders and NGO Representatives and other developmental leaders on how to access GEF/SGP funds. A Consultation will also take place to (a) obtain feed-back on the successes and weaknesses of ( ... )
g GEF/SGP projects and to devise a strategy for improving GEF/SGP operations and (b) review the operations of the local Project Appraisal Committee and to make suggestions for
Phase 1
Project Number: MAR/95/G52/I/08 |
Aims to protect the marine environment and its ecosystem (coral reefs) from degradation to promote lagoon productivity through sustained monitoring and to sensitize the fishermen community and Rodrigues¦ inhabitants. GEF/SGP Grant used to set up a ( ... )
observatory, to train people in ecosystems and marine environment monitoring techniques and to carry out raising awareness
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/97/06 |
Obtener el equipo y la capacitación que son necesarios, para poder hacer agricultura ecológica con un sistema de riego en terrenos de los socios y socias |