There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BZE/93/01 |
The goal of the project is to install permanent reef moorings to reduce anchor damage in areas of the reef and atolls frequently used. It also includes a marine tour guide training workshop associated with an introduction to the use, maintenance and ( ... )
ng behind the installation of reef moorings.
Pilot Phase
Project Number: KEN-GEF-93-007 |
Mobilization of coastal communities to conserve threatened mangroves and related ecosystems. |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: KEN-GEF-93-004 |
Conservation and sustainable utilization of V. Pseudolablab a food and fodder crop which is under threat due to overgrazing in a fragile habitat (sedentarisation) of the Pastoralist Maasai. |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: KEN-GEF-93-001 |
Raising and exporting for sale butteflies through access in the forest by the local community around the forest in order to change negative attitudes towards threatened forest. |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PHI/09/92 (Pilot Phase 109-L) |
The project is about awareness building on environmental issues, concerns as well as counter measures through public information campaign and community mobilization. The Popular Institute for Rural-Urban Development in Bicol Inc. (POPDEV-Bicol) ( ... )
a Project Committee to oversee the implementation and management of the project. Participatory approach was adopted in all the various stages of the project. Networking with schools, LGUs, and other interest groups was done to forge collaborative efforts in the conduct of the training, symposia, and other IEC
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PHI/12/92 (Pilot Phase 112-L) |
This project intends to establish an environmentally-sound/sustainable mechanism of managing non-timber forest products (NTFPs) through capability building of local indigenous communities and assciations. The Nagkakaisang mga Tribu ng Palawan ( ... )
PAL) managed and coordinated the project after the installation of the necessary policies and operational guidelines (i.e. several months from the start of the project). Decision-making in all aspects of the project was the responsibility of the NATRIPAL. The Tribal Filipino Apostolate Palawan (TFA) apart from being the project holder, provided technical and administrative
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-INS-93-G03 |
Project goals or objective (including GEF problem-area addressed by project) :
1. Raising environmental understanding among the Sinaka Community, government official (PHPA field worker, subdistrict social worker, and subdistric official), ( ... )
cher, NGO, etc., and awareness on conservation as an alternative development model in Mentawai Island.
2. Assessing areas which can be managed and used by the local community.
3. Identifying and developing the new economic resources, such as alternative marine resources and management, ecoturism, small scale farming, small plantation, etc., particularly for the local community.
4. Achieving
Cote d'ivoire
International Waters
Pilot Phase
Project Number: IVC/93/G005 |
Dans la région de Grand-Bassam (50 km d?abidjan), la gestion des ordures ménagères se limite à leur rejet dans la lagune et dans la mer. Ce phénomène conduira à terme à la pollution des plages et à la disparition ( ... )
ssive de la biodiversité du milieu marin.Ce projet veut démontrer, par l?exécution d?activités de portée limitée, l?efficacité de méthodes permettant de conserver la diversité biologique et de réduire la pollution des eaux internationales.Il s?agit d?initier une politique de bonne gestion des ordures ménagères (tri manuel, valorisation, collecte) et d?élaborer une stratégie de
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BZE/93/04 |
The main purpose of the proposal is to promote the development of St. Margaret?s Village through the effective co-management (AFFBL and the Forestry Department) of Five Blues Lake National Park and the generation of a local tourist industry ( ... )
ted to the park. This was actually a pilot project for building an office for AFFBL, providing salaries for park wardens and paying consultation fees and supporting other
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BZE/93/07 |
The objectives of the project are:
1. To protect the Aguacaliente Lagoon as a critical habitat for many species of wildlife and exotic animals therein, such as the tapir, gibnut, turtles, wild ducks, the jabiru stork and many species of fish and ( ... )
2. To promote environmental issues awareness through community workshops.
3. To promote community based eco-tourism for greater self sufficiency.
4. To refrain from slash and burn agriculture around the area of the lagoon, by introduction of sustainable agricultural
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-INS-93-G05 |
Project goals or objective (including GEF problem-area addressed by project) :
1. To develop local the people's perception and understanding on the Javan rhino conservation effforts.
2. To develop a harmonious interaction mechanism between local ( ... )
ity and national park management, and amongst other relevant institutions, as an endeavor to develop a national park participative-management.
3. To assist in improving the Javan rhino's population growth by means of increasing pressures and regulations against poaching activities as well as rehabilitating their natural habitat.
Activities to be carried out under this project
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BOT/95/G51/001 |
Support for a white rhino breeding programme in Botswana. |
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GHA/93/005 |
A series of training workshops were organised for 30 women from 8 communities in Tolon-Kumbungu District of Northern Ghana. The training was preceded by environmental education and demonstrations on the efficiency of the FEW stove made from local ( ... )
als: clay, cow dung and chopped straw; was tested and found to be 30% more efficient than traditional stoves. Trainees later trained women in 8 neighbouring communities. All users attested to the following: the stove cooks faster, uses less fuelwood, produces less smoke and reduces the chances of accidental
Pilot Phase
Project Number: TUN/92/G51/01 |
* Raising conservation awareness and mobilising community action to contribute to management of Touati Nature reserve,
* Preparation of technical studies on biodiversity conservation.
Le projet contribution à l'Aménagement de la Réserve ( ... )
lle de TOUATI vise à :
-Conserver la diversité biologique et démontrer l'efficacité de cette conservation.
-Préserver le patrimoine biologique national et conserver les espèces de la Faune et de la Flore sauvage protégée.
-Maintenir l'existence de l'Aigle Royal
-Conserver la Faune migratrice et installer d'un observatoire ornithologique.
-Contribuer de la population par le
Pilot Phase
Project Number: TUN/92/G51/07 |
* Classification of the area of THYNA as a natural reserve. * Biodiversity survey and development of a geographical information system. * Awareness ? raising and training of local communities.
Le projet: Contribution à la ( ... )
tion d'une zone humide et à la création d'un parc national sur le littoral Sud de Sfax "Parc Thyna" vise à :
- Conserver la Biodiversité dans une zone humide à Sfax couvrant 5000ha environ
- Contribuer à la création d'un parc national
Les activités du projet sont:
-Préparer un dossier juridique du parc à décréter comportant:
* le plan du parc
Costa rica
Pilot Phase
Project Number: COS/92/G51-01 |
Consolidación de cinco grupos de voluntarios que colaboran con labores de protección, integración de la comunidad, educación ambiental y restauración de las zonas de amortiguamiento del sistema de áreas protegidas de Costa Rica.
-Grupo Ojoche ( ... )
dades de La Fortuna, La Guaria y el Castillo en San Carlos, Alajuela)
-Grupo Filadelfia (comunidades de Filadelfia, Ortega y Puerto Humo, del canton de Carrillo, Guanacaste
- Grupo Corcovado, atendiendo las comunidades de Puerto Jimenez, La Palma y Cerro de Oro
- Grupo Rio Celeste, atendiendo Bijagua, Upala, San Miguel de Upala y guatuzo
- Grupo Bagaces, atendiendo Bagatzi, Falconiana y
Costa rica
Multifocal Area
Pilot Phase
Project Number: COS/92/G51-02 |
Capacitación de jueces, funcionarios gubernamentales y líderes comunales, en 10 comunidades donde el Programa de Pequenas Donaciones ejecuta otros proyectos productivos. Incluye seguimiento, boletines periódicos con legislación ambiental, ( ... )
rudencia y una línea para denuncia ecológica atendida por especialistas en legislación ambiental.
A. Fortlaecer la capacidad institucional de las oNGs y grupos comunales organizados que traajan en el campo de ptorecci´pon de nuestros recursos naturales, para brindar información actualizada, asesoria y capacitación especializada en el campo juridico-ambiental.
B. Demostrar a
Costa rica
Pilot Phase
Project Number: COS/92/G51-03 |
Capacitación de 54 maestros y creación de viveros forestales en igual número de comunidades rurales en las llanuras de San Carlos. Las plantas son usadas en programas comunitarios.
Objetivos Generales:
-Promover la restauración y posterior ( ... )
vacion del medio ambiente y el equilibrio ecologico, mediante programs de capacitación adaptados a las particularidades de las comunidades y de los participantes.
-Promover la integración social comunitaria meidante la creación de actividades educativas y culturales dirigidas al mejoramiento del ecosistema
Costa rica
Pilot Phase
Project Number: COS/92/G51-04 |
Creación de cinco huertos tropicales familiares, los cuales demuestran que el empleo de prácticas agrícolas de bajo impacto ambiental tienen un alto impacto en la generación de utilidades y restauran la productividad de los ( ... )
1. Mejorar los huertos mixtos tropicales existentes como una base productiva para la autosuficiencia que permita conservar y aprovechar la biodiversidad.
2. Diversificar la Dieta de las familias indigenas mediante la siembra de cultivos propios de la zona.
3. Dar alternativas economicas a los habitantes de la reserva.
4. Promocionar el mejoramiento de los huertos mixtos
Costa rica
Pilot Phase
Project Number: COS/92/G51-05 |
Consolidación de una finca demostrativa comunal que produce especies nativas de árboles para reforestación de cuencas degradadas y mejora los ingresos y la dieta de los campesinos propietarios. |