There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Costa rica
Pilot Phase
Project Number: COS/92/G51-06 |
Reforestación, regeneración natural y consolidación de un grupo de agricultores orgánicos que protege las montanas del sur del valle central, cuyas cuencas hidrográficas suplen gran parte del agua consumida por los habitantes de la ciudad de ( ... )
Costa rica
Pilot Phase
Project Number: COS/92/G51-07 |
Capacitación, acompanamiento y apoyo a un grupo indÃgena de la Reserva Guaymi en la Region de Conte Burica. Incluye la reforestación y regeneración natural de zonas montanosas degradadas por explotadores madereros externas y la creación de ( ... )
as modelo con técnicas agrÃcolas
Costa rica
Pilot Phase
Project Number: COS/92/G51-08 |
Manejo de bosque primario con reproducción de plantas ornamentales y medicinales, aprovechamiento de madera y ecoturismo, en una Reserva IndÃgena de la zona sur del paÃs. Incluye reforestación y regeneración natural de áreas degradadas y ( ... )
tación de guÃas e interpretes de la naturaleza.
Metas del proyecto:
-Proteccion de bosques de conservacion
- Reofrestacion de crocuencas y
-Conservacion de suelo
El proyecto se desarrollaria en las comunidades indigenas de Boruca, TErraba, Curre, Ujarras, Salitre y Cabagra, todas ubicadas en la zona sur del
Costa rica
Pilot Phase
Project Number: COS/92/G51-09 |
Creación de viveros de especies locales para suplir la demanda de finqueros reforestadores en la Zona Atlántica del paÃs, cuyos bosques han sido fuertemente impactados por la expansión bananera. Además de los beneficios ambientales los ingresos ( ... )
dos mejoran la calidad de vida de las
Costa rica
Multifocal Area
Pilot Phase
Project Number: COS/92/G51-010 |
Biomasa apoya tres diferentes organizaciones en igual número de comunidades: cocinas de lena mas eficientes con menos contaminación para el grupo de mujeres Coopetortilla, en Guanacaste, la Región más deforestada del paÃs. Aboneras orgánicas ( ... )
o técnico para una cooperativa de agricultores en el Cerro de la Muerte, carretera interamericana sur, donde el bosque ha sido fuertemente impactado por la producción de carbón vegetal. Comunidades involucradas.
Producción de vegetales orgánicos en las llanuras de San Carlos, región muy lluviosa, donde el abuso de los plaguicidas ha sido tradicionalmente muy
Costa rica
Pilot Phase
Project Number: COS/92/G51-11 |
Proyecto piloto de reforestación de nacientes de agua, creación de viveros de especies nativas y capacitación técnica, organizativa y ambiental de dos comunidades de los cantones de Puriscal y Acosta, identificadas por sus habitrantes como ( ... )
tes que están amenazadas por la ausencia de areas de protección y
Costa rica
Multifocal Area
Pilot Phase
Project Number: COS/92/G51-012 |
1) Capacitación de lÃderes comunales y maestros, consolidación de 10 bibliotecas ambientales, en igual número de comunidades. 2) Edición de un libro sobre las areas protegidas de Costa Rica para estudiantes de ensenanza primaria y 3) ( ... )
³n de un juego de tarjetas para ensenanza pre-escolar, con motivos de animales y plantas en extinción en Costa
Costa rica
Pilot Phase
Project Number: COS/92/G51-015 |
Apoyo para la cons-trucción de un taller y centro de comercialización de artesanias, para un grupo de mujeres de la región de Osa, donde el impacto de la agricultura intensiva sobre el ambiente amenaza la biodiversidad de la zona de ( ... )
guamiento del Area de Conservación
Pilot Phase
Project Number: TUN/92/G51/10 |
Le projet: Action Pilote de Protection des Forêts par l'intégration des populations vise à :
-Assurer la formation et l'encadrement de la population locale et les sensibiliser à la protection et à la gestion de leur propre ( ... )
-Etudier la nature des techniques qui seront utilisées pour améliorer la situation des populations et l'utilisation des ressources
-Alléger le travail de la femme et améliorer la situation des enfants
-Définir les actions complémentaires qu'il faudra entreprendre pour assurer l'adhésion des populations aux actions engagées pour la protection des forêts.
Les activités
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-JOR-92-G51-01 |
A women organization took the lead in forest management by managing and protecting forest land in Madaba area, an area close to the country's capital and is characterized by its historic and religious importance which attracts religious and eco ( ... )
m. The NGO established a training centre for youth and women. The center, called "Bait Al Bee'a" (Environment House), houses solar energy applications which are used to generate electricity needed for the center. Ancient cisterns were rehabilitated and other water harvesting techniques are also in place on site and are used, together with the solar energy applications, as practical
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-INS-93-G06 |
Project goals or objective (including GEF problem-area addressed by project) :
1. An approach to develop a sustainable Agroforestry System through training programme.
2. To discover alternative Agrosforestry Systems using environmentally sound ( ... )
nous practises.
3. To prepare a library and environment information resources centre.
4. To nurture a collaboration between Government and NGOs.
Activities to be carried out under project :
1. To encourage and increase the environmentally sound agroforestry system's motivation and awareness among the indigenous people throughout Indonesia.
2. To discover new approaches toward biodiversity
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: TUN/92/G51/08 |
* raising awareness and understanding of forest protection and use of energy-efficient technologies (Tabouna amélioré)
* Support for local community in using environmentally friendly practices
* training workshops in conservation practices and ( ... )
pment of tree planting
* support to local community for development solar ? energy
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BZE/93/05 |
The project?s goal is to provide the local community with an improved environment for the safety and good health of its residents. Specifically, the project will:
1. Review and revise existing training programs on conservation and environmental ( ... )
tion in order to make them relevant to the Belizean conditions and the age groups of the participants.
2. Prepare new training manuals and plan training programs.
3. Train leaders on conservation and environment.
4. Train leaders to train groups on conservation and environment.
5. Implement an environmental protection project within the community.
6. Investigate the condition of the
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-INS-93-G01 |
Goals :
1. To ensure the preservation of near-rare Aren Trees (Arenga Pinnata) in Java.
2. To maintain a continuous supply of nira as a raw ingredients for palm sugar production in the community.
Objective :
1. Ensuring the availibility of ( ... )
uality aren seeds and seedlings.
2. Creating and recreating areas for small scale community aren plantations.
Activities to be carried out under project :
1. Social Preparation
* Social survey
* Data survey analisize
2. Project Implementation
2.1. Issuing Information
* Mass comics production
* Villagers Radio
2.2. Aren Cultivation
3. Land preparation for seedling and
Multifocal Area
Pilot Phase
Project Number: TUR-93-02 |
The project aims at the training of technical personnel from public and private sector institutions in Turkey on environmental impact assessment. In involves a widely participated seminar and a compilation book including the presentations of the ( ... )
s from the training
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BZE/93/03 |
The project addressed a wide range of interrelated activities. It provided support for manatee and sea turtle research and conservation, provided for the planting of a thousand disease resistant coconuts to help control beach erosion, installed ( ... )
trines and biogas digesters for sewage control, put up signs, provided training in guiding and tourism and supported environmental awareness education in Gales Point Village.
Manatee research and hawksbill turtle research and nest protection efforts were a big portion of the project. Crocodile studies were also funded. A thousand lethal yellowing- resistant coconut trees were planted to
Multifocal Area
Pilot Phase
Project Number: KEN-GEF-93-002 |
A two days workshop to promote awareness on global environment problems among the NGO community and increase utilization of GEF Small Grants Programme funds. (A national report) |
Cote d'ivoire
Pilot Phase
Project Number: IVC/93/G004 |
La sous-préfecture de Brobo est située dans le centre de la côte d?ivoire. C?est une région de savane. Les pratiques culturales des paysans, notamment l?agriculture itinérante sur brûlis, pour la conquête de nouvelles terres, ( ... )
®nent la disparition de la biodiversité et l?appauvrissement des sols. Ce projet vise à promouvoir l?agroforesterie par l?association de Carapa procera et des cultures vivrières . Il s?agit de reboiser 20 ha de forêt par l?espèce, pour la production du bois de chauffe. Le Carapa procera a d'autres vertus à savoir la production d' l?huile et de savons médicinaux. Des
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PHI/11/92 (Pilot Phase 111-L) |
The project is about research and case study on the indigenous biodiversity loss prevention practices of the Ibaloi, Kankana-ey and Kalanguya tribes of Benguet province. Project outputs were used in the information-education-communities (IEC) ( ... )
m of the NGO proponent. The Igorot Tribal Assistance Group (ITAG) contracted a research team composed of members coming from project areas. A participatory process was adopted for the project where community leaders and other members took part in the documentation and analysis of the activities. There was community exchange or cross visits between communities involved for sharing of the
Pilot Phase
Project Number: TUR-93-03 |
Applied research, training, and development and implementation of a resource management plan , and public environmental education in Goksu Delta which is over 15,000 ha and is one of Turley's most important wetlands and is a Ramsar Site. It is ( ... )
ed and Area of Special Protection by the Ministry of Environment in 1990.