There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: KAZ/05/07 |
In Pervomaysky village during certain time interval as a result of human vital functions and activity of the chemical enterprises a set of industrial wastes have accumulated. Some people find POPs and try to profit by sale, but frequently they find ( ... )
nces which it is impossible to sell and, as a rule people not having comprehended consequence, leave them on open air or near to the houses. Also since 1995 extensive development of the agricultural territories have been started with pesticides usage with some POPs characteristics. The negative POPs influence on processes of reproduction and hereditary attributes, and also its ability to cause
Climate Change Mitigation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MOZ/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/2005/06 |
Destruction of forest cover along the Beira ? Chimoio corridor road is notorious and increasing. The project will aim to establish a biodiesel production skim through Jatropha oil. A Jatropha tree nursery will be established, and tree fences will be ( ... )
protect community farming areas of ten communities. In future Jatropha trees will provide firewood, and its seeds oil. Community members will receive rope pumps to secure a continuous multiplication. The project will also disseminate the use of improved stoves that will save firewood.
Sofala province faces high levels of HIV-AIDS contamination, is one of the poorest provinces, and faces food
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/04/34 |
Land degradation is a big environmental problem which often causes economic damages to herders? livelihoods in Mongolia. Herders loose many animals every year due to insufficient grass growth caused by land degradation. People do not know how to ( ... )
land degradation. However, many people suggest that green fodder plantation which can restore depleted and abandoned crop lands may help solve the problem. A community from Tuvshruuleh sum of Arhangai province has strongly suggested to exercise a green fodder cultivation practice in a area where soil erosion and land degradation has been intensified by natural factors. It will be a win-win
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: UGA/05/50 |
Nyakigufu Rwoho Development Association is a local community based organisation operating in Ntungamo district. It is involved in the promotion of sustainable forest community based activities aimed at mitigating the negative environmental impacts ( ... )
t about by the degradation of the Nyakigufu and Rwoho forest reserves which stretch from Mbarara through Ntungamo districts into Rwanda. The forest reserves act as a water catchment area for the area.
The project area experiences high rates of deforestation and land degadation resulting from over population, human settlement and unsustainable agricultural practices. As a result the area
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/04/24 |
Support to very active local community, which is reconstructing old school building (constructed by the Ukrainian community for Polish children in 1930s unique place of cohabitation).Building , will serve as educational center, information ( ... )
tic point with services, place of local pro-ecological eductonal activities, establishment of a local orchad of native, local varieties of fruit trees and small arboretum collecting all local species ; introduction of modern use of renewable energy technology (boiler for biomass and solar panels). Boiler house will serve also adjacent building of kindergarden, replacing old small coal fired
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: BRA/05/34 |
This project is aimed at implementation of a popular medicinal plant pharmacy for health care and medicinal plant cosmetics manufacturing for the market. This would result in improved health for families and generation of income for agricultural ( ... )
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/04/70 |
According to preliminary surveys conducted by Sungi, much of the population in the Abbottabad uses devices with low energy efficiency. This adds to high use of energy yet comparatively less utility of these devices for meeting the intended purpose. ( ... )
ste energy indeed adds to environmental pollution at local level and greenhouse gas emission affected climate at a global scale. The project thus intends to introduce energy efficient devices in the target communities using a social marketing approach.
Specifically, the project will target three areas of improving energy efficiency: (a) Reduction of electricity consumption by introducing low
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: GUA/05/13 |
This project is about work of the 13 women and 27 men in organic agriculture with the cultives of the potatoes, broad beens, and the establishment of one forestall nursery additional to the one already managed by the organization, to produce 2,000 ( ... )
h red pine, with pine, cypress, abies guatemalensis, canaqué and alder trees, to diminish deforestation.
3.64 will be cultivated with potatoes and Creole broad beans to improve their diet and for sale. Part of the tree production will also be used for commercialization.
All project?s participants will be trained in organic management of forestall nurseries and orchards, as well as in soil
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: GUA/05/18 |
This project intends to solve the problems of soil erosion, through their preservation, reforestation and organic management of nurseries, as well as of the orchards to be cultivated.
Participants 34 women and 6 men will cultivate beans, broad ( ... )
and colors corn, along with white two species of pines and alders trees these are in 4.45 has of land.
For the success of this project 40 participants will be trained on issues as environment, agro-forestry, organic agriculture, gender equity, forestall nurseries, and monitoring and evaluation of projects. For the sustainability, one part of the production will be used for seed cultivation,
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: GUA/05/19 |
This 41 people project proposes to establish a forestall nursery for the production of 20,000 forestall timber-yielding trees as alders, reddish pines, white pine and oak with the purpose of protecting their water sources through reforestation in ( ... )
rgins of the Coatán River and of obtaining incomes through the local sale of seedlings in a bag . Production of firewood and general preservation of the environment is foreseen when cultivating trees in an organic way.
One of the main components of the project is the participants? training in issues as forestall products, soil preservation, reforestation of 5.60 has, they too cultive plots
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: GUA/05/16 |
This project is about the establishment of 37 plots of organic cultivation, each plot of beans, straw and quixtán and hierba mora (Solanum Wendlandii Hook and Solanum Americanum Miller). Each plot will be worked with soil preservation techniques ( ... )
races and living barriers, amounting to 5.05 has organically worked by the 37 project participants all women in additon the establishment of the one nursery trees with avocado white pine and alder trees for forestall ending.
Among the schedule main activities are training issues on soil preservation, production of pesticides, fertilizers, fungicides and organic foliares fertilizers, and
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: GUA/05/12 |
30 women and 5 men work in this project in the organic cultivation of broad beans,bean, color's corn, and native pumpkin, potatoes and techniques of the soil preservation.
For project sustainability, one section will be designed to sow seeds, ( ... )
r for consumption, and the other for commercialization. This proposed plan will solve food and economic problems. All cultives are managment with the use of organic agriculture and the preservation of soil, the diminishing of soil erosion will be achieved, as well as preservation of water sources.
For the success of this project people will get trained on issues such as soil preservation,
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: GUA/05/17 |
This project focuses on reforesting the community water sources area and generating incomes for the 50 participants, 38 women and 12 men. They too have plots with organic agriculture of potatoes and broad beans
Main activities will include to ( ... )
nursery, training in forestall issues, production and organic management of the nursery, monitory and evaluation of the project. Most of the production will be for sale. Final product of this project is expected to be the 40,000 forestall and fruit trees as avocado, oak, cypress and alder trees.
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: WSM/OP3/01/05/06 |
The Women's Committee of Sapunaoa Village is trying to promote the importance of managing the environment because of the lack of awareness and understanding about sustainable natural resource management. This will be the first environment project ( ... )
ented in the village of Sapunaoa, and its also look at a way of utilizing a large number of unemployed young women of the village to do organic garden for the village.
The project will promote organic farming through trainings of women about the process of natural vegetables growth without pesticide uses and fertilizers.
Objective: to provide an opportunity for young women of Sapunaoa Village
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: WSM/OP3/01/05/28 |
The project aims to promote the importance of sustainable land management and it intends to do organic farming focussing on sustainable agriculture. In this way, it will teach the members of the committee how to do composting and manage land ( ... )
rces by phasing-out the use of pesticides in plantations. This will also contribute to the community's subsistence livelihood.
Capacity building workshops and environment educational programmes
Establish a demonstration organic garden for village
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: WSM/OP3/01/05/29 |
The project aims to promote the importance of sustainable land management and it intends to do organic farming focussing on sustainable agriculture. In this way, it will teach the members of the committee how to do composting and manage land ( ... )
rces by phasing-out the use of pesticides in plantations. This will also contribute to the community's subsistence livelihood.
Capacity building workshops and environment educational programmes
Establish a demonstration organic garden for village
Papua new guinea
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: PNG/05/03 |
The project was completed and produced a project proposal for full funding, submitted for secretariat review, falls in the focal area of climate change and programmed to remove barriers to energy conservation as the rural hyro power project.
The ( ... )
t involved meeting with the governmental energy department, to introduce the concept of the project and to seek government support, which at this stage is uncertain as no supportive document is attached with the project proposal. The other meeting that the proponent was subjected to was with the institution, Appropriate Technology and Community Development Inc. and it is uncertain whether this
Phase 2
Project Number: ROM/05/03 |
The project aims, among others, at involving local communities in designing the Management Plan for Apuseni Natural Park, promoting agri-tourism in the Northern part of Apuseni Mountains, improving waste management system in the area of the Park and ( ... )
loping a pilot economic activity by using wood waste.
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/04/32 |
Fortalecer las capacidades de las comunidades indígenas en la gestión de su territorio y el uso sustentable de sus recursos naturales potenciando el desarrollo del ecoturismo local |
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
Phase 2
Project Number: SEN/04/18 |
Ce projet a pour objectif général : d'identifier et restituer les bonnes pratiques de gestion des domaines focaux du FEM à partir des actions mise en oeuvre par le PMF/FEM dans sa deuxième phase opérationnelle au Sénégal.
Objectif ( ... )
fiques :
- Faire le point sur les expériences réussies des projets soutenus par le PMF/FEM dans 2ème phase opérationnelle ;
- Informer largement les populations sur le thème de la Journée Mondiale de l'Environnement en rapport avec les expériences réussies de la seconde phase