There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: KAZ/05/05 |
The problem of POPs is quite new for Kazakhstan. The population knows a little what POPs are, as a result of what activity they are formed, what danger POPs represent for people health. Thus, informing public about POPs and involving of the most ( ... )
groups into the problem solving activities is extremely important.
The project will promote raising awareness of the population about POPs by means of realization of a number of information and educational activities.
The project tasks:
1) To conclude cooperation agreements with potential partners of the project (municipal government, state educational departments, Universities, Medical
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: PER/05/06 |
El sector de Pasaje Norte y Piedra Mora están ubicado en medio de los bosques secos del Departamento de Lambayeque, en el distrito de olmos, y pertenece a la Comunidad Campesina Santo Domingo de Olmos, Los comuneros de estos sectores tiene al ( ... )
como único sustento para su supervivencia, muy pocos tiene actividades en ambitos externos; entre las principales actividades que realizan tenemos la ganadería, apicultura y la comercialización de algarroba, existe también extracción de madera ilegal, que esta conllevando aun perdida de productividad de su bosque y a un enfrentamiento entre los mismo pobladores, por existir un grupo de
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: PER/05/07 |
La presente planificación participativa esta orientado ha elaborar un proyecto participativo con los beneficiarios directos que son: los pescadores artesanales Asociación de Chalaneros Isla Blanca y los aliados como: la Universidad Nacional del ( ... )
? Escuela de Biología en Acuicultura, Colegio de Biólogos, Universidad Los Ángeles de Chimbote ? Escuela de Turismo, Escuela Acuática ?Los Delfines?, Dirección Regional de Pesquería, Ministerio de Turismo e Integración, Cámara de Turismo, Municipalidad Provincial del Santa ? Proyecto Parque Metropolitano, Instituto Ambientalista Natura, Instituto Nacional del Mar Peruano, Capitanía de
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/05/70 |
Project development Goal:
To develop collaboration planning on community forest as an enterprise of non-timber forest production in conserving southern part of Dolok Ginjang forest.
Project Objectives:
1. To increase quality and knowledge ( ... )
ities in conserving forest ecosystems.
2. To increase community incomes through honey production with a pilot in two dusuns (four CBOs) and to set up its marketing system
3. To develop monitoring, campaign, and forest conservation systems.
Expected Output:
1. Empower Community for doing revolving fund
2. 10% of villagers from two dusuns has to follow building apiary activities
3. The
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/05/67 |
Project development Goal:
To develop collaboration planning on logged-over and gold mining areas rehabilitation in Monterado and Samalanta, Bengkayang district West Kalimantan.
Project Objectives:
1.To identify problems in logged-over and gold ( ... )
2.To analyze traditional patterns which are developed by community to conserve the nature.
3.To participatory build perspectives from stakeholders on logged-over and gold mining rehabilitation management.
4.To design the program with community and related stakeholders to develop agenda on participatory logged-over and gold mining rehabilitation management.
Expected Output:
Phase 2
Project Number: SUR/04/08 |
This project has been implemented to provide the community of Kalebaskreek support to produce a proposal for the economic empowerment of the community of Kalebaskreek through conservation of biodiversity (eco-tourism). |
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: KAZ/05/13 |
This planning grant 1)enhances the degree and the quality of community and stakeholder participation in the project design and development, 2) provides the grantee with access to relevant scientific and technical expertise to ensure that the project ( ... )
ound scientific and technical foundation, 3) provides access to technical assistance in sound project design and development
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/30 |
In existing available housing system the reserves are still available to economize heat, being consumed for heat supply of condominium objects due to warming of the outside fences and implementation of efficient methods of automatic heat control and ( ... )
er regulation system. But realization of the measures goes slowly. It concerned with the high costs for implementation, and proprietors are not interested in taking such expenditures upon themselves.
The main idea of the project is to involve apartment proprietors into activities on warming of apartment houses and automatic heat control and regulation system installation, demonstration of
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/31 |
This planning grant 1)enhances the degree and the quality of community and stakeholder participation in the project design and development, 2) provides the grantee with access to relevant scientific and technical expertise to ensure that the project ( ... )
ound scientific and technical foundation, 3) provides access to technical assistance in sound project design and development
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2004-PG008(IRA98G52) |
Owan Lake and its beautiful surrounding environment is a major tourism site, however, it is now in danger of misuse of the resources and strains from the tourism flux among other threats such as lack of local custodianship, insufficient ( ... )
departmental coordination, poverty, unemployment, immigration, etc. The overall goal of the full grant project is to create and implement a local co-management for the protection and sustainable use of the Owan Lake which will also ameliorate the issues of the local community of the region. The project will undertake the establishment and empowerment of a local Eco-tourism Cooperative which
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: GUA/05/02-PG |
Dontion for planning the project to SGP, this amount will be for meetings, local travel, pictures, photocopies and sundries in Cantón Los Jiménez, Caserío Molino Viejo, Comitancillo, San Marcos |
Phase 2
Project Number: SUR/04/09 |
This planning grant has been provided to the community of Apura and surroundings to develop a proposal on sustainable handicrafts i.e. non-timber forest products. |
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/UNF-GEF/05/03 |
The planning grant funds will be used by the Monkey River Tour Guide Association to organize and conduct community consultations to develop a proposal and to hire a consultant to write the project proposal. |
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: BZE/05/06 |
The planning grant will facilitate the preparation of the proposal for institutional strengthening and strategic planning of the Moho River Watershed Association. The main purpose of the grant will be to involve watershed stakeholders in project ( ... )
ng and to start the process of building the capacity of the MRWA executive members. It will be used to provide logistical support to the MRWA for obtaining input from participating communities. Consultation meetings will be held in all six watershed communities. Planning grant funds will also assist with funding an initial stakeholder planning
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/UNF-GEF/05/04 |
The planning grant will be used by the Sarteneja Wildlife, Environment and Ecotourism Team to conduct community consultation meetings with stakeholders of Sarteneja Village to gather information and seek input for the development of an alternative ( ... )
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: IRA-05-PG01(9PG) |
The Planning Grant is for the proposal given with regards to rehabilitating the springs of Hezar Konian Village for the following activities:
o extracting the baseline required
o to formulate the logical framework of the proposal
o use ( ... )
cal experts for the baseline and participatory project
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/22 |
The main idea of the project is to arrange a research for identification of priority environmental problems at the local level (remote areas in different parts of the country) and revealing directions on how local communities may solve the ( ... )
nmental problems within the GEF/SGP framework. The research is going to be made with the help of Counterparts' regional centers in 8
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/24 |
The main idea of the project is to arrange a research for identification of priority environmental problems at the local level (remote areas in different parts of the country) and revealing directions on how local communities may solve the ( ... )
nmental problems within the GEF/SGP framework. The research is going to be made with the help of Counterparts' regional centers in 8
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/23 |
The main idea of the project is to arrange a research for identification of priority environmental problems at the local level (remote areas in different parts of the country) and revealing directions on how local communities may solve the ( ... )
nmental problems within the GEF/SGP framework. The research is going to be made with the help of Counterparts' regional centers in 8
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/25 |
The main idea of the project is to arrange a research for identification of priority environmental problems at the local level (remote areas in different parts of the country) and revealing directions on how local communities may solve the ( ... )
nmental problems within the GEF/SGP framework. The research is going to be made with the help of Counterparts' regional centers in 8