There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-JOR-95-G52-18 |
Jordan is located at the junction of three continents housing several globally and regionally important ecosystems and habitats. There are 17 International Bird Areas (IBAs)in Jordan. Three of these areas are fully protected by law and five are ( ... )
lly protected. IBAs in Jordan are exposed to several negative impacts such as ecosystem destruction, extinction of species and degradation of local migratory birds. The project is working on updating, promoting and conserving IBAs in Jordan to ensure their sustainability and to benefit the local economy from their cultural and natura values. The project is issuing a periodical newsletter
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G37 |
Since 1987 communities in Northern Thailand have adopted the practice of cremation by using used automobile tyres as fuel source. Especially in rural area of Chiangmai Province, nearly every village practises this as used automobile ( ... )
are generally available while fire-woods are scarce. One corpse requires 2-3 tyres to cremate.
Averagely, there are 2 corpses per month per villages in Chiangmai.Therefore, there would be 9,672 tyres to burn monthly for 1,612 villages in the province. This practice has been contributing to Green House Gas Emission continuously while the communities are ignorant of the impact of the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: TAN/98/05 |
- To fabricate and distribute 40 solar box cookers under a pilot sheme aimed at tackling energy crisis in the rural areas of Kagera regions.
- To train trainers who will popularize the solar box cooker model by training other people how to ( ... )
ate and use.
- To reduce the workload for women as the solar box cookers simplify cooking as compared to charcoal and fuelwood stoves
- To improve hygienic conditions during cooking as the solar cookers have neither smoke nor soot
-To popularize the use of solar energy by demonstrating the application of photovoltaic systems as an alternative source of energy in rural
Trinidad and tobago
Phase 1
Project Number: TRI/95/G52/2101/promo |
There is a dearth of audiovisual education and awareness material on the environment in general and on the nesting leatherback turtle in particulart in Trinidad and Tobago. The project addressed the acquisition and distribution of 200 video ( ... )
tes of a 45 minute documentary entitled 'An ancient species - a struggle for survival', produced by a local media company, to schools, Government agencies, NGOs/CBOs and other stakeholders. The documentary includes a segment on UNDP SHD and GEF Small Grants Programme.
Copies of the documentary were presented to representatives of schools, CBOs, NGOs and Government agencies by the UNDP
Phase 1
Project Number: GHA/98/027 |
The Centre is a Traditional Herbal Medicine Centre that uses many different herbs from the savannah zone of Ghana. Unfortunately, because of increases in human population and the demand for more farmlands, wild areas from which these resources are ( ... )
ed are shrinking. Other threats include bushfires and free grazing of livestock. As an answer to these threats, the Centre has been funded in the Pilot Phase to do in-situ protection of some species but this has faced serious bushfire.
In this project, the Centre was linked to plant taxonomist of the Ghana Herbarium and a horticulturist from the local university to assist in the collection,
Phase 1
Project Number: EG-OP1-03 |
* Training a group members of the NGO on skills of research, data collection and analysis
* Preparing a collective file containing all information about the Lake condition and its importance.
* Organizing a conference on how to rescue and benefit ( ... )
e Lake.
* Organize a public hearing meetings and workshops with the objective of creating a public opinion assisting the process of rescuing the Lake.
* Prepare and distribute printouts and stickers and prepare a video with the same
Phase 1
Project Number: MAR/95/G52/13 |
Development of the project 'Protection and Propagation of of Endemic/Indigenous Ornamental Plants' by the NGO with the help of consultants. |
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: MLI/97/22 |
Projet axé sur la restauration du couvert végétal et la préservation des ressources du fleuve Sénégal.
- l'information et l'éducation des populations pour une gestion plus rationnelle et durable des ressources du fleuve ;
- la ( ... )
ration du couvert végétal par la promotion des plantations communautaires et individuelles ;
- la diffusion de techniques et méthodes de défenses-restauration des sols ;
- la réalisation d'études d'avant-projet de fixation des berges.
- Identification et sélection des paysans sous-traitants, passation de contrats de production ;
- Formation pépiniéristes sous-traitant ;
Pilot Phase
Project Number: POL/98/01p |
3 meetings with experts were organised ( including Narwianski National Park) in three thematic blocks: forestry, agriculture and agrobiodiversity,and then individual consultations in Environmental Dept. of Voivodship Office in Bialystok, in ( ... )
ry of Agriculture in Warsaw (dr Anna Liro - potential possible funds from EU), Dr Wieslaw Podyma - IHAR in Radzikow, FAO coordinator/focal person for genetic resources of plants, Dr Elzbieta Martyniuk, CSHZ, FAO coordinator for genetic resources of
Phase 1
Project Number: POL/98/09 |
Restoration of an endangered species White Rabbit - Popielanski. It is the only Polish rabbit in FAO RED DATA BOOK of endangered breeds. Until this project protected only in conservation breeding in Jastrzebiec, the Polish Academy of Sciences ( ... )
ute ;
Project aims in bringing to 4 vulnerable communities 3 of people affected by HIV/AIDS in Wandzin,Darzewo and Lutynka and in Wladyslawowo of Barka Foundation for homelss people rabbit breeding for themselves and for sharing with poor in the vicinity, from previous state farms .It has good potential for unique product be offered to foreign markets, providing income generation for
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/049 |
The Kirala kelaya is a fast disappearing marsh due to a large area of it being used by farmers for paddy cultivation. At present the paddy lands are abandoned due to salinity and infested with weeds. With the loss of land, the marsh has ( ... )
y lost its bio diversity.
Objectives, activities
Rehabilitate the marsh in urban areas with Kirala and other mangrove plants which are fast disappearing due to land filling and minimize soil erosion and flooding of the area by regrowing the marsh
To rehabilitate 2 hectares of the marsh with Kirala (Sonaratia caeseolaris) and other mangrove plants.
Minimize soil erosion and flooding of the
Cote d'ivoire
Phase 1
Project Number: IVC/95/G52/007 |
In rural areas, people use fire to clean their fields and plantations, and also to keep wild animals away from those plantations. Unfortunately, this method is dangerous for both human beings and the floral wealth.
The objective of the project is ( ... )
tect the sacred forest of Komatu ? which is the only remaining forest undamaged ? contains important cultural and pertaining to worship relics for the village of Fengolo, as well as medical plants.
The protection of Komatu sacred forest will consist in promoting activities of honey production inside the forest, in order to prevent its burning by population due to the important icomes generated
Phase 1
Project Number: PAK/97/17 |
To adopt measures in collaboration with Government departments to reduce the sources of pollution of River Swat.
The project goals are to protect fresh water source from alide and liquid waste, to promote plan construction through developing land ( ... )
planning guidelines and to involve communities and stakeholders in the planning and management processes along with the government.
The participants are communities, government, and research and development organizations. The beneficiaries will also be the communities, also the tourists.
The anticipated results of the project are septic tanks made by hoteliers, better management of liquid
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: KAZ/98/07 |
A modern approach to the environmental issues solution presupposes the principle of public active involvement. The Declaration adopted during the conference of the United Nations Organization in Rio de Janeiro from June 3 till June 14, 1992 ( ... )
ledged public participation as the most important principle in the sphere of environment protection. Such approach has acquired great significance during recent years and showed high efficiency in environmental issues solution in many countries of the world. Development of such approach is highly important for Kazakhstan.
The non-governmental environmental movement on Kazakhstan began its
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: PAK/98/23 |
To print a monthly magazine for environment in Sindhi language.
Project Goals or objectives are to identify environment and health related issues of Sindh, to streamline data collection on environmental issues of Sindh, to disseminate awareness ( ... )
ironment and health, to update information on environment and health issues, to groom and motivate writers to take up environment and health issue
through periodic printed material.
Activities planned include, Periodic generation of information on environment and health, establishment of network of environmental clubs in rural high school/colleges
and communities through publications.
Phase 1
Project Number: GHA/98/028 |
The project is a jointly funded activity by the Centre, GEF/SGP, and the Royal Netherlands Embassy of Ghana to show a travelling exhibition prepared by the Rainforest Medical Foundation (RMF) to a wide spectrum of audience in the southern rainforest ( ... )
of Ghana. The emphasis of the exhibition is to show the significance of the loss of medicinal plants and diseases of and from deforestation particularly because hitherto not much attention had been given to the impending rainforest ?catastrophe?. ?It is generally accepted that medicinal plants provide the raw materials for at least 25 % of allotrophic western drugs?. The exhibits travelled to all
Phase 1
Project Number: BRA/98/06 |
This project takes place in the state of Minas Gerais, in the seven municipalities of the Jequitinhonha Valley affected by the construction of the Irapé hydroelectric power plant. The relationship between the small farmers with the Cerrado in the ( ... )
will be assessed, for better knowledge of their management techniques in agriculture and environment, viewing minimal environmental impacts in their relocation. Toward that end, public policy will be influenced by a demonstration of the relationship of sustainability established between the small farmer and the environment. The participation of the population in the entire process is guaranteed
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-JOR-95-G52-09 |
The project involvesthe three partner NGOs of the Recycling Coalition in waste sorting and income generating in support of Biogas project (a macro GEF project). The main achievements of the project so far are: larger numbers of people are becoming ( ... )
ers of the recycling process, more collection sites have been allocated, production of information materials on local recycled paper is increasing and improving in quality with more people getting convinced in using these products. The project is still maintaining its activities through the sale of recycled paper products and mobilizing other
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/021 |
There is an acute disposal problem of household waste in this semi-urbanized area.
Presently, the roads, drains and even paddy fields are used as dumping grounds.
Objectives, activities
Develop home gardens by producing compost ( ... )
omestic waste in 150 households, collect non decomposing material and send for recycling.
Produce compost out of domestic waste in 150 households in the area, by the use of 150 waste converter barrels, use the produced compost for home garden cultivation and excess to be sold at CBO center, thus generating income.
Collect non-decomposing material from these households to be sent for
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G20 |
Phu Tham Phu Kratae , a watershed area with 240 ha, is situated in Phu Rankam
national reserved forest. Draining into Chee River and Mekhong River , the creeks from this watershed area are supplying water for agriculture and livelihood for ( ... )
nding communities.
Moreover, it is a habitat for fishes which migrate upstream during egg-laying season.
The environment degradation which threatens the area can be classified as follows:
1. The natural gas drilling process around the area
2. The deforestation by communities so as to serve the industrial expansion
3. The pollution in the rivers affects the livelihood of fishes and