There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PHI/05/92 (Pilot Phase 105-L) |
Education and research for the development of a sustainable technology and resource management plan for the communities surrounding the Lake Baao.
This project intends to do the following: produce a environmental baseline data and community ( ... )
e of the barangays in Lake Baao; produce case studies on lake resources management; conduct capability building activities for project partners; develop and institutionalize community-based management plans at the barangay levels; and formation of a tripartite council of
Pilot Phase
Project Number: KEN-GEF-93-006 |
Working with fishing and farming communities to promote conservation and management of Lake Kanyaboli, a lake with endemic fish species. |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PHI/13/92 (Pilot Phase 113-L) |
The project is about the establishment of a plant bank for medicinal plant species in the Philippines and continuing education for urban populace on biodiversity conservation. Inventory/retrieval/documentation of herbal plants, actual plant ( ... )
ation, and regular lecture-demonstration workshops. The PIAF established the plant bank at the Quezon Memorial Circle in partnership with the Quezon Circle Memorial Foundation, which allowed the use of the space free of charge. Project staff and partners were hired for the project. Networking was forged with the Department of Health (DOH) and other health institutions including universities as
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PHI/14/92 (Pilot Phase 114-V) |
The project is about organizing the local showing of the TV Special, Sagada: Isang Sulyap sa Inang Kalikasan (Sagada: One Look at Mother Nature). PhilDHRRA-Visayas organized the showing of the TV Special with ABS-CBN local Channel 3. Promotion of ( ... )
lm showing was extensively done over a period of one month through radio advertisement, press releases and distribution of posters in the provinces of Negros Oriental, Cebu and Leyte. Feedback was gathered by the field staff of PhilDHRRA-Visayas. Because of the awareness this project brought up, they can now think twice in using these technologies and welcome alternatives in sustainable
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: IVC/93/G002 |
Dans la région d?Abidjan la consommation de charbon est en hausse constante. De plus en plus les ménages utilisent le charbon de bois comme source d?énergie pour les besoins de la cuisine. La méthode artisanale de carbonisation, pour la ( ... )
tion de charbon de bois, ne contribue pas à la conservation de l?écosystème.Le projet est conçu pour appuyer la recherche dans les nouvelles méthodes de carbonisation. Il s?agit de doter les bénéficiaires de technologies appropriées, faciles à vulgariser et permettant de réduire la consommation en ressource ligneuse dans le processus de la carbonisation. Une plantation de 10
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PHI/10/92 (Pilot Phase 110-V) |
The project is about mangrove ecosystem conservation through reforestation using local mangrove species, education and capability building of a coastal community. The project also included a livelihood component to directly address poverty ( ... )
ns. The Board of Gabayan Foundation Inc. handled implementation and management of the project. A full-time community organizer was hired for the project. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) was tapped for the technical assistance in mangrove planting activities. Project experience showed that: mangrove monocropping promoted pest development, hence, similar projects
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-JOR-92-G51-04 |
The proponenet conducted an intensive monitoring program of vehicle emissions and used the results of this monitoring to highlight the risks to human health and the global climate caused by pollution resulting from transport movement. The study ( ... )
s formed the bases for new standards and monitoring has become part of the vehicle annual testing
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-JOR-92-G51-03 |
The proponent, a youth NGO protected a natural site in Balqa' governorate, fenced it, introduced sound soil and land management practices on site, and used it as apractical field research site where young students can observe environment and ( ... )
t innovative activities in this field. Students could observe the revival of plant cover compared to the surrounding unprotected areas which suffer from overgrazing. A training center was established on site. Many public awareness activities promoting different environmental applications including water harvesting, composting wind and solar energy are still conducted until
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: TUN/95/G52/09 |
1.Le programme de micro-financements du Fonds pour l?Environnement Mondial(PMF/FEM) est en cours depuis six ans et a soutenu plus de 20 ONGs depuis son lancement en Tunisie en 1993 par les financements de plus de 30 micro-projets. ( ... )
jets assurent la jonction entre les activités locales à base communautaire et les domaines focaux du FEM, en particulier la préservation de la biodiversité, l?atténuation du changement climatique, et la protection des eaux internationales. Un des projets s?est intéressé à la couche d?ozone et deux autres au renforcement des capacités des organisations non gouvernementales.
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-JOR-92-G51-05 |
The NGO, located in Irbid, north of Jordan, and one of the community development centers of the Jordanian Fund for Human Development (JOHUD) established an olive tree nursery, enhanced an on-going project for home gardens including medicinal herbs ( ... )
e keeping, and carried out a training programme for the local community. Twenty five women from the local community participated monthly in project activities. By providing healthy seedlings to the local community, the project helped them to improve the quality of their products, rendering them more competitive. The Center also provided other development centers with quality seedlings and
International Waters
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-JOR-92-G51-08 |
The proponent established a palm plantation run by the community in an area where a rare ecosystem prevails (northern Jordan Valley shared by Jordan, Palestine and Syria). The NGO also carried out outreach activities. The project was duplicated on ( ... )
r scale with FAO funding in other areas in the Jordan Valley. The project was implemented by a community development council represernting local community directly with support and supervision from the Noor Al Hussein Foundation. The NGO acquired good experience in the field of palm plantation, organizing community work and liaising with other national institutions working in similar fields,
Pilot Phase
Project Number: TUN/92/G51/04 |
* Pilot testing of tree windbreaks to reserve land degradation and improve agricultural productivity and incomesLe projet pilote de brise vent dans la plaine du KEF vise à :
-Agrémenter la vue de la plaine
-Améliorer la qualité de la ( ... )
Développer la pratique de la culture maraîchère et de l'arboriculture puis d'augmenter leur production dans la région
-Protéger les cultures des vents dominants
-Mettre une nouvelle source d'humus à la disposition du sol pour augmenter la capacité de rétention
-Créer des postes d'emploi
-Maintenir de la population sur leur terre
Les activités du projet
Multifocal Area
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PHI/08/92 (Pilot Phase 108-V) |
The project is about an educational campaign for 5 NGOs and 25 POs on the global and local environmental issues to facilitate mobilization of communities for the rehabilitation and conservation of the various ecosystems. The Western Leyte ( ... )
tion for Agro-Rural Entities (WELFARE) spearheaded the project implementation. An education officer was hired to oversee the day-to-day activities.
Module development was a combined effort of WELFARE with the technical inputs from the Visayan State College (VISCA). Re-echo of the trainings/seminars were handled by NGOs and POs who attended the trainors
Cote d'ivoire
Pilot Phase
Project Number: IVC/94/G002 |
Toumodi se situe dans la centre de la Côte d?Ivoire, dans la zone de transition forêt-savane. C?est un écosystème fragile du fait de la forte pression sur les terres agricoles. le projet vise donc à lutter contre la désertification ( ... )
égradation des sols par l'introduction des cultures de couloirs et la production de l'agroforeterie dans 15 villages. une parcelle de 0,54 hectares de parcelles expérimentale d'agroforesterie sera créée et des champs temoins de 0,18 hectares seront réalisés par
Pilot Phase
Project Number: KEN-GEF-93-003 |
Group of environment club leaders will receive training on indigenous collection, propagation, tree nursery management and planting techniques. The project will then support demonstration centres and botanical gardens. |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: TUN/92/G51/05 |
Protecting the Matrouha Oasis through tree planting and management and irrigation development
Le projet: Protection de l'oasis de Matrouha contre l'envahissement par le sable vise à :Conserver la nouvelle palmeraie de l'Oasis de Metrouha ( ... )
l'envahissement par le Sable et assurer la réussite de celle ci
Les activités du projet sont:
-Créer une zone verte de ceinture
-Confectionner de tabias en terre
-Créer un réseau
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GHA/93/006 |
Project demonstrated ex-situ biodiversity protection by establishing a plot of depleted and increasingly rare medicinal trees and shrubs. Project also demonstrated in-situ conservation of some medicinal shrubs species by cultivating cashew in a ( ... )
ed field with high numbers of the rare medicinal plants. The project involved a total of 30 threatened medicinal plants. The beneficiaries also cultivated a woodlot for fuelwood for preparing herbal
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GHA/93/003 |
31st December Women?s Movement recognized excessive extraction of fuelwood as a major threat to biodiversity conservation and soil conservation in Savelugu-Nanton, Tolon-Kumbungu and Tamale Districts of Northern Ghana. In response, project ( ... )
ished three community nurseries and trained community members especially women in environmental protection, sustainable agroforestry, and woodlot establishment to reduce the extraction of fuelwood from the wild and so conserve the habitat for plant and animal
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GHA/93/001 |
Capacity building workshops for members of NARWOA (National Refrigeration and Air conditioning Workshop Owners Association).Theory included GEF criteria, chemistry of CFC?s and other halons, and their effect on the ozone layer; the effect of ozone ( ... )
depletion on life on earth. Theory was followed by role-play on bad refrigeration practices that lead to the emission of CFCs and how good practices reduce leakage of CFCs from appliances and save them money while protecting the ozone layer. Project raised public awareness of CFC as Ozone Depleting Substances. NGO?s report on project impact showed widespread adoption of good practices by
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GHA/93/007 |
Rehabilitation of Biogas Plant Lessons learned: biogas technology is feasible and can serve as an alternative to fuelwood for domestic energy but brick-lined underground fixed dome is too expensive for the rural poor; a cheaper design needs to be ( ... )
ped. The technology solves sanitation problems and produces a liquid slurry for vegetable gardening; it is best to target individual households rather than community